Hamster study is discussed ~ around minute 26:00 *I am more awake now. A farmer noticed that the wild hamsters that usually populated his farm field were disappearing after he started using RoundUp crops (glyphosate herbicide). He contacted a local university to look into the curiosity and the scientists found that the wild hamster mothers were eating their own offspring. The hamsters were screened for nutrient deficiencies and two very specifically were found - tryptophan, a precursor for niacin and serotonin, and niacin, vitamin B3. Providing niacin to the hamsters caused the cannibalism of offspring to stop.
Niacin deficiency in humans can cause delirium or dementia, following diarrhea and dermatitis, then death follows the delirium - the Four D’s of pellagra. Photographs of CoV vak injured skin conditions have greatly resembled pellagra - niacin deficiency.
Weekly webinar by IPAK-EDU, moderated by James Lyons-Weiler, speakers include Stephanie Seneff, Alexis Baden-Mayer, (MomsAcrossAmerica.org), Michelle Perro, and Zen Honeycut. The speakers focus is on children's health and school lunches. Glyphosate residue was found in school lunches at significant levels. (Spoiler alert: glyphosate residue has been found in most commercial foods. Cheerios are not Toddler-Friendly anymore, as the cereal, and many others, is a source of glyphosate.)
Childrens Health Defense co-funded the glyphosate testing of school lunches along with Moms Across America. Write your Congress people, if enough voices speak up it might help but the power of the consumer dollar may help more. The more people who stop buying all commercially grown crops or livestock fed those grains, the more farmers may switch to organic. Currently the US demand is greater than supply of organically raised crops and we import a lot.
This is a good video, keeps moving. Stephanie Seneff explains about the serotonin and mood connection to niacin and tryptophan and the topic of mass shooters and junk food diets is discussed thoroughly by the group.
The video:

Michelle Perro is asked about nutrient deficiencies that she observed in her child patients - was low niacin a problem? Her answer, the children she has screened were “globally malnourished” - they were not only low in niacin but also in many other vitamins and trace minerals. I provide you a long list of nutrients for health support - because we need a long list.
The Catch22, though, is that a couple of them which may be in a basic One-A-Day mixed supplement, are likely in excess during chronic illness -SO- we may need a redesign of mixed supplements to make a one-a-day that is complete except for the few that can be in excess - calcium and vitamin A/carotenoids, and for a few people vitamin D needs to be limited, for others iodine may need to be limited. A “One-a-Day” for hyperinflammation would likely be a twice or three times a day capsule and it would need extra thiamin, niacin, and methyl B support, chelated magnesium for better GI absorption, and alpha lipoic acid and N-Acetylglucosamine and other cofactor support nutrients and polyphenols. Supplementing some water-soluble nutrients more than once a day is better care for a chronic condition than once a day.
(The video link: https://vimeo.com/780591158)
I go into a little more detail about my use of the niacin protocol in this post: Niacin protocol update & Vit C for heavy metal detox. (substack.com)
This post has an image of a person with pellagra from early days in figuring out what the condition was and what the treatment is - niacin. Mitochondrial dysfunction and PICS, poor recovery after ICU. (substack.com)
This post includes my mitochondrial support graphics from two series, which includes my niacin and melatonin graphics too. Mitochondrial dysfunction, continued, & an ASPEN webinar. (substack.com)
We are our mitochondria too - if they are unhealthy, we are unhealthy too. We need to respect and care for our symbionts, so they can continue to provide us energy, and not send ~ decomposition signals to our cells. We are Both the Germ and the Terrain Theory (substack.com) I am beginning to believe that they need us to move regularly for them to perceive us a functional host to support rather than to start decomposing. This post wanders and is more a work in progress: Mitochondria, movement, the cerebellum and dystonia. (substack.com) I have been doing some holiday cleaning, shopping, gift wrapping instead of reading about mitochondria in the last couple days - I think I needed a break.
If the population needs niacin and tryptophan, but the people in charge are addicted to human flesh, they may think they are helping by encouraging more people to be cannabils instead of saying, “Gee, we all need more niacin and tryptophan, and less glyphosate!” Meats are the richest source of niacin unlike other B vitamins that tend to be found in grains and beans. If an addict is in charge, they may try to rationalize their own cravings, and want to be supported in that irrational explanation by having more people join them.
Coffee is also a good source of niacin and so are niacin supplements. 🤔🧐🤨

Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Excellent read. Going back to watch the videos.