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Thank you Jennifer - you have touched on a subject dear to my heart. I have copied to my colleague ( a retired medical doctor) in Australia, who has already advised on the use of zinc supplements taken with an ionophore, we use green tea, which has proven 100% effective against our UK winter virus infections.

My wife and I have suffered not even a sniffle since taking this mix together with vitamins D & C from January 2020 - so as an experiment it must prove something (I am 78 and my wife is 76) BUT my interest is in diet and weight loss (we are both a little over our BMI optimum).

We lived in Cape Town for 10 years up to 2009, but needed to move to UK for various reasons. We had hoped to return to RSA but the political situation is uncertain at present. Actually it is deteriorating in UK too as the years pass by.

Whilst in Cape Town we came across a cactus-type plant, hoodia, used by the Khoisan people to limit appetite during their hunting expeditions. We have a source in RSA and are researching its use for weight loss programmes. Have you any knowledge its use please? https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/hoodia-gordonii#bottom-line

We are also researching Dr David Unwin's methods for weight control which has recently been publicised by Mark Steyn at GB News (he claims effective weight loss). Your professional opinion on this method would be gratefully welcome. https://www.dietdoctor.com/authors/dr-david-unwin Even this doctor is monetising his programme which causes me a degree of reservation.

The western diet and its associated obesity issues is a major problem for all generations and my book, The Financial Jigsaw - Part 2 needs to include advice regarding effective and economical weight controls and healthy diet. I believe this is an industry which is being exploited by commercial interests in an economic environment which is becoming increasingly oppressive in the western world.

My contacts in China offer a range of traditional Chinese medicine solutions and I personally prefer a Mediterranean or Japanese diet programme. I am not a specialist in this discipline and thus any advice you can offer would be very helpful

My books are available to view FOC at Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358116877_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_2_A5_Update_V1_-_2020

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