“The air we breathe is in a constant cycle flowing upward with the evaporation of water from the ocean and other bodies of water, and then falling downward as rain or snow. We need our air, our atmosphere, to contain enough oxygen for our survival and for all the other animals that breathe oxygen”

Mammals do not breathe oxygen. There is zero oxygen in air, zero nitrogen or the other 1% of gases.

To understand why I make these assertions you need to know how oxygen is manufactured.

Oxygen is a product of air not a constituent of air. Oxygen is made from air by stripping air of moisture. Oxygen is super dry air. Oxygen is calibrated by its dryness in parts per million of water contamination. Oxygen has ZERO humidity.

Air is measured by its moisture at a given temperature, humidity.

The lungs require inhaled air to be in the range of 30-50% humidity.

Do you see the mis-match?

Cold air holds the least moisture. Mt Everest summit air has 1% humidity.

Oxygen on release from containment wishes to return to its natural state, air and it extracts moisture from its surroundings to do this. Oxygen released inside a respiratory tract dehydrates, causes damage and can kill. This is the mechanism of oxygen toxicity.

There is more, hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology. Zero oxygen is required. Hydration equals salt plus water. This is the lungs role, they rehydrate the passing RBCs with salt water. Just like an IV saline solution rehydrates RBCs and boosts blood volume.

You may read my article: We breathe air not oxygen by clicking on my blue icon.

I tip over a few sacred cows, curiosity will get you through cognitive dissonance set up in our schooled daze.

Yes, science and medicine have been littered with malfeasant lies that cause suffering and death. It’s about time we changed that. Adult wise scrutiny applied to all we think we known reveals the deceptions.

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I have danced in too many smoky bars to not believe in oxygen. I'm going with the standard 21% and Brave AI on this one.

Oxygen Levels in Air

Based on the provided search results, the percentage of oxygen in the air is consistently mentioned as 21%. This is stated in multiple sources, including:

OSHA’s requirement for breathing air to have at least 19.5% oxygen content, with any atmosphere with an oxygen level below 19.5% considered oxygen-deficient and immediately dangerous to life or health.

The composition of environmental air, which is approximately 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon, and trace percentages of other gases.

The partial pressure of oxygen, which remains constant at 21% despite changes in altitude or atmospheric pressure.

The atmosphere of Earth, which contains 20.95% oxygen by mole fraction.

It’s worth noting that while the percentage of oxygen in the air remains relatively constant, the actual amount of oxygen available for breathing can decrease at higher altitudes due to lower air pressure, as described in the “Oxygen Levels @ Altitude 101” source. However, the percentage of oxygen in the air itself remains at 21%.


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Jennifer, air is moist and is required between 30-50% humidity for mammals lungs to work without struggle.

Oxygen is dry at zero humidity.

It’s a matter of common sense that air contains zero oxygen. Nitrogen also has zero humidity. Hence 99% of air would have to be at zero humidity.

And we know that is not the reality.

They lie about everything, hence we need to scrutinise not regurgitate from the schooled daze. Education is curated, that’s censored to ensure the people are exploitable.

Can you see the mis-match?

Research how oxygen is made.

It’s air, cooled, water falls away, iterations of this until they reach the required dryness.

Nitr-o-gen is then made from oxygen with the addition of carbon dust because they need non-combustible oxygen. Nitrogen is synthetic smoke. Hence nitrogen doesn’t combust with a glowing splint.

I’ve linked to a brilliant demonstration of oxygen becoming nitrogen with the use of an oxygen concentrator.

Click on my blue icon to check it out.

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They know why oxygen is toxic


Heating and humidification in the normal respiratory tract

This chapter is most relevant to Section F10(iv) from the 2023 CICM Primary Syllabus, which expects the exam candidates to "define humidification,


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