"Of the nine polyphenols - pomegranate peel and citrus peel would be good sources, including quercetin, and curcumin were also used. (Milenkovic, et al., 2012) More about the apo e -/- mouse study after this link:"
Yes, thanks. The ankle bone is connected to the leg bone, etc. - and all of it is connected to the digestive system. And embryology. As a prenatal focused nutritionist I have spent a little extra time on embryology.
Awesome article for reference & thanks for posting the link, will share this.
Very welcome! Thanks for sharing!
Terrific post, Jennifer!
"Of the nine polyphenols - pomegranate peel and citrus peel would be good sources, including quercetin, and curcumin were also used. (Milenkovic, et al., 2012) More about the apo e -/- mouse study after this link:"
Thank you so much!
Very welcome and the feedback is also much appreciated.
I love various disciplines bouncing off one another's substacks. Fantastic!
Yes, thanks. The ankle bone is connected to the leg bone, etc. - and all of it is connected to the digestive system. And embryology. As a prenatal focused nutritionist I have spent a little extra time on embryology.