What to eat? How to make nutrient recommendations into something for dinner? It does require knowing what a food contains nutritionally, and how it was prepared - fried?
Perimenopausal 46 year old here with high inflammation and hashimoto thyroiditis. I’m often overwhelmed with all the nutritional advice out there. This was incredibly helpful. Thank you!
Good to read! many thanks :)
Very welcome!
Perimenopausal 46 year old here with high inflammation and hashimoto thyroiditis. I’m often overwhelmed with all the nutritional advice out there. This was incredibly helpful. Thank you!
I am glad to be able to help. I was once an inflamed perimenopausal 38 year old - that was a peak year for my inflammatory symptoms.
I just updated the iodine section at the end of my Nrf2/NfKb post and it includes links to two pages on my site effectivecare.info that may be helpful. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/nrf2-and-nf-kb-2-proteins-to-know
Always keep these points in mind:
1. Each one is different. So not every type of food is suitable for everyone.
2. The body and the sense of well-being will indicate whether one is healthy.
3. If something worked for you, don't try to change it!
4. Natural and simply cooked are best.
Very well put.