Great collection and discussion. Yes, many symptoms are the body fighting and healing. Treat the patient not the symptoms and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure 🙂

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"Schizophrenia" also seems to be a symptom of many possible issues - many nutrient deficiency or imbalance can be involved and a couple gene variants in copper transport within the brain is more specific to the 'condition'. Those people can eat plenty of copper but still have the copper deficiency mental oddities. And a genetic issue with breakdown of adrenochrome also seems to be causal. A better diet can help with that but I need to reread the book/long paper about it. Was a 60s ish era research that didn't get much ongoing attention.

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Don't forget mustard gas (actually a liquid) as one of the primary causal agents of the "Spanish Flu."

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That one is sounding more and more like "Gulf War Syndrome".

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JD - "shingles/sunburn pox’ that my mother and I both got post jab era started - chickenpox, shingles, sunburn or radiation ‘pox’, ‘monkeypox’, and smallpox are all just symptoms of excess inflammation."

Spike infected, injected or passively transfected (via exosome shedding) can reactivate...

human herpes simplex 1 (HSV1), Epstein Barr (HSV4 EBV), cytomegalovirus (HSV5 CMV), human herpesvirus 6 (HHV6). and...

varicella zoster virus (VZV HSV3) or what is chickenpox and later shingles. When you get chickenpox, you get latent shingles at no extra charge for LIFE!!!

Apart from symbiotic herpesviruses that are acquired early in life, SC2 Spike has been reported to upregulate the expression of specific human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs).

How do we know?

Said reactivation of those latent viruses are all demonstrated by increased IgG Ab levels against them, as well as detectable EBV & CMV viremia in the blood stream viz. viral reactivation confirmed with a blood sample.

In addition, reactivation of human herpesviruses 1-6 (HSV1, HSV2, VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV6), and human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) was detected by anti-viral antibody fingerprints in saliva.


No spitting in the wind here.

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This is Clucky territory - smartest chicken to be censored on Twitter. Though I didn't find much

early era Jikky https://x.com/JikkyKjj/status/1476773984972664837?s=20

Narf GB and Fynderella were talking about it more recently - https://x.com/NarfGb/status/1751326099479355791?s=20

Yeah, I kind of knew that without remembering all the details. I am very frustrated with these "No Virus" folks.

I am reviewing info, rethinking my approach to the No virus psyop - yes it seems like the rabid and nasty commenting of shills on Twitter. If a lawyer is willing to Tweet at you for a few days, off and on all day long, then they are a paid shill. No one Tweets all day if they have a real job. Other scientists would tend to have a limited amount of time to interact or would respond in off hours rather than immediately. Trolls and shills had in common that they would ignore what you shared, or misinterpret it in a really negative and ridiculing way and never respond to the point you tried to make.

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JD - Clucky, Jikky, Fynnderella, Narf Gb - Genervter Bürger, some of my favs. No virus and origins/lab leak misdirect, muddy the waters and confuse the public via sleight of hand, all part of an orchestrated cover up Agent Scully.

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