Scope of practice is a safety circle; Banking meltdown and other financial news.
and my 3x4 Genetics report - I am glad to have made it through some difficult hurdles. Their report is an easy way to approach the complexity of genes with nutrient impacts.
“Stay in your lane” is a common phrase that has annoyed me at times - everyone should be able to think or write about what they want. When making clinical recommendations though, clinicians do need to stay in their lane as the depth of knowledge within specialties is deep - many clinical specialties may know the big picture of a condition or body function without knowing the minutia that can have risks.
In the last post I mentioned my bad day which started around 2 am Monday. In brief, I had been eating too much all weekend including too much of my pomegranate avocado cake, and also sumac and bitter rhubarb root powder (which is yummy not just bitter). In a nutshell, I way overdid both diuretic ingredients and bulky food in general 😋
Binge eating for emotional reasons is a problem I have had to work on. Also, part of my gene differences in endocannabinoid metabolism makes both binge overeating or an anorexic no-appetite more likely. Most of my life the overeating has been my main problem but I have had an anorexic episode due to very low zinc. Just swallowing food was difficult at that time. It felt dry and painful going down the throat. Pyroluria is the likely gene issue and I have taken 50 mg of zinc most days and vitamin B6 or the more bioactive P5P form ever since. I finally got my genetic screening results back - there was a flub up digitally - they thought I had it in January on a page of their site but it wasn’t showing. Purple is the high-risk color followed by dark blue, then light blue and the tan color is low impact. I will share the report as an example that may be of interest to anyone who followed along with my genetics Table series. The report is telling me what I mostly had figured out but in an easier to use way. Also when they recommend ‘broccoli, cruciferous veg, or sulfarophane’ read that as ‘any Nrf2 Promoting foods or phytonutrients’ because they would also work - I like to provide people lots of choices.

More background info - nicotine upsets the digestive system, FYI.
Nicotine lozenges have been part of my day, and night, since May 2021, when I had a bad passive exposure illness. It stopped colitis at the time, which my usual strategies hadn't helped. It also seemed to help my ADHD and balance my cannabinoid use - I didn't seem to need or want as much. BUT, while nicotine itself is not a cancer risk it does cause digestive upset at times and can lead to Rh. arthritis.
Arthritis was already a risk for me with a Grave’s disease history and I have had some painful knuckle changes. So stopping nicotine might be best if the CoV issues don't return.
Back to the bad night, I woke up around 2 am, had some exercises in bed time, got up, had a bit of nicotine lozenge (about 1 mg piece is ~ 1 cigarette). With the excess stuffed belly, I felt queasy and had to get up to throw up - quite a bit. Sadly, that does happen, hadn't in a while, but queasy gut is my thing. Then, muscle cramps started and a racing heart rate.
Tachycardia is something I am also familiar with from having had POTS symptoms twice and getting better twice. Excess stress and bad air from smoking or smog and lack of methyl folate were factors in POTS risk, and I had noticed some early signs that I was getting a little worse again. So I tried to elevate my legs, took a methyl folate, drank some baking soda water in case I was too acidic and had a little salt and water. None of that helped.
The CoV fear does seep through a bit, do I have bad blood vessels? The genetic research about my homocysteine and cardiac risks did too. I had planned to see a cardiologist after learning more about my longterm risks and then the medical system is setting up unvaccinated diagnostic codes and I DO NOT COMPLY.
No bioweapon jabs for passive exposed me, I got plenty sick without the adjuvant. ← toxins they purposely add to make the immune system respond strongly. Too strongly, too often. TOXINS - being injected into babies and pregnant women. That is not okay.
Back to my bad night, I thought magnesium bath, I am due, maybe that will help. No 👎 it just made me freezing (and my hair is too long really). At some point the biggest dumbest mistake I made was to take one of my mom's for emergency use only nitroglycerin tablets.
It seemed to help and I took a second one about a half hour later. Doubling my error.
Potential side effects of nitroglycerin whether you need it or not - severe headache, nausea, vomiting. ✅️😕 can confirm. All day Monday I was throwing up yellow stomach acid and couldn't keep any water down - and peeing a lot. I am very cleared out now, no edema anywhere in me.
If you don’t need nitroglycerin then it pushes the body to very low blood pressure and the body will try to compensate by going into tachycardia. Oh. Good to know. The Ambulance attendant was very kind and understanding. She helped me breath and calm and she thought it was a panic attack AND that I was lucky to be alive as the bottle of nitroglycerin had expired 4 years ago.
