Oct 10, 2022Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Interesting observations here. I think you're the first I've come across to say that the oil falls from the sky. You state "The rainbow effects are alleged to be the shimmer of oil, like on a rain puddle at a gas station." 'are alleged' is in the passive voice: who is doing the alleging? Do you have links to the sources you've read for this information?

Are you familiar with "black goo" and the accounts that there are two versions, the homegrown "Mother Gaia" kind that either responds to human interaction with benevolence or indifference and the "Dark Alien" kind that responds to human interaction with malevolence or ego manipulation?

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022Author

No, I had not heard of black goo that is interactive with emotions.

The petrol falls from the sky idea is not mine, Zetatalk - alleged aliens trying to help us via telepathic conversations with a human woman who has also visited them....other historians work does support the basic premise of cyclical cataclysmic change in the Earth's poles and geography.

I will find a link , this is a brief one https://t.me/ZetaTalk_Followers/20078 and https://t.me/ZetaTalk_Followers/20079 - they are included in the site's newsletter with some info about the petrol - falling from a galactic visitor. That is a longer story which is not covered in the newsletter tidbits. https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-april-30-2021?id=3863141%3ATopic%3A1141206&page=2#comments Nutshell, there is a tenth planet in a perpendicular orbit and it passes within range of Earth every 3600 years or so and how close it gets affects how severe the disruption of our tinier planet will be. This pass will be close and cause big shifts in the tectonic plates per their predictions, based on earthquake and other activity. It is a much bigger and denser astral body with a stronger magnetic field. Actual changes in the magnetosphere being measured and reported independently elsewhere support the predictions the Zeta site are making. Allegedly the elites were warned and instead of helping everyone prepare sensibly they have been trying to cull us so there will be fewer refugees later, and building individual hidey holes, and covering up evidence of the nearing astral body. Observatory locations or stations have been shut down, the chemtrails increased at times when the planet might be visible. / No idea, but again other historians have reached conclusions from different directions that support the theory of cyclical change and advanced beings that stopped by periodically.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

It's hard, at least for me, to overcome confirmation bias when my intuition continues to lead me into various sources that support or complement what part of me accepts as our reality. So I also allow the other parts of me to present and entertain and think through the other versions/visions of reality to help broaden my overall perspectives. I say this, because when you say "other historians have reached conclusions from different directions that support the theory of cyclical change and advanced beings that stopped by periodically," I am very familiar with that thinking. I too have also seen this claim supported: not just by historians but also a variety of researchers from different fields. But I'm also aware that there are many others working from different perspectives who don't conclude this.

For instance, on the one hand I have the people who support electric universe ideas coming to the conclusion that the magnetosphere changes (due to solar evolution and its longer periodic cycles within galactic cycles) happening now are similar to the previous changes that resulted in massive alterations in our human (and otherwise!) histories, and that our planet will stand still and get blasted. On another hand, I have Douglas Vogt of his Diehold Foundation developing a very wide-ranging theory (of everything) that claims the planet will stand still during a solar micronova, get blasted and be flooded over as the oceans continue moving due to inertia (hiding in a bunker won't work when the vaporized waters of the oceans start to fall during the long ice age that follows, since those bunkers won't just be underground but also buried under thousands of feet of ice solidifying into glaciers). On a third hand, I have other people who received channeled messages, spiritually guided intuitions, and similar kinds of inspiration who also say such similar things: the world is headed towards a moment when all these cataclysms reoccur. On a fourth hand, I watch videos put on by Brian Foerster where he develops his interpretive model based on archaeological evidences that the highly advanced megalithic cultures while showing that some of the remaining megalithic sites around the planet show signs of massive heating and destruction similar to high-energy plasmas striking the surfaces. And on and on. Many other hands, as mentioned, open to reveal nothing like these but what conventional narratives say is the accepted consensus.

So, I'm always on the lookout for what people carry and offer in their hands.

As for the black goo, no doubt you can see how it shows up in a wide variety of media and lore. Obvious cases: the earlier X-Files televion series in the 1990s, the Spiderman character arc involving the Venom alien symbiote, the gene-altering form in Prometheus that begins the process of converting victims into xenomorphs. I think it also appeared in a later movie of the Mockingjay stories, but I didn't watch those. Tip of the iceberg. It won't take long to see this kind of motif in science-fiction stories, which I think is also connected to where the black goo fits into our lore about Luciferian or Faustian (or, for the Steiner viewpoint: Ahrimanic) choices available to humans. That is, in the lore aspects where the black goo has intelligence or communicates with sentience, the goo stands for technological advancement or evolution, whether because it offers it to us or because humans believe they can take advantage of its particular physical or computational properties.

