Protocols; and Silencing Women?
This post wandered a lot and I am a little afraid to post it, so I probably should. Peace be with you.
I started writing in more of a “protocol” format because that seemed to be what people want - to be told what to do. BUT it then seemed that people may want to be told what to do by a man, or by an expensive website, or the approved government source, or CNN. Therein lies danger.
The very idea of a one-size-fits-all protocol for everyone is the antithesis of my individualized approach to health care guidance.
I try to provide a comprehensive list of possible causal factors and related symptoms so people can work out their own individualized plan.
However the “protocols” that I bought from another Dietitian make it clear that not only do people want to be told an exact product to take, they want to know what time of day to take it for and for a certain amount of weeks or months. Or they are led to expect this - buy this 3 month Detox protocol and then the 3 month antibacterial protocol or 3 month adrenal support protocol - all for one low price, 🤔, less than $200 than an individual consult might cost. Making money is nice but helping people is too.
Newsflash- health care is for the full span of life - years and decades, not weeks or months.
Telling you to buy an expensive supplement or four, for three months, is not that helpful in my professional opinion.
This post has my newer protocols that include specific supplement examples by brand with dosing guidance:
People tend to like to be told what to do by a male authority figure because they can feel cared for and protected by daddy, Daddy knows best. Health credentials or a PhD also adds a sense of authority to someone's image, whether male or female.
The male as the leader to listen to, is an instinct from animal patterns of behavior. When a species has a significantly larger male than female on average, the males tend to be the dominant ‘leader’ whom both females and males look to for guidance and comfort too. The alpha male leader is loved but also stressed and competed with in primate studies and may age more than the junior males.
Instincts are not always correct though. Does ‘Daddy’ know best in this case? Is ‘Daddy’ overstepping his Scope of Practice? Is ‘Daddy’ a paid shill who is lying to you?
Video I am still watching, lost the tab, I still need to finish it. Good thing I saved the link here.
Division between as many factions of society as possible seems to be a goal. The more splintered we are as a society, the less likely we will be able to work together for better change.
Russian TV clips about US Wokism,, hyperbole but it shows the trends and includes the equity/white privilege angst that all whites are supposed to verbalize now or bow down low to a black man in line for a toilet in the exaggerated Russian sit-com version. When the elites offer a Universal Basic Income it will likely have strings attached - limits on use, limits on freedom. Accepting “slavery” again, because working for money is too much work, is going backwards. Equality is an equal right to try, not a handout for ‘free’ or being the new boss that has to be bowed down to now. Exchanging inequality for a new form of inequality is not progress overall.
The following image is an excerpt from something that is happening more and more in published articles - blatant racism against white people or more specifically white women.
Eating chocolate is also “racist” as it is a crop produced in mostly black nationsthat is mostly exported as a cash crop for the nations. Should we stop eating chocolate so the nations have no exports to sell?
The abuse of white women picked up speed with viral videos of white women getting upset in public and them all being being called racism instead of varied possible reasons including mental anxiety.
I have not felt safe in public for many years now as my mood can meltdown and it is taken as anger instead of ~ autistic. I stopped going out much before CoV happened. Trying to explain does not help. I have learned to just leave if I have to.
Supposedly “Mental Health Awareness” happened, and people are supposed to speak up and share their troubles, but that is really not true. People don't want to know and will avoid you afterwards or use the information against you - not all people, but a lot.
Disempowering mothers leaves children less protected. Breaking up traditional family structure leaves children less protected. In some circles the estimate of missing children each year is said to be eight million on a worldwide basis. If people are put in power because they cooperate with child trafficking, then that suggests that most people in positions of power are participating somehow in child trafficking - for the power and connections keeping silent might provide, or also for sexual abuse and likely for cannibalism of the child's blood or organs.
What is a bigger issue - cannibalism of eight million children, or a genetic susceptibility for extreme anxiety in women of a Caucasian ethnicity?
Tolerance used to be a thing. Now it is just a word ‘tolerance, TM’ that means little to nothing.
I can learn about physical differences that make health risks different for ethnic groups, but if I am only allowed to communicate with white people than my information can only help white people. That is not Equal Opportunity provision of service. Maybe black people want to have high blood pressure, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s because it is trendy to have chronic illness, or maybe some would prefer to know that their kidneys likely would benefit from a higher magnesium, moderate calcium, diet ratio?
I don't know, but if I am scared to speak to people based on their skin tone, then that is a problem as an educator and a huge slide backwards in civilized behavior for society.
The Woke style “apology” system is also moving backwards - Seek first to take offense - is opposite of good manners.
Take nothing personally is a better strategy - maybe that person is having a bad day, or missed lunch, or misunderstood you, or just doesn't like you because you remind them of their disliked memory of something else. It doesn't really matter - when you change your mood based on someone else then they are in control of you/your mood. Not taking things personally lets you more easily remain in charge of your own mood.
The Tweet of mine that was taken wrong and led to a Twitter mob of therapists calling me racist has an update - yes, support of medication use is a risk for the therapists too, not just supporting their clients using psychiatric medications.
Screenshot shared with me:
Fibromyalgia is mitochondrial dysfunction in nature and likely involves retinoid toxicity based on my personal health experiences. Psychiatric medications tend to deplete mitochondrial nutrients and lead to worsening symptoms with continued use. Many people take them for years or decades, not a month or three. Mitochondrial damage is a prime cause of killer inflammasome creation. (Liu, Zhang, Jo, Sun, 2017) Inflammasomes kill cells in response to allergy or other damage type signaling.
Pomegranate peel helps inhibit NET formation which precedes inflammasome creation, just FYI. I get tired of all the doom talk that doesn’t include the simple solutions from nature. Promoting fear is part of the culling goal. People make bad decisions when they are frightened. That pomegranatehelps in many ways is information I have tried to share ever since May 2020.