I took the opportunity of a day of extreme headache to withdraw from nicotine and smoking marijuana. Eventually I will need the marijuana again, as I genetically need it, but clearing out the formaldehyde smoke toxins is a good thing. Inhaling it works best for mast cell overactivity, but vaping really doesn't seem better for symptoms either. So I smoke joints which seem safer for lung infection risk compared to any type of pipe I've tried. You can not clean them well enough and it can lead to lung infections.
I have wandered a bit in my story. When I called 911 it hurt all over, arms, legs, and tachycardia was pounding. I sounded almost out of it on the phone and was crawling from room to room at that point. A low spot, indeed.
The Ambulance attendant said my electrolytes were off.
The strenuous exercise in bed, followed by repeated vomiting, would have done that along with the excessive amount of diuretic foods I had eaten the day before.
Since the magnesium bath left me freezing and not really better, I probably needed potassium.
With two parents to take care of, I had called a neighbor who was with my now awake and worried dad but expecting her to stay all day would have been a lot to ask. The ambulance attendant made it clear I wasn't having a heartattack and therefore really didn't need to go to the hospital so I didn't. I went back to bed and asked the neighbor to sit with my dad a bit to calm him.
The next day I made my parents breakfast, lunch and dinner in between throwing up and resting. My dad really likes his chocolate porridge and when asked if toast would be okay that morning no, he really likes his porridge. 😋🤷 so I made him his chocolate porridge. Honor your parents - he can be hard to love and easy to dislike but so can I. He has also helped out when I have been in need. I am happy to make him chocolate porridge as many more days as possible.
When life gives you something to smile about, might as well 😊
After a day of extreme vomiting I gradually was able to sip Oxymel, simple version - spoon of apple cider vinegar and a spoon of honey in a cup of water. And then I had another and then later some tofu. Tofu is partially predigested in the fermentation process, like yogurt, so it is easy on an upset belly.
My sleep cycle is a little weird because I go to bed when my parents do lately, and wake up early for some me time.
Part of my weekend of excess was also too much Twitter, which equals too much dopamine I think, and less melatonin because of the bright screen and staying up later than parent’s bedtime (~8pm).
If I do sleep at 8pm then 3am is kind of morning.
Change of direction on the theme of “Scope of Practice”
Twitter still seems to squelch CoV activists, and the stream is odd now - I get Tweets from accounts I interacted with years ago - more leftist as I had been but dropped out of the Wokeness. The new “Tolerance” is not at all tolerant, realistically.
I had looked up the reference about adverse reactions to psych meds because of a Twitter uproar that was kind of about scope of practice. A social worker was saying something about knowing a lot and her clients will call her doctor even though she corrects them. I made a brief reply saying, “I would discourage that, as you are not” (not just correct them about the Dr. error, discourage their ongoing use is what I meant), and it went viral in a bad way. The gist was, the tiny, tiny bio pic was of a black woman, and that apparently is the most important thing about someone to notice - their skin color - and I should have noticed it and since I am white that means I was being racist and “telling her what to do” and “disparaging her credentials”. How could agreeing with her, that she is not a doctor being disparaging her real credentials - protect those by not letting people get confused was more my thinking.
And I was more reacting out of fear for her and her clients. Scope of practice is important for both a practitioner to not overstep their boundaries and to not encourage false expectations in a mental health client. Counseling can be dangerous, mentally ill people have killed their clinicians - too often medication withdrawal is involved, or maybe a jealous spouse might get weird. I Tweeted out of a sense of caution and concern and to me it seems racist that the most important thing about a person nowadays is supposed to be their skin color. That seems racist to me.
There was more about How to apologize Woke-style, but that is a different topic than Scope of Practice.
In the Twitter flack (~last week, not this weekend) there was even someone saying it was wrong of me to have said that as a nutrition counselor I had helped black women learn to nurse their babies, and helped Native American, Asian, and white women with their babies. And something about saying that was allegedly racist too. Is mentioning race at all, now considered racist? But also it is racist to not notice race as the very first thing you notice about someone? New definition for this too? I am old school - I provide Equal Opportunity service without discrimination based on personal attributes.
The problem with therapists can be too much support of the dangerous psych meds in the last post. It is like grooming, when everywhere you go you hear the same litany of “You need to be on psych meds, why aren’t you on psych meds? Everyone else loves them! All my patients take them and you need to too if you want to continue to see me.”
The psych and other drugs often deplete mitochondrial nutrients and lead to worse physical and mental symptoms on average. Starting on a medication can lead to more and more medications being given for new onset Metabolic Syndrome or anxiety turning into a more severe “Bipolar” diagnosis.
Schizophrenia and dementia patients and little kids in Foster Care are all put on some really unpleasant drugs because they can't resist. As a psychiatric patient a judge can force the meds and can force being committed against your will and it can be hard to get out again. It is kind of a criminal scam that hurts patients with mental symptoms and gives pharma a big profit and smaller criminal fines.
