This is it. The next 2 years will be absolutely critical to humanity's freedom and right to self determine. If the censorship war does not get won before October-december 2026, then we are out of time and luck.

Everything up til now has been prep and warmups.😉

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Well done Jennifer! Excellent expose. The psychopaths running the asylum are being revealed.

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Thanks. It is good to see some truth.

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You’re very welcome!💖

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See his Yu toob also. V revealing docs from RKI only obtained via Court order.

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JD - And in Germany, the mask comes off... https://youtu.be/-RQxD4Ff7dY?t=34

Rest assured that outside of substack and some tweets, you could ask 7.5K people about this, and only one might be aware. Those would be the same odds of dying from accidental poisoning OR a 0-69yo dying from (survival rate 99.986% AND that number includes all that died testing "positive" WITH C19, NOT FROM) what was called a "pandemic" that went viral.

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https://youtu.be/V9pKcmJvHC8?si=PKHgs9Sw1dXzm5do 🤔

Pay no attention ....because ...

you get what you want.

Compliance because it tastes good or looks good.

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JJ Couey has been saying this for a while.....pls, listen, if you can...... https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological

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I listened to that last night and it was good but I need to learn more about the DNA clones. Sounds valid.

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I'm beginning to think these reveals are all in the globalists plans. Problem- corrupt governments, contracts for mates, insider knowledge - buy shares in pHARMA, Public Reaction (now that no vaccine was ever needed and the millions of lives ruined, financially, deaths through all interventions, injuries and jab deaths), absolute fury and demands for tearing down governments and heads to roll. Their solution, demanded by the people, of course, will be to get rid and start anew. What do you get? A Build Back Better!

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I have a post started about a trend I saw in online courses. One love, global interconnectedness, love, the world needs us! But the symbols used include some Illuminati ones. The New Agers are being led into Satanism through a side door I think.

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Or maybe the luciferians are using the satanists as useful idiots.

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Well, I meant the Luciferians seem to have controlled ops among the New Agey crowd with loving sounding goals but also new world order, global reset type of things too. Part of the group without being called a Satanist or Freemason or something more obviously connected.

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It’s most certainly a complicated game we play! 😵‍💫

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Yes, actually, that does seem to have been part of the role play scenario and plan.

Make it so obvious national governments are corrupt that some well meaning seeming group will rise up to takeover beneficently.

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