Pox and VAIDS, a summary self-care post
Lab tests, commonly used medications, herbal and diet support and other self care strategies are included. Summarizing the IgG4 & VAIDS connection is a large topic and is not included yet.
A variety of Pox-like and other skin conditions can be common in AIDS/HIV+ and VAIDS. Media may be falsely suggesting that CoV injection related shingles or other skin conditions are Monkeypox. The history of Monkeypox became too long and I made it into its own post (Substack) The rest of this post is more focused on standard treatments and food, herbal, or other self-care remedies for Chickenpox, shingles, Monkey or small-pox, or other VAIDS related issues.
I have also added this summary and history to my Mpox series document:
Mpox Series in a document with clickable Table of Contents for level one and two headings, sync.com pdf.
Who’s most at risk for Monkeypox?
Risk for Monkeypox is most common among HIV+ gay males and it has not been a deadly severe risk with a mortality rate of 0.2%. *Worse risk when more severe comorbid conditions are present. Transmission is generally found to be through direct skin to skin contact or exchange of bodily fluids. Airborne risk is unclear.
The itching and nerve pain can be severe, and cases can become more severe as skin is damaged. Other infections can occur within the damaged tissue. DON’T SCRATCH. More about tips that might help soothe the itch and pain and treat the infection and inflammation, are included later in the post. Black seed oil topically and by mouth (1/2 to 1 teaspoon once or twice a day roughly), and cool compresses are the short answer.
Multiple possible skin conditions may be occurring in immune suppressed people following CoV injections or passive exposure to them. It may be called “Monkeypox” while being due to something else.
VAIDS/AIDS can also have other skin symptom conditions including a type of cancer called Kaposi’s sarcoma. Candida yeast infections may also occur, and chimeric spike issues and the widespread use of glyphosate can increase the risk for fungal infections.
Lab tests that might show ‘VAIDS’ besides an HIV+ PCR test:
Screening for VAIDS/AIDS could include lab tests for the T and B cell count and type: CD4+ and CD8+; and IgG4. D-dimer and ferritin and CRP labs can help identify inflammation. *I will be getting these and some Hashimoto’s thyroiditis labs run next week for my own health information.
PCR tests have been shown to be too often false - false positives but also false negatives - simply not reliable and too easily fraudulent if an excessive number of cycles is run - anyone can be ‘positive’ then, even a papaya (*CoV, yes, it actually happened).
Treatment - Black seed oil really can help in my own experience (n =2) and has had clinical research. (Sahu, et al., 2023, pdf)
Black seed oil topically and by mouth has been successful for myself and my mother who also had shingles at separate times from me. Rub a spoonful on the affected area and soothing ideally will be felt if it is quality Nigella sativa black cumin seed oil. Avoid solvents, look for 100% cold, pressed, glass bottle, brown glass is preferred to reduce oxidation. A teaspoon or half, taken by mouth is preventive, twice a day if currently ill. Use topically as needed, however too much greasiness without more soothing. A few times a day is good, and use cool compresses in between if the pox are blistered and painful.
Black seed oil has been proven efficacious for Herpes outbreaks, HIV+, Hepatitis C, Epstein-Barr virus, Coronavirus species, Influenza strains and Avian flu, and other viral infections. (Basurra, Wang, and Alhoot, 2021)
“Nigella sativa oil has been reported to completely inhibit the viral load in the spleen and liver against MCMV infection (M L Salem & Hossain, 2000). Besides HSV and MCMV, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), a human virus that belongs to the γ-herpesvirus family, also been studied (Zihlif et al., 2013)” […]
“The safety and efficacy of Black seeds (N. sativa) in the management of monkeypox infection would further be established by future randomized controlled clinical trials.” […]
“Numerous studies have observed that HSV can be treated with natural products like aloe vera (Rezazadeh, Moshaverinia, Motamedifar, & Alyaseri, 2016), seaweed species (H. Wang, Ooi, & Ang, 2008), and sandalwood oil (Benencia & Courreges, 1999)” (Basurra, Wang, and Alhoot, 2021)
Other causal factors, to avoid pox flair-ups:
In both our cases additional factors to CoV events were sunburn, excessive exertion (increasing myokines), and friction and sweat. Weekend warrior over exercise leads to muscles producing an excess of myokines which are inflammatory. Moderately pacing yourself helps prevent flair-ups of pox. Tight clothing or chaffing clothing and sweatiness increases risk – friction and rubbing. Avoid irritating areas prone to flair-ups.
