I love this because I use BDNF daily as my daughter who is a functional regenerative alternative medical practitioner gave me encouraging me to be aware as Alzheimer’s is such a huge problem in our society.

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Good to know, thanks!

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Thanks for allowing non paid subs to comment !

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Niacin or even niacinamide or NMN, they all give me a boost and i feel great when i take them,, keeps me in good shape, not much but even small amounts from time to time keeps me energetic .dont know why recent studies all are trying to make a villain out of Niacin aka vitamin b3 , for me niacin will always be a hero, who saved me from severe fatigue and lack any physical energy months after covid in 2021 and 2022...one thing to add, always take niacin with some other stuffs, it could be some amino acids ,some herbs or some other vitamins, Niacin works great when combined with one or more cofactors.... Thanks Jennifer for always helping us from the beginning of the pandemic till date..without her posts and website, which i read many times , printed and read again, i could not have learnt how to take care of myself and family with vitamins, amico acids and herbs ...must mention here about Dmitry also, who did a lot for Niacin, and was helpful too..thanks to him also..

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Jennifer, I just came across this substack... do you know about it...here it is..... The VITAMIN ISOLATION PSYOP: Vitamins ARE Viruses! The Nail in the Coffin of Supplements - Here's What Vitamins LOOK LIKE... https://substack.com/home/post/p-142641285

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He's not really wrong exactly, but it is imagining the worse, or not seeing the point in having an 'isolate' molecule to be able to fortify foods with or put in a capsule.

Personally I have a genetic need for high dose B6 which I would be unable to get from food. My high dose zinc need would be difficult without eating shellfish type of excellent sources.

Random fortification of foods with vitamin D was a concern of mine which I wrote about a lot starting late 2010 - wrote about it enough to get Cancel Culture set on me. It was a win kind of I thought, the whole topic of vitamin D got so ugly that it was no longer trendy to food fad it onto your Waffle box or Toaster Pastry box label.

"Shockingly, we discovered the child was exceeding the United Nations / FDAs daily intake levels of vitamins. In fact, the child who is living off processed food is dangerously high in his intake of synthetic fat soluble vitamins, such as Vitamin D, in which each dose is stored in our body fat for years, easily leading to toxic levels that disguise themselves as other health conditions (anxiety, stomach pain, weakness, dizziness, bone problems, kidney issues, heart problems, seizures and more)." - From Agent.....'s post. https://open.substack.com/pub/chemtrails/p/how-vitamins-are-isolated-the-nail?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

He gets heavy into comparing vitamin/chemical isolation with virus isolation and the two topics are not at all related and size wise, not on the same microscopic level of size. Riboflavin, vitamin B2 has a molecular weight of 376.4 g/mol. (3) Riboflavin detail, just as an example of the chemistry considered in isolating or synthesizing a vitamin - and the breakdown considerations ~ how to store it for more shelf stability. (4)

For comparison while viruses or alleged viruses vary in size - they are much larger, a membrane droplet of molecules clustered together adds up to as large as 2.6 million riboflavin equivalents or a smaller 265 riboflavin equivalents.

"The molecular weight of viruses can range from around 10^5 daltons (100,000 g/mol) to 10^9 daltons (1,000,000,000 g/mol), depending on the virus family, genome size, and composition." (1)

Background info: one Dalton equals 1 gr/mole :: 1 Da = 1 g/mol (2)

(1) https://search.brave.com/search?q=what+is+the+molecular+weight+of+a+virus&source=desktop&summary=1&summary_og=832a5e04cd8cb41c31e471

(2) https://search.brave.com/search?q=how+many+grams%2Fmole+is+a+dalton&source=desktop&summary=1&summary_og=6495347a28266427f6d7cd

(3) https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Riboflavin

(4) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4168737/

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To be taken with a very large grain of salt!!

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Fair enough...I take everything what a grain of salt! Therefore, still worth a consideration.....

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