Now if we could only reverse that - big criminal fines and take away the profit.
My souvenir, proof of life, an EKG strip, something about the “30” was a little off but not that unformatted- I really don't know.
I bash on doctors a lot because they practice out of their scope of practice too often - nutrition is not what they know, yet they are treated as if they do on average know about nutrient needs and interactions of health and illness. As a Dietitian we are drilled with the importance of not diagnosing, refer a client for further screening by a doctor for suspected problems.
I am not a doctor and I do actively discourage people from misidentifying me as Dr. Depew - even as an honorific, which it turned out is very common in Black communities to call a counselor Dr. no matter what the credentials are. I still would discourage it - but that is what I would do. That is sharing an opinion, not giving an order.
Maybe Woke apology can fit in this post, or an intro - nutshell: Impact>Intent - If the person took offense, then it doesn't matter if you meant well, their feelings are hurt and it is then your fault for their hurt feelings because they misunderstood you. And this was a mob of therapists all supporting each other - people are now being taught that taking offense is the thing to do. What happened to “Turn the other cheek” or “Seek first to understand?” I did fail to seek first to understand - I didn’t know that it is common in the Black community to call non-Doctors Doctor. (Also another Tweeter was told quite vigorously that black if wrong, it is Black - and don’t mess that up.) Maybe Tolerance needs to chill out a little.
The panic attack theory by the Ambulance attendant may have merit. I had turned off my phone/notification noise when I went to sleep initially last night but left it on after writing most of this post, eating some more tofu and going back to sleep for a shorter cat nap - and woke up to a notification with a racing heart rate. Smile and breathe, calm it down. I am safe.
I am still waiting/expecting worsening geologic upset and we are seeing that the financial world is being “upset” seemingly by the rapid removal of a billion dollars to Israel.
This seems like coded language of some sort - the insider group talk to each other in numbers and symbols.
And another odd cover on The Economist. They had one with a pangolin and other symbols prior to the CoV “outbreak”.
Think “stageshow” and it does start making more sense in an evil horror novel kind of way. Allegedly Stephen King, horror novelist, is an insider/covert group and we have been seeing more and more overt Satanic imagery in the fashion and music industries and MET Gala and Grammies, football halftime show, the Olympics extravaganza, etc. The elite seem to use public events as their own ritual, but in the public budget.
Parasites. Blood sucking parasites. Even if your favorite celeb isn't a child abuser, they have had to keep quiet about it in order to keep working. People who talk end up like Anne Heche, suddenly dead, or are discredited somehow with a scandal rumor. Or surveillance streamed to the deepnet since 2010 (allegedly - me and my life - so I have no se rets and try to share about what happens to me as feedback suggests that some people do really care about me - like a favorite movie or TV show they watch over and over - one of the family kind of. I can get that. I have had favorite shows)

Digital currency changes were snuck into a bill that was called “an update” to banking type regulations and it was introduced half way through a legislative period but the South Dakota governor read it and vetoed it for their state. She warns us that the same document is likely headed to over 20 other states too and that it is likely a power grab at the Federal level. The wording redefines “currency” as no forms of digital currency other than a central bank digital currency (CBDC). A video clip preceding the Noem segment has a financial speaker saying that the CBDC would have the ability to control what it can be spent on. Is this person allowed to buy guns or not? Governor Noem mentioned that coding for gun purchasing has already been discussed for standard money. “The Second Amendment Right to bear arms”, also requires the right to buy them and store them and use them safely.
Governor Kristi Noem, clip with Tucker Carlson is ~ at 6:30 - 9:00 minutes
Just prior to the Noem clip is a video clip of another financial speaker whose name I didn’t write down who said “…key difference, the central bank will have absolute control over use of the currency and the ability to enforce it.” - If they don’t want to let you use your money to buy something then they can turn off the money.
A name I did write down - Joseph Gentile is high level at the Silicon Valley Bank collapse, now happening, and coincidentally was also high level in the Lehman Brothers financial collapse, and even more coincidentally, compounding coincidence, he also was high level at Enron prior to its financial collapse. The video on Rumble opens with that storyline.
A reply by Jeff Schreiber, (2 hr ago *link to the reply) to the post CBDC SVB and the Jeffrey Epstein Connection - by Greg Reese ( shared this much longer video on the topic of the SVB bank draining.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
Your posts are always thoughtful and very informative. Sharing personal health details is very brave of you and provides a learning opportunity for readers. Thank you for sharing!
I don't know what much to type other than you have my sympathy.