Oct 17, 2022Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I think you have higher than norm IQ like yr beloved sis. You are wayyy smarter than any dietician I worked with at hospital. And they were smart!

You know more than most docs actually, I'm learning n implementing n forwarding your awesome work. How come so few readers?? Makes no sense..

One thing that I was thinking of several posts ago and especially now..as I see you've had a hard life and you seem to know about the spiritual but that's not the same as knowing Jesus.. I believe you can be healed mine , body, soul. He loves you and died for you.. He forgives all yr sins and removes all shame and guilt and heals all hurts .. He heals still today. Call out to him for help.. what have you to lose?

You have all to gain in this life and eternity

Heaven and hell is real. Choose wisely

Your freedom and healing awaits beautiful one ..

The way you've helped me and others, let me help you

Please start reading Bible. Start with Luke the physician or any of the gospels Matthew mark Luke John .

Soak in that as you soak in Epsom:)

I promise you deliverance and freedom and healing can be yours.

I will be praying for you



John 3:16

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Thanks, My Bible is older, the third letter of John ends at 3:15 "Peace be to you. The friends greet you. Greet the friends, every one of them."

The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version, (Nelson, 1952)

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Yes I should've clarified better! It's in there too under John 3:16 .. after book of luke( not 3 john)

Lean into God .. you may be having spiritual attacks .. we do have a real enemy of our soul, but God is greater! find a solid bible teaching church .. they can pray for you too

Here is a Christian doctors daily Bible reading that may encourage you .. she's also calling out the Covid errors


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Thanks, subscribed. I did start reading Luke and it so long I didn't make it quite to the end last night - helpful thanks.

Luke 6:36 "Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful."

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Wow you are better than me! I fell asleep reading Proverbs ;) read as can, no need to finish whole chapter all in one sitting.. I usually read parts of a book and one chapter of Proverbs and one of Psalms daily..but I felt nudged to pray for you.. and with all ur exposing the devil would love to silence you any way can.. let's get you healed and healthy.. keep reading and praying and find a good Bible teaching church.. we need each other.. especially as days get more evil ..they can pray over you.. demons have to flee oppressing you .. they cannot stand in the presence of Jesus.

Here is one of many sites out there with scriptures on healing to build your faith. Read then aloud too..repent of any sin you are aware of.. God promises to forgive ANY sin and give us true peace n freedom found only in Him...

Now back to reading yr awesome posts as I forward to son in university now..he's studying cellular biology and loves yr work too!

Did I tell ya you are one smartttt lady!


40 Best Healing Bible Verses & Comforting Scriptures



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Also this is great free website helping young and old..counsellors ready to pray with you 24/7 for free

Here is list of their 👌free ebooks

The hopeline.. you can search their page and hear testimonies of cutters and addictions and healings of mind , body, soul

Our eBooks - TheHopeLine


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This is great advice and so well researched. Sorry for your loss. My mother succumbed to Covid-19, died at home, but hospital would have meant isolation from loved ones and clueless ventilation. SARS-2 remodels our bodies to pro-thrombotic and hyper-inflammatory state. This requires very targeted protocols, totally absent in modern medical approach. A neighbour always tells me how diligent he is with getting vaccinated against Covid-19, 4 times, but also had three heart attacks after each shot and never makes the connection. Can anybody explain cognitive dissonance to me?

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Thanks - cognitive dissonance, two conflicting "truths" and one is denied because it is so uncomfortable to face.

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