The First World Biological War is between the parasitic elites, and the useless eaters. During the first major battle the useless eaters lost 27 million lives and counting. The parasitic elites so far have zero casualties.

The battle lines are being drawn and the needles sharpened for the next battle. Let us pray for less casualties this time.

Only knowledge can save us. Start learning fast. Learn everything you can. Their only weapon is propaganda. Our best hope is education. Ignorance is no longer an option.

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Hard to get people off the viral porn. When they move into “gain of function” or “lab leak” theories relating to this fictional virii those stuck in that eddy are only shifting gears and moving from one preposterous notion to another.

Some ‘establishment’ Covid skeptics have and/or are building cottage industries on the ‘lab leak’ mythology. If the ‘lab leak’ theory is refuted then their credibility and financial interests take a big hit. Specific to “SARS-CoV2” as a lab created virus this story has so many holes in it that it is hard to comprehend that anyone with an iota of critical thinking skills would not walk this back if they had posited this sophistry at some point.

The "lab leak" story is an “approved” story to keep you obsessing over "origin." It’s a distraction from the policy-related slaughter of the last 4 years.

The "lab leak/targeted spraying/GoF" theories do not hold water and cover up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a "viral event" and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide. All of the “Covid deaths” are fraudulent and inventions from the Pharma/medical/media cartel. The vast majority are medical murder.

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Do you not believe that RoundUp Ready GMO crops exist? and RoundUp Ready GMO super weeds? They exist. Gene editing work exists and that includes the Gain of Function work by Baric and buddies.

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I disagree - I think there is a bioweapon that can cause significant damage in some people and it was used as a cover for the mass murder by deadly mandated 'CoV protocols' that were incentivized with big bonuses. I think the mass murderers kill in a large number of ways.


Why is it so hard for your critical thinking to believe that a bioweapon was created that likely was seeded in various locations, or a leak. And it led to the mystery 'vaping' deaths and a really bad pneumonia/flu season in late 2019. I know a few people who got sick with something unusually bad around that time. AND that mass murder occurred with mandated kill protocols. I lost my sister to the vent and sedate protocol. I believe in bioweapons and that fragile people were killed through bad protocols and also literally starvation. People were not being given food at times. "Testing!"

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JD - Nice work. Did anyone notice that in the first email - a certain individual had "contracted the flu". No "leaks" necessary.

"I would appreciate feedback... about the Virus are fake issue."

The facts on viruses, got it down to 9 words - no viruses = no life as we know it. Reminded me of working on telemetry systems which put people into orbit, men on the moon and hit many a target. Not just to acheive reliable performance of the spacecraft, but for fear of possible contagion to any life on the moon, we took great care to avoid exporting any microbe/virus/pathogen. Despite that life experience (for many), we suffer the sun revolves around the earth - which is flat, we've never been to the moon and viruses don't exist. I think I know what motivates Klaus and others to cull. Speaking of which, just spotted a no virus herd regurgitating their idiocy in the comments section at Meryl's latest. Reminded me of this... There are idiot's, just look around, and don't feed the trolls.

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