Dietary self-care to avoid pox or herpes flair ups:
Be aware of lysine/arginine ratio – this is more likely to be an issue with vegan or vegetarian diets. Eat more beans and tofu or dairy products, and not too many nuts and seeds and grains is the short story if meats are not part of the diet. Tofu is also a good source of arginine so it might not be ideal during a flair up but it has less than soy protein concentrate which would be used in modern soy burgers (like soy TVP, Brave). Arginine is also important for immune function but it supports replication of pox and Herpes virus while lysine supports fighting them.
For more info see: 16 Foods High in Lysine That Also Pack Protein, By Kelsey Kloss, Updated May 18, 2023 Reviewed by Claudia Thompson, PhD, RD, livestrong.com.
And also see my MPox Part 2 post for food sources of arginine and lysine: (Substack).
"l-arginine is associated with the replication and virulence of a variety of viruses in vitro, including herpes simplex and varicella zoster." (LoBue, et al., 2019)
Total protein adequacy in the diet is also critical for immune function and glutathione production. Generally, we get enough cysteine in a protein rich diet without needing to worry about a supplement of NAC. It is plentiful in plant and animal protein foods. Protein adequacy also supports making RNA and DNA when nucleotides are also present – good sources include sardines and Nutritional Yeast Flakes (~ 2 tsp/day for a vegan).
Polyphenols help the body recover from myokines or cytokines and reduce inflammation. Pomegranate, berries, broccoli, and other flavorful herbs, spices and produce are all sources of polyphenols. So are nasturtium leaves and flowers and many wild greens that are really pioneer garden plants gone invasive – dandelions, garlic mustard, and Ground Ivy/Creeping Charlie were valued green veggies before they became the bane of Home Owner’s Associations who value mono-cropped grass lawns more than edible greens in the spring.
Magnesium, zinc, selenium, and iodine and other trace minerals may be protective. Extra iron at this time would not be helpful. Iron chelating zinc ionophore polyphenols are more helpful – and that list includes the black seed oil.
Garlic, omega 3 fatty acids/fatty fish or krill oil, and many herbal extracts can be helpful against pox and inflammation. Spirulina is an arginine rich food but may help against pox.
Shiitake or other medicinal mushrooms or any mushrooms may help reduce risk of chimeric spike related fungal infections. Avoiding glyphosate helps with that too, and is better for digestive and microbiome health. Resistant starch, fresh vegetables, fruit pectin, tapioca, and zinc, help support butyrate producing species including Bifidobacterium species which the chimeric spike knocks out.
Self-care tips for pox (and may help other skin rashes):
Treat pox like it is a bad sunburn, which it can be similar too, using cool compresses. It is not just about pain. It is reducing inflammation which reduces the cell damage that is being caused. Less cell damage is smaller pox that might flatten out instead of blistering into an oozing pustule. Not pretty words because it is the truth – not pretty, not pleasant. Continue freshening the cold compress (a cold water soaked cloth) as needed - until the pain is not returning. That might take all day and into the night if the pox are severe.
Pox are like a mosquito bite that never stops stinging. Black seed oil was wonderful because it stopped the stinging pain during early stages. A more severe sunburn pox episode hurt like a burn and the cold compress was ever present for a few days for me in 2022.
Don’t scratch the itch. Really, don’t do it. Friction makes it worse, blistering occurs, then bursting, infection can set in the open flesh and healing may be slow. Leaving them alone may allow the black seed oil to help them flatten out and go away. Itching can feel good in the short term due to pain relieving endorphins it produces, but the relief doesn’t last long and then the desire to scratch is back again. Mom magic – gently pat fingertips in areas farther away from the pox. That may soothe by stimulating energy and lymphatic flow in the region without inflaming the pox. Or it might irritate. Figure out what soothes and do that. Reducing inflammation is a win.