Extending the lore, one finds that the black goo is also associated with the appearances of black cubes and black rocks in a culture. One of my favorite stories is Le Guin's A Wizard of Earthsea, where the hero Ged has to face down a black stone of horrifying power and escape its temptation (acting through others in the story that are themselves disposable) —but the black stone there is not the "main villain" of Ged's story. You don't have to look too far to see certain monotheistic religions have black cubes in their development. One of my own observations I'm sure others have also reached is noticing how more modern or contemporary appearances of the Abrahamic religions show the cube: the "star of David" is a cube seen from a different dimensional viewpoint flattened onto a 2D surface, the cross (but not the crucifix) is a cube unfolded onto a 2D surface, the Kaaba is quite bluntly a 3D black cube which every adherent performing the hajj must at some point kiss and make contact with the black stone inset upon it. And the folks who take the Saturnian path acknowledge the deep connection between the Saturnian entity and the black cube.

It took a while for me to correlate all the different appearances of black goo I was seeing and reading into something approaching a coherent narrative, but the thankful catalyst for this is Harald Kautz Vella and a lecture he gave at one of the Bases Project meetings (I think it was 25 or around there) put on by Miles Johnston. Unfortunately, the lecture is no longer available on YouTube, although it probably is still available through other means. Johnston himself talks about the black goo in relation to the Falklands War, how the UK was set on retrieving one of the black goo meteorites that fell in the Falklands and use it for advancing their own technology, only to find that they could not control it. He says they flushed it down the drain. Harald has many videos on YouTube (and elsewhere) available talking about the black goo, so a search for "black goo" with his name should turn up a variety of them.

Harald says that the oil appears in oil schists in addition to meteorites, which does make a difference: the homegrown black goo is the benevolent kind, bearing the spirit or life energy and intelligence of the planet that has nurtured the organic, biotic life that we know upon this planet. It is the noetic or spiritual intelligence of the living planet itself, embodied in this material that forms where water and carbons interact over long periods of time. In this sense, the oil we are burning is not "fossil fuel" stemming from dinosaurs or prehistoric life but part of a spiritual "out-pouring." The malevolent black goo falls onto our planet in meteorites, comes from a planet where the technological evolution of the life on that planet focused on exploitative, dark kinds of progress, struggles to comprehend its reality only through binary processes, and exists in such fear of its own annihilation through death that it seeks to expand its influence and material existence through manipulating whatever planets it falls upon towards technological developments in line with its ability to manifest itself (hence why I think Rudolf Steiner's insight into the differences between Lucifer and Ahriman are key to advancing an understanding of the natures of evil in our selves and our environment).

If you return to Prometheus, for example, you can see that David the android, motivated by profound hatred towards the entire line of creators who create superior beings only to live in fear and loathing towards them, travels to one of the populated planets of the Engineer species —who in that movie represent the people who engineered Earth's biosphere down the path of self-aware intelligent humans as well as created bioweapons capable of assimilating and terminating all forms of animal organic life— and releases upon them their own black goo weapons. Within moments, the people dissolve on contact and suffer tremendously as the android, driven by an emotionless rage and hatred, watches on.

I think the black goo does have a symbolic connection to how people think about the positive and negative aspects of human attachment to oil. Oil has acted like a steroid shot, like cocaine, like a wonder drug that's created cheap and abundant energy for humans to advance down any path they chose. But predictably, most chose total dependence on it, pursuit of selfish and self-limiting desires, evolution of greater and more destructive forms of warfare, creation of industrial wastes and toxins incapable with long-established biological life. But we also have through our technology greater access to the total human production of inspired works. While fewer and fewer people retain access to something like the Akashic records or Indra's Web or the total database of all human 9and otherwise) consciousness, at least many more people have access to the World Wide Web, to information systems contained in books in libraries on the other side of the planet, and machines capable of translating these languages into a close approximation of the language the user does understand. Still, just because a person can access information doesn't mean they will have the will, the intention, or the drive to act upon that information in a way that heals them, their people, their larger spirit, their planet. As you no doubt know, we all locked here on this plane still have to make our daily choices for better, for worse, for nothing, for something.

At any rate, this is a long comment, and I'm sorry if it's not helpful nor conducive towards your own time for studies and action. I do appreciate the opportunity to offer it.

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Thanks, did have to read in two halves - lunch time. Will have to relook, stuff to think about there.

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