
Purchased pom powder...

Have been putting about 1/2 teaspoon in my lemon water cocktail in the am...

Any suggestions as to awareness of limits?

Is utilizing the peel powder in this manner beneficial?

Thank you....

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That seems like a reasonable amount. Too much peel would cause urination/diuretic.

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Thank you!

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JD - Another tour de force.

NRF2 is a transcription factor that has been deemed the master regulator of redox and metabolic homeostasis . As prolonged activation of NRF2 promotes cancer initiation and progression, it is a two edged sword.




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Thanks NN. I was aware that it can be a concern for some types of cancer. From the third link - "In NRF2-addicted cancers, protein degradation machinery may be defective, such as with KEAP1 mutations,...." so inhibiting Nrf2-DNA interactions might help.... it is profit oriented goal of those links, BUT Nrf2 does so much good stuff for the body that I would be concerned that the negatives would be large.

My impression when I wrote page G10. Nrf2 Promoting Foods was that it wasn't cancer in general with had Nrf2 mutations. Just a few types. https://effectivecare.info/g10%3A-nrf2-promoting-foods The page only lists prevention for cancer as a therapeutic strategy. But pomegranate would help cancer. It is particularly good against metastasis in research on cancer but it also promotes apoptosis of cancer cells at higher concentrations.

This post was about detoxing from synthetic biotech crud but it wandered.

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Love that you're diving down the leptin rabbit hole Jennifer!

Lots to download from that Kruse interview. I also find it fascinating that leptin ischemically similar to a cytokine known as interleukin 6 (IL-6) High levels of leptin, along with IL-6, are strong predictors of obesity, lethargy, and weight gain.6

When leptin increases as the result of a biotoxin exposure, there is a simultaneous decrease in melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) secretion.


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