Self-inflicted damage from scratching and additional new skin infections can be the deadly risk with pox. Infection leading to gangrene leading to body sepsis is the door we want to keep closed by NOT scratching the itch. Cool compresses. Lay down and rest with a cloth over your eyes. Flu like symptoms and not feeling very well can occur along with the pox.
Medications typically used for Monkeypox include:
Cidofovir, brincidofovir and tecovirimat: Typical medications used for treating monkeypox include Cidofovir, brincidofovir, and tecovirimat. There is no FDA approved medication specific for monkeypox.
VIGIV: Pox “vaccinia” related to vaccine complications can be treated with FDA approved vaccinia immune globulin intravenous (VIGIV) suggesting that pox like reactions in CoV injected people might respond well to VIGIV. Caution against use if IgA deficiency or hypersensitivity (Table 1., Sahu, et al., 2023, pdf)
Nitazoxanide: another to consider, but the mechanism of action is not known. Efficacy against pox has been observed. (fredhutch.orghb_hickson_virology)
TPOXX - Tecovirimat: TPOXX can help prevent monkeypox and smallpox virus replication. The government bought 20,000 doses of that but are working on a vaccine for the rest of us according to a Thread by (x.com/CanariesBlue). *TPOXX vaccines are being stockpiled for smallpox readiness according to the CDC website. (cdc.gov/poxvirus/mpox/clinicians/tecovirimat-ea-ind.html)
Phytonutrients or foods that may be therapeutic include:
Other herbal extracts or foods that might help against Monkeypox include Garlic, which is an Nrf2 promoter and source of cysteine for glutathione production. Pawpaw leaves and mango leaves have shown efficacy and pumpkin leaf and seed and watermelon seeds - likely made into an extract. Olive leaves and stem, Moringa leaf and Nigella sativa, (black seed oil), seeds and leaves. See Table 2 for more plants - 25 are included, and then see Table 3 for the same plant remedies grouped by the symptom cluster that their mechanism of actions may treat. (Sahu, et al., 2023, pdf)
Phytonutrients that might help against Monkeypox include Rosmarinic acid, which might be most effective based on computer modeling. Others that may also be potent as inhibitors of Monkeypox virus include myricitrin, quercitrin and ofloxacin (a medication) were also potentially good inhibitors, (Hu, et al., 2023), and resveratrol. (Cao, et al., 2017)
Herpes outbreaks may be helped by African geranium, Pelargonium sidoides (Efficacy_of_an_aqueous_Pelargonium_sidoides_extract_against_herpesvirus) ‘Umckalabo’ is the local name for Pelargonium sidoides.
Improve vagal tone with other self-care strategies:
Circadian cycle function requires sunshine during the day and blackout darkness at night. It would be good to have “outside time of 30-40mins, 3x per day. Specifically, before 10am, at midday, and at sunset, for 1 month [and then continue the new habits]. This will reset circadian clock, improve vagal tone, lower cellular stress, support mitochondrial function. Ultimately aiming for D to be sitting around 60- 80 n/mls, minimum. And no [vitamin D3] supps don't cut it in the long run.😉
Breathe work is excellent! Singing, humming all activate vagal tone through the vibratory effect on vocal chords, similar to breathing.
And hugging living creatures.🤗” – The Barefoot Healer in a comment
Sound therapy: I discovered that four of my mother’s old stainless steel nested mixing bowls have bell-like tones and so I have been playing them occasionally like Buddhist or Tibetan style singing bowls. The origin is unknown but is thought to have grown out of the sound that cooking bowls made – believable – four of mine sounded great and another three were duds. The lip of the bowl needs to be fluted instead of crimped. (Singing bowls: Brave) The vibrational frequencies of bells and similar tones can be healing. (Healing effects of bells: Brave)
The singing bowl topic seemed like a lengthy post waiting to happen, so that happened here: Tibetan singing bowls and church bells – healing frequencies (Substack).