Pomegranate peel catechins - inhibition of NET formation, May 13, 2020 (
Answers are being withheld and the BIG VOICE ACTIVISTs - are still focused mostly on doom and gloom more than the gobs of solutions available in nature. WHY? Why can we only focus on death statistics - get a clue - governments are complicit in killing or maiming their own citizens. Please see that seeking “help” from killers is a silly, bad, not good idea.
Emotional abuse or gaslighting is about changing someone's thoughts about themselves.
Emotional abuse or gaslighting is trying to affect your self esteem and mental health and sense of self value - and may be trying to manipulate you into an action they want. Someone who allegedly “cares” about you is giving you mixed messages - You're so great when you do what I want, and such a worthless clod of nothingness when you don't do what I want. The ‘Honeymoon’ phase of “You're so great!” is nice but it never lasts. Once trapped the devaluing starts.
Now white women are being devalued as a group of “racist Karens”. That in itself is extremely racist. Just FYI. Endocannabinoid and other metabolic gene differences may be more common for some ethnic groups, including white women with brown, very black, or red hair. Cancer seems more a risk for blondes, but we aren’t supposed to talk about differences as we are all so very “equal” - maybe equally at risk for being harmed by the medical industry.
Ruminating over emotional abuse, gaslighting and devaluing by a narcissist, is common per the following video. Dr. Ramani says ruminating about a narcissist and the abuse suffered is a real need, in order to work through the gaslighting, and to vent. Repeatedly telling an emotional story is letting it out of the amygdala, hotspot for emotiins, in the brain. It helps move the trauma memory into long-term memory when there is the chance to process the confusing messages (of being treasured vs being called worthless or blamed for something), and also to grieve a loss. That relationship was a false front sadly. The honeymoon phase is so positive ✨️ why can't the person be like that always? They spin it that it is always your fault somehow — that they are being negative or controlling of you.
One of the tips is distraction, but what if a trigger reminder is everywhere?
Substituting a different way to look at a trigger is what helped me work through triggers that were so common that reminders were everywhere. I worked to purposely think of a different symbolic meaning or enjoyable aspect of the triggering symbol or color in place of the trauma thought.
Just like growing up with a victim/bully dynamic, growing up with narcissistic parents can leave a child susceptible to having learned poor communication skills, with self and others. Narcissism is shame based - a false persona has to be maintained because the person feels bad about themselves at the core, or bad about natural feelings and urges. Stepping on others may also make them feel better about themselves.
Recognizing narcissism helps break the spell of love bombing followed by devaluation. Confession through projection is also common in narcissists - they will accuse others of doing what they do, or that they think about doing - what they may be ashamed of doing or thinking about.
“The core competencies of psychopaths: Manipulation, delusiin, lying, bullying, stalking, devaluation, dehumanisation, torture and reversal of the perpetrator-victim relationship.” - source unknown.
Silencing a political candidate? A nutrition blogger? A female?
There is value in differences and there is also difference in differences - and that should be okay. So why isn’t it? The elephant in the room isn't just me and over a decade of deepnet video of my life that no one is ever supposed to mention directly, it is our bad food supply. Our food and water is hurting us and we aren’t supposed to talk about it. We certainly aren't supposed to run for Federal elected positions on a platform about how our food and water supply is harming us.
I wrote a blog post >blog post< about running for POTUS or Sec of Health and Human Services in 2011 and the pushback was ridiculously intense. A blog post is not a campaign. What I eventually realized is that the Obama administration and media and US politics scapegoat anyone who sticks their head up too far. And I did. My nutrition info was getting attention and support.
My attitude about POTUS is that it can be a position filled with skills needed at the time and the 4000+ support positions can be filled with supporting skills that fill any gaps in the current POTUS’own skill set.
Government is not a business, so seeking businessmen is flawed thinking.
What I eventually realized is that the primaries are Rigged so that insiders will be both the R and D candidates so it doesn't matter which one “wins”. The people who work at agencies in unappointed positions are the ones who really are in charge.
Epstein didn't kill himself and may not be dead (looked like a body double was carried out of the prison to me, nose and ear shapes are different, image above, and we aren’t supposed to talk about his political blackmailed status, CIA or Mossad connections. We are supposed to talk about Ghislaine Maxwell as his procurer, his Madame, instead of her role in political blackmail, her father's history, or her connections to Mossad.)
We need a clean slate and start over with new systems and different people in charge, as the current ones are all likely somewhat connected to the annually missing 8 million children, indirectly complicit if not directly complicit.
Newsflash - the children may be white, but many are likely to be black or Asian or Hispanic too. All children matter. Being intolerant word police is not helping promote racial Equality or peace.
The more difficult you make it to speak to you, then the less likely I will be to try. The more obvious you make it that taking offense is the goal, the less likely I will be to try to speak to you.
I can only help those who interested anyway. It is just sad that people are succumbing to the division tactics.
Video link -whistle-blower, Joseph Spencer, regarding government cover-up of aliens and use of mind control techniques to create an assassin (the whistle-blower, who was a Foster child).
The US took isolated children and turned them into memory controlled assassins or sexual blackmail traps (pedophiles abusing underage children who were trained to be sexual - seeming in consent).
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Are mexicans that eat maple syrup racist? This is why gratitude for my ancestral past is a core value of mine:
Most blacks that I know don't fall for this crap as well, it's mainly, hate to say it, white liberals, who've been emasculated by Big Daddy gmo, vaccine, and the baby boomers that sold out to TV and cocaine in the 70s instead of staying on the peace train from Woodstock.
The Russian video is hilarious and SO true!