nice post, thanks!! I especially liked the bit about glyphosate-glycine substitution. Here's one hot off the press from Montreal published in Chemical Research in Toxicology - June 20, 2022

Pesticides Inhibit Retinoic Acid Catabolism in PLHC-1 and ZFL Fish Hepatic Cell Lines


I've spent a good deal of time at ggenereux.blog and on pubmed (2018-2020) reading about VA-toxicity, including aspects of sub-clinical presentation and related auto-immune causation.

Grant Genereux wrote a book you might find interesting, (even though his personal opinion may be incorrect, i.e., that "VA" is not necessary for life and health). I'm still on the fence about that; particularly considering the huge molar equivalent numbers of Retinol and VA-derivatives that undoubtedly exist, even when adhering to a strict "Zero A" diet.


chapters 3-5 pretty much nail the multifarious dangers.

Grant's third book - Breast Cancer - is very interesting as well.

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Thanks very much! I will look into that. I have found more on the topic too. For most people I think it is needed but sunshine might do more for us than known in mainstream. Retinoids may be formed that are water soluble with sunshine, and water soluble form of D also but it was in someone's blog. I couldn't find more on it.

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Thank you for this drtailed analysis...very helpful!

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Very welcome! Questions help me learn too!

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We actually ,need to think more and have genuine questions! And then learn from experts like you , fortunate to have people like you who shows us the solutions to each problem in an easy way! , Thank you !

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Learning the hard way is more difficult, so I share what I learn that way. I have another post planned. Have to write it.

I added this post yesterday or the night before to peace-is-happy.org: Modern Life Syndrome - it's not all in our heads, but that counts too! https://www.peace-is-happy.org/post/modern-life-syndrome-it-s-not-all-in-our-heads-but-that-counts-too

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Thank you, got slightly busy with mom having sudden fever, but taken care off in time and she recovered well!

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Glad to hear timely care helped! Peace be with you!

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Jennifer - another useful lead when investigating the retinoids is the work of Anthony Mawson

42 published papers at PubMed


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