Wow! This is great information. Many thanks for your deep research, that will help save lives and suffering. Unfortunately none of this information is available to the people most in need of it. They are suffering and don’t know why?

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You're very welcome and thank you.

Yes, I am frustrated about how to reach more people, or I need to try harder.

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JD - a spikey tour de force... "Chosen ones, you are in transition - From Carbon to Crystalline, (Youtube) . . . I call bullsh!t Critical thinking cap - this video seems like a diversion from CoV injuries, dear Chosen Ones… seems like a mish mash of health advice mixed with quantum physics mixed with advice to be calm and go with the flow. The video is hypnotic in tone and rhythm."

Brings this to mind... https://youtu.be/FCcdr4O-3gE?

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Cool, I missed that series.

Julia seems the real deal to me, telepathic intergalactic phone call. https://www.youtube.com/live/RDBl_be4tFk?si=S81I6MWPBjf6POIm yesterday's, was in queue after the other video played.

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Just learned that vitamin D destroys your Klotho gene, anti-aging gene.

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I think vit D upregulates it. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21982773/. Do you have a link to share?

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FUCOIDAN .. Bladderwrack brown seaweed as a binds the virus and the spike protein and neutralises it, it also feeds good GUT bacteria..




How to Clear Spike Protein + The Jacobson Decision


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Thanks for the info Silo. I do have a post with fucoidan seaweeds for breast cancer https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/biofilm-polyphenols-microrna-mmps?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=os7nw

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Thank you Jennifer I thought you might 🔥❤️

Some words from the video

22.50 MINS

We are finding we need a binder for the GUT to bind the Spike Protein, so what was happening is that there were all these sub clinical GUT infections the Spike Protein was either being made by the GUT bacteria or your GUT cells themselves.


So the problem was it was then leaking through the GUT and causing systemic inflammation or was causing problems in your GUT.


We needed a binder, so Spike Protein in the GUT made some people super sensitive to everything so they would get on a particular protocol maybe it was a herb or medication and they would be having dinner and have an anaphylaxis, we were finding we needed to have something to bind the spike protein in the GUT while or before doing a protocol giving different herbs or whatever it might be.


Activated charcoal can deplete minerals quickly, it’s something you need to be on for a long time.


Humid or Fulvic Acid there is inconsistencies with products on the market.

24.24 MINS

The one thing that helped things fall together was I found out there is a molecule called FUCOIDAN that is in seaweed in Bladderwrack and some other types of seaweed.


❤️Robin Rose gave her representation she was saying we have this binder, it’s a seaweed.

It’s a really powerful binder of the Spike Protein and the SARS CoV 2 Virus.


There was a paper published in nature in July 2020 saying this is the best binder of SARS CoV 2 Virus we can find.


We should be giving this to people and putting it in nasal sprays to prevent transmission of the virus.


Not only does it (FUCOIDAN or BROWN SEAWEED) bind the virus and the spike protein and neutralise it, it also FEEDS GOOD GUT BACTERIA.


It also an anti inflammatory it generally binds viruses, anti cancer properties, it’s got a long list of health benefits.


The other thing from ❤️ROBIN ROSE cells that took up spike protein become ZOMBIE cells and pump out inflammatory cytokine's making the system inflamed and they won’t die.


If you do get them to die they throw out all the spike protein which go into other cells and cause some problems.


So when the GUT bacteria or GUT lining or your BRAIN cells whatever cells they are DUMP the SPIKE PROTEIN you could have anaphylactic reaction.


So if someone treated you with something and it caused those cells to die it could give you LIFE THREATENING reaction. Especially if your very injured because you have high loads of spike protein.

28.31 MINS


Did you say the bacteria in the GUT has been hijacked and making SPIKE PROTEIN as well.



YES, the SARS CoV 2 Virus is a bacteriophage, it infects your GUT bacteria and destroys the MICROBIOME and they are finding they have to give antibiotics to kill the bacteria but then they need a BINDER because it’s going to release the spike protein.


Some people could take an ANTIBIOTIC for whatever reason because they need it for something else and be DUMPING the SPIKE PRITEINS in their GUT and have no idea why they got sick.


Because it can cause LEAKY GUT and systemic inflammation.

FASTING induces cell death of those abhorrent cells.



ROBIN ROSE work showed these polyphenols that are in different herbs curiccum ❌ turmeric, quercetin,

Presentation is on 25TH JUNE.






There are 9 POLYPHENOLS that she has identified that are really critical and two things many of them do induce cell death BUT more importantly most of the PREVENT THE SPIKE FROM ENTERING NEW CELLS they BLOCK the RBD receptor binding domaine.


There is like 13 different receptors that will allow spike to get into the cells, not only do they do that, they act at many different levels to cause death of the cells that shouldn’t be here to prevent the spike protein from going to different cells and cause the cellular machinery to help break down the spike protein. So there’s many different aspects.

They are usually broadly anti inflammatory they activate your NRF2 pathway, that’s your bodies master antioxidant detox pathway.

Up regulates glutathione which is your bodies key antioxidant and other things that mop up free radicals.


They have many good effects ….. making sure spike protein can’t enter other cells.


Those two things like the binding in the GUT, killing the cells and making sure spike protein doesn’t just move into other cells and cause inflammatory while it does are key aspects of any spike detox protocol.


She’s going to get into that the 9 different POLYPHENOLS


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Resveratrol, fisetin and curcumin were mentioned in the video.

I first mentioned fucoidan, pre CoV June 2019. I found an awesome paper with a Table of 700 small molecules that inhibit NF-kB. Fucoidan is one of them. https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/localized-hypercoaguability-tnf-alpha-nrf2?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

April 9, 2024 - Biofilm, polyphenols, microRNA, MMPs, metastasis, and cancer

MicroRNA can be regulated by pomegranate polyphenols and fucoidan of brown seaweed which provides anti-cancer benefits., https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/biofilm-polyphenols-microrna-mmps?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

April 9 2024 - Wakame/Kombu and Structured water beverage recipes. Seaweed info follow up to the long microRNA post, water recipes - https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/wakame-salad-and-other-seaweeds-also?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Wakame and Lima Beans salad - simple pantry item recipe https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/wakame-and-lima-beans-synergy-in?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I love eating fruit peel saw this video and wow I want a pantry full of it, thought you would like it.. can use other peel also..



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Yum! The medicinal benefit is lost or greatly reduced if the bitterness is boiled out. The extended and hot boiling to make a candied product would be reducing some anti-viral power. The fiber of the inner pith is also healing though and good for the microbiome, so it is good to eat it if not histamine intolerant.

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Thank you Jennifer for your hard work I will save them all..

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and thank you for your interesting links, and work, Solo

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The Idea Of A Virus

Is Itself A Virus.

Self- Replicating

In The Presence

Of A Susceptible Mind.

Until Proven

It’s Just An Idea After All.


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