Ha! I think what we commonly call “elephant ears” down here have these oxalate crystals! When my second son was about 5, he and I were trying to snatch a leaf from one of the large elephant ear plants in his aunt’s yard and YIKES! Something like tons of sharp needles (that you couldn’t see) shot into our hands. It smarted, but not too much. He didn’t even cry, but it bothered us for a few hours. It seems like when we spent some time in the pool, it went away.

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yes, you are right - poison info is in the lower left corner, lists oxalate crystals https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/colocasia/

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Coolness! I learn so much from you and my husband STILL asks if I learned some new from the “Nutrition Goddess!”’<- His nickname for you because I talk about you so much. 😂

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Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023Author


I don't know if that would be the same or some other plant defense.

edit - yes, it is a high oxalate plant, and enough to injure the mouth if eaten raw - so maybe touching it might also affect sensitive skin anywhere. https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/colocasia/

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And we didn’t just touch it. We were trying to pull the leaf OFF!

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Haha needless to say the little tyke and I did NOT procure an elephant ear leaf!

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I also have question. I like to include beet juice in my daily juicing so I was wondering if more of these oxalate crystals stay behind in the pulp or could there be a lot of it going through into the juice? If you don't know it's understandable .

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I would think they would be in the juice too. Peeling them first might reduce it. There tends to be more in peels than the interior but not always.

You may not have a problem with the calcium/vitamin C ad breakdown. I do tend to be low calcium and forget my supplements. If it isn't uncomfortable it probably isn't a problem for you.

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Boiling helps release some of the oxalate. Boiling with lemon juice in the mix could release more. Then toss the water.

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totally off topic, but I guess we are having Geo engineering/climate emergency, and you know 'TPTB don't want this information out because Reinette Senum's sub-stack is being defunded by Visa and Amex - payments refused because the platform is "political"...



and Reinette Senum is on this too…with…

Geoengineering Lawsuit with Reinette Senum and Jim Lee

Jim Lee of ClimateViewer Takes on the History of Geoengineering


One hundred years of Man vs. Nature, geoengineering gone wrong, Texas stole California's rain, and US commercial airlines are making clouds & priming America for a hacking catastrophe. Worldwide Geoengineering Lawsuits! Landmark Case.

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Jen, There is one palm species that has so much of this in the fruit it can actually kill you. Another great article !

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What is confusing for many people about oxalates is why some have problems young, some old, some never, etc. There is a stomach bacteria called oxalobacter. It loves to eat oxalates. If you are a human that still has this intestinal bacteria you won't have stones or other oxalate problems. This bacteria is most likely inherited from the mother. If the mother doesn't have it the child won't. You can also lose it through antibiotics and other chemicals and toxins we are exposed to in modern life.

I would also point out that a carnivore diet saves you from all those nasty plant toxins. After a few bouts with stones I am now primarily carnivore and enjoying many benefits at 70.

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Citrates help with excretion. Squeeze lemon on cooked foods high in oxalate. Also take low dose magnesium citrate with high oxalate meals to aid excretion. Not effective if taken several hours post or pre meals. Helps redirect calcium rather than forming stones.

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always try to include calcium rich foods when eating spinach, binds with oxilates? didn’t know about kiwis, eat a lot of them for vitamin C.

weird note: when I was a child our backyard was filled with oxalis and I would constantly chew on the juicy stems daily which tasted to me like sweet & sour candies & nothing ever happened (not sure my parents even knew that I did this)… wondering if some people are more susceptible to the ill effects ?

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Three bacterium that break down oxalate. Bifido/lactobacillis/and most effective that starts with an O is in the article.

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Spinach has available calcium when cooked.

There is a gut bacterium some people are lucky to host that breaks down oxalate (full name is oblivious to my mind just now)

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