POTS - Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, can be epigenetic & therefore may be reversible.
*Excerpt from Table 9.
There was a question about POTS in the comments of a prior post, so a post of the pertinent sections in my pomegranate paper, and elsewhere in my writing:
*and additionally - higher dose thiamine is needed during inflammation and may particularly be helpful for reversing POTS. I do and was taking a 300 mg thiamine per day in addition to adding methyl folate and methyl B12 to my routine at the time I was having POTS symptoms. Cleaning up my air supply was also critically important.
‘How Can Something As Simple As Thiamine [deficiency] Cause So Many Problems?’ (Lonsdale, D, 2015) (hormonesmatter.com)
“Initiating thiamine supplementation can be difficult at first if long deficient. Best to start with a low dose and titrate slowly. It requires magnesium, potassium and a b complex. Can cause a paradoxical effect at first.” - Lynne Campbell (https://twitter.com/LynneCa52679559/status/1519407581726396417?s=20&t=A8-hpBGSxIWOFon_4LcnvQ)
Table 9. Genes, F) Dystonia / POTS, epigenetic risks.
Disruption of the One Carbon and interconnected homocysteine pathways leaves a risk of lack of methyl donors. Hypomethylation of genes can last a lifetime or sometimes can be reversed with methyl donor supplements (methyl folate, methyl or hydroxy B12, choline, and methionine. POTS seems to be epigenetic. Avoid BPA which takes methyl groups from other chemicals. Avoid formaldehyde, smoking, or smog, which seems to increase negative epigenetic changes. Methyl folate is needed to help break down formaldehyde. Reduce stress – we make our own formaldehyde when stressed. (Personal experience and a review of research.)
Dystonia can be a lifelong movement disorder associated with a long list of gene polymorphisms which includes four of the author’s – MAO, COMT, MTHFR, and CBS. (Siokas, et al., 2019) There is not strong evidence for a link between MTHFR and CBS alleles and dystonia. (Sibbing, et al., 2003, cited by Siokas, et al., 2019)
COMT V158M has been linked to developing dystonia after psychiatric medications. (Nicotera, et al., 2021)
Medical history regarding dystonia and POTS-like symptoms:
The author has experienced the mild form of dystonia, “Writer’s cramp,” since childhood. At worse times of health more severe shoulder dystonia and wandering eye symptoms occurred. Reducing smoking (medical marijuana) helped. Use of olanzapine medication briefly, left a long-term increase in negative mood and physical symptoms which turned out to be related to histamine excess. COMT V158M may have been a factor in that susceptibility, (Nicotera, et al., 2021), in addition to the double BHMT reducing production of endocannabinoids as olanzapine effects the endocannbinoid system.
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome like symptoms occurred twice in more recent years and resolved without a diagnosis or medication by the author increasing methyl B supplementation and decreasing first and second-hand smoke. Each occurrence lasted a few months before the author made the link between formaldehyde and a need for methyl folate. Improvement did need the reduction in indoor secondhand smoke in addition to reducing smoking and increasing use of edible oil. Smog would likely be a similar risk in urban settings. (bunch of references)
The bunch of references, in part, are in this post: Epigenetic changes may also be involved in Covid19 or LongCovid, NOV 18, 2020, BY JENNY
My book draft, linked in this post, has a section about POTS too: Artemisinin, arteannuin-B, sgp130Fc and COVID-19, JUNE 25, 2020, BY JENNY
Chapter 8 in the book largely is a discussion of POTS as an example of a condition that seems to be epigenetic and may involve a gene allele that promotes an epigenetic change given too few methyl donors. This document is a copy of the chapter, in the computer language that I have to write for it to end up as a formatted book or pdf. The links are inactive, but it gives the gist and the book draft is available for free or purchase and has active links. When I start updating it again (I plan to incorporate/rewrite it with the pomegranate paper info), purchasers (at whatever price) will be emailed about the update.
POTS is treated by mainstream medical as yet another, “We don’t really know what causes it or how to help...” but are willing to charge you money and randomly try things that may make you worse. I would recommend reading the information that I collected and thinking about it for yourself. I never consulted a medical professional about my POTS symptoms, I just read about it and figured out how to get better - and had to do that twice before taking the methyl supplements and less smoke strategies more seriously. The symptoms can start to return if I slack too much on supplements and smoke too much.
Having a label given to you by someone in a white coat, may seem important and like you are being cared for, but what I learned is that often the help stops at the label. Having a label with the tag “we don’t know what causes this or how to help” can leave you with minimal care, or bad care. I had already learned that medical professionals don’t understand autoimmune disease and the strategies they use can make health far worse. Buyer be wary.

Until a medical professional starts to talk to you about polyphenols, be suspicious that they may not know enough about health to be able to help you adequately.
“Polyphenols reverse adverse epigenetic regulation by altering DNA methylation and histone modification, and they modulate microRNA expression or directly interact with enzymes that result in the reactivation of silenced tumor suppressor genes or the inactivation of oncogenes.” (Pan, Lai, Wu, Ho, 2013)
That article has a $65 paywall and it seems important enough to buy, but I usually don’t buy articles because I really don’t have the money.
I think Public Health Education should be free to all, safe, effective, and cost-effective - and I spend quite a bit of my own money and time to try to provide some help because people aren’t being helped by the current system and some seem to have been medically murdered as a standard mandated policy.
If medical professionals know they are causing harm, they are complicit and sadists. If they are simply gullible believers in their many years of indoctrination/schooling, then they are still complicit, but may not be a sadist as much as incompetent at seeing patterns.
Buyer be very wary of ‘health guidance’.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Reference List
(Pan, Lai, Wu, Ho, 2013) Min-Hsiung Pan, Ching-Shu Lai, Jia-Ching Wu and Chi-Tang Ho, (2013). ‘Epigenetic and Disease Targets by Polyphenols’. 19(34):6156-6185, DOI: 10.2174/1381612811319340010 Available at: https://www.eurekaselect.com/article/55878 (Accessed: 1 Dec 2022)
Excellent information. Thank you!