Grounding – sitting or standing on the ground barefoot/no plastic shoe soles, also helps restore a healthy frequency matching the Earth’s slow and low vibration and it provides negative ions which are healing. Too many positive ions is inflammatory and those can be generated from artificial fabrics collecting ions excited by EMF. Cotton, silk, rayon and bamboo are natural fibers which are less itchy due to their not being magnets for positive ions.

MPox series:
Previous posts on this topic have other self-care tips including how I used black seed oil for ‘shingles’ in 2022.
I made this series into a document with a clickable Table of Contents. (sync.com pdf)
"Mpox clade" - our new disease X is still Monkeypox, but elevated IgG4 and VAIDS following CoV jabs may be the real cause of a pox 'epidemic'. "Mpox clade" may have PCR testing & Trojan Horse jabs on the way . . . Do not comply. Clearly, preserving human health is not really the goal. Aug. 17, 2024, (Substack)
GoF history on Monkeypox & a better Lysine/arginine ratio reduces risk of shingles or Herpes - and CoV in my own case. Also, food sources of arginine and lysine and spirulina might help herpes too and African geranium. Aug. 19, 2024, (Substack)
Mpox jabs are dangerous and may be deadly for people with VAIDS/AIDS or eczema. Passive exposure from jabbed people to those at risk may also be sharing the adverse reaction risk to the unjabbed person. Heart disease and eye conditions are also contraindicated for the Mpox jabs. Aug. 20, 2024, (Substack)
Mpox part 4 - Geert says no one should be getting the Mpox jabs, roughly. And more natural health aids via Pat on Telegram, thanks!, Aug. 22, 2024, (Substack)
History of Monkeypox & more recent GoF research on Monkeypox - See this post - and say NO to any more injections including the ones that will be pushed for the alleged Monkeypox outbreak. Aug. 25, 2024, (Substack)
Mpox Summary and Series in a document with clickable Table of Contents for level one and two headings, sync.com pdf.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Reference List
16 Foods High in Lysine That Also Pack Protein, By Kelsey Kloss, Updated May 18, 2023 Reviewed by Claudia Thompson, PhD, RD, livestrong.com.
(biopharma.media/monkeypox-2022-full-review-4331/) Monkeypox 2022. Full Review, June 1, 2022, biopharma.media, *this is a really long article and is fully into the wonders of ‘vaccines’ and ‘virology’.
(had in 2022) Evan Bush and Aria Bendix, Smallpox vaccines can protect against monkeypox, and U.S. has 100 million doses. May 23, 2022, updated on May 24, 2022, nbcnews.com, https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/smallpox-vaccines-protect-against-monkeypox-stockpiled-rcna29919
(Basurra, Wang, and Alhoot, 2021) Basurra, R.S., Wang, S., Alhoot, M., (2021). Nigella sativa (Black Seed) as a Natural Remedy against Viruses. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 15. 10.22207/JPAM.15.1.26. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349475818_Nigella_sativa_Black_Seed_as_a_Natural_Remedy_against_Viruses
(Bunge, et al., 2022) Bunge, E.M., Hoet, B., Chen, L., Lienert, f., Weidenthaler, H., Baer, L.R., Steffen, R., The changing epidemiology of human monkeypox—A potential threat? A systematic review, PLOS, Feb. 11, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0010141 https://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0010141
(Mauldin, et al., 2022) Mauldin MR, McCollum AM, Nakazawa YJ, Mandra A, Whitehouse ER, Davidson W, et al., Exportation of Monkeypox Virus From the African Continent. J Infect Dis. 2022 Apr 19;225(8):1367-1376. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa559. PMID: 32880628; PMCID: PMC9016419. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9016419/
MMWR - Interim Guidance for Prevention and Treatment of Monkeypox in Persons with HIV Infection — United States, August 2022, Weekly / August 12, 2022 / 71(32);1023-1028, (CDC.gov)
Many thanks for your helpful research, it really brings peace of mind through vagal tone reset.
Awesomeness overflowing, Doc. These posts are mega informative.