well, Jennifer, that was a lot to read, much less write. Can't disagree with anything you say here. Glad you are resisting. Just staying alive is an act of resistance these days. Staying alive and staying whole is better. Good tips in here.

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It did use up my whole morning. I can get onto something and not want to leave it.

I recently added another Substacker on a similar topic, at the very end.

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Whatever! Although black people have had a huge influence on a lot of genres of music including R&R! It's not until the DemonRats aka Democrats came along and put blacks back on the plantation. Watch Danesh D'Souza' documentary Hillarys America! The DemonRats target black neighborhoods with Planned Parenthood!

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Before covid, I would have completely dismissed this stuff…now, though, either it’s my eyes have been opened and/or the evil/satanic influence has become more overt, but I do not dismiss it now, at all.

This is a spiritual battle, a very serious one, and prayer is our very powerful weapon! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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May peace be with you and give you strength and spiritual armor. Namaste

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Thank you, Jennifer. I’m grateful you took the time to tackle such a horrific topic. “Sunlight is the best disinfectant” right?!

Blessings 🤍

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For me, some of these stories are too awful and over-the-top to be believable. I've known people who are schizophrenic and wow, the stories they told me...

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It is unbelievable and that may be why it has remained hidden. I have listened to some of the survivors though, too much is shared and there has also been a couple tell alls supposedly from insiders who are just showing off/bragging about icky deeds, or another to professional peers as a warning of what's on the way

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This "beyond evil" has flourished for many centuries largely due to most people not being able to wrap their heads around such evil. It is our responsibility not to stick our heads in the sand, as I told my incredulous sister, who doesn't want to hear or read anything that doesn't fit her "view of the world with blinders on" -- her world of puppies and sunshine.

She once said to me "why do you want to know all that? what can you possibly do to stop it?" My reply was along the lines of "well, every bit of knowledge helps. I now know quite a few details about child trafficking, for instance, and I travel long haul internationally quite often. I now keep my eyes open in case I can be the next person who spots the trafficked child on an airplane and notifies a flight attendant to covertly check it out, just like someone else did of whom I read."

Reminds me of an Edmund Burke quotation: “There is no safety for honest men, but by believing all possible evil of evil men, and by acting with promptitude, decision, and steadiness on that belief.”

Think of the implications surrounding that fact that demons were among the first to call Jesus the "Son of God" from Matthew chapter 8.

Demons Recognize Jesus As The Son of God, And Submit To His Authority Over Them

28 And He having come to the other side, to the country of the Gadarenes, two men being demon-possessed met Him, coming out of the tombs. They were very violent, so that no one was strong-enough to pass through that way. 29 And behold— they cried out, saying, “What do we have to do with You, Son of God? Did You come here to torment us before the time?” 30 Now there was a herd of many pigs feeding far away from them. 31 And the demons were begging Him, saying, “If You are casting us out, send us out into the herd of pigs”. 32 And He said to them, “Go!” And the ones, having come out, went into the pigs. And behold— the whole herd rushed down the steep-bank into the sea and died in the waters.

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Learning or seeing the patterns of sound and wave vibrations, replicated in Cathedral windows and the indigenous American people's Dreamcatcher string ornaments and other places made me a little more open to the idea that energy beings might be affected by energy patterns. I do hang the string dreamcatchers in my windows. No bad dreams for me 😴😄

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I’m so sick of this divisive sophistry destroying the fabric of our society.

It’s by design.

Emotionalism and Sophistry are destroying us by design.

Many great countries have been toppled with it.

Mao used it, Hitler used it. Now our government.

Using children has always been a tactic.

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Yes, it is infuriating.

One of my children is in a hotbed of it. Sad.

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Blacks were playing country music before it was cool?

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Well that's just bootylicious... I knew Beyonce was destinies child!

Beyonce's family have had a lot of experience with hoes and bucks back on the ranch.

You know the ol country classic?-

" Bey once and you'r a horse. Bey Twice, and yah love ya papa"

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cringe, haha

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