"It is not okay."
If your tribe demands that you kill a friend or your child - would you murder to stay a member?
Before I return to pomegranate - with an updated risks/benefits for CoV summary - I need to add to the cognitive dissonance / group instincts topic.
The manipulative media/government propaganda uses our instinct to fit in with the group against us. Things are “normalized” by elevating the topic in media and showing that celebrities displaying participation in the theme are successful, rich, celebrated for their actions or beliefs. If a rich person hired them specifically because they seem to support an agenda’s theme, then is the “celebrity” really appreciated by the public, or did a rich person hire them to act like a “celebrity” who then is appreciated by the public because the public were prompted to do so?
A comment I made on Gab:
@WhitebreadMcLoaf Great video [the video post] - and yes, not for children to watch. One of my earliest posts was about how the "dance competitions" for little girls I had seen on Youtube was not dance moves for little girls to perform or know about and the outfits were not for little girls to wear. Pedophilia competitions or training. I also warned parents to be very cautious about leaving their children alone with anyone who promoted that sort of dance style. I framed it in the economics - people want to earn money, but little kids don't know what is right or wrong and might be made to perform those moves in private, in order to get approval, or more jobs. That is pimping out your child to put it in impolite terms.
And pimping out children seems to be standard for Hollywood.
Word of the Day: Titillation. Dec. 9, 2011, (transcendingsquare.com).
I reposted my previous comment this morning with this:
While we all have instincts to fit in with our group - what if the group starts going a direction that you don't like? What if the group slowly makes it clear that it is a group of murderers and in order to stay a part of the group you have to support murder and may be asked to murder. Is that okay? It seems to be okay with a lot of people. Allegedly Johnny Depp's entry to the higher levels of power was by ending the life of his buddy River Phoenix. Not only is murder demanded to rise in power in the group, but murder of a relative or friend is demanded, or your child.
Is that okay? It was okay with the Jews allegedly, the first-born son had to be sacrificed. [I don’t know Bible history - it seems the Jewish families were “PassedOver” and it was non-Jewish firstborn sons (and animals) who died - all ages, not just babies. (Quora answer)] Now some are demanding that abortion be legalized for religious reasons, because abortion is part of the Jewish religion - while I am pro-choice for early pregnancies that may not be viable, I do see late term abortions of a viable fetus as murder rather than a religious "right". Search results suggest the Jewish religion still don't see abortion as the woman's choice but if abortion seems medically necessary to save the woman's life, or her mental status can't cope (?)... then abortion is okay because the fetus is not considered fully human yet. Roughly, a few search results summarized. This is a recent one. https://www.vox.com/2022/7/3/23190408/judaism-rabbi-abortion-religion-reproductive-rights
Fitting in with the group is a very strong instinct, but when your group wants you to support killing family, friends, and children - are you sure that you want to belong to that group? When are they going to decide that you need to be killed? #think
The latest talk has been about cannibalism - when the group decides that all people over age 65 should be made into food for everyone else - will you go report to the Soylent Green factory on your birthday? (Logan's Run scenario had the future people turn themselves in at age 21 for "suicide".)
"Ask not what you can do for your country"... ask if your country is trying to kill you or not.
Related recent post: People with learning disabilities or severe mental illness found at highest "risk" over obesity or age for mortality from hospitalized "Covid19". (substack.com). the disabled and elderly were more likely to get the deadly CoV protocol care - and die, during the Covidemic, from an infection that overall has a mortality rate of ~ 1%. Some of our countries are already making moves to make refusal of CoV jabs a sign of “mental illness”, then once diagnosed, the “mentally ill” will not be able to refuse “healthcare” and will be force jabbed with a substance that has been proven to be very risky for adverse reactions and for sudden death.
Reminder for the back row - preventive health care is never supposed to make you worse. Any current medical messaging suggesting that it is normal and typical for a preventive care strategy to make you chronically disabled or dead - is LYING. That is crazy and has never been true up until more recent insane times - the last few decades have been weird in that the messaging is now pushing that it is normal to expect that care strategies are to protect the whole group at the expense of those who are maimed. Why is maiming part of the group helping the group?
In the case of CoV the jabs have made the jabbed more likely to get sick, more likely to die, and more likely to become chronically disabled. Those are not good things - just a reminder. The jabs don’t prevent transmission or prevent hospitalization or death.
Also related recent post: Cognitive dissonance, training, confusion, transformation. (substack.com).
If your group wants you to think that killing people and eating babies is sexy, then they may elevate people who do that in media and portray them as rich, smart, desirable - and numerous - everyone is doing this. It is normal to kill people and eat babies! and sexy! Or it is normal to “protect” society by killing the unwanted, the undesirable, the useless eaters, who aren’t stepping in time with the social messaging. Those useless eaters are using up limited resources that would be better used by the cooperators of society! It is pitting the masses against each other, instead of revealing that the parasitic elite class are the one’s using up resources at a very wasteful and greedy rate.
The profit basis of capitalism is to always increase profit, as much as possible, more growth is always possible. Limited resources mean that is untrue. Sustainable harvest means not destroying next year’s yield by over-harvesting this year.
If we truly cared about the planet then we would be improving the health of its people and employing them to pull invasive weeds, clear waterways, plant beneficial species, and stop using harmful agricultural chemicals and practices.
Vigilantism and shunning are similar - turning the public against a scapegoat or minority group. Over the millennia, the rich have kept the public complacent by assuring that they have “Bread and Circuses” - adequate food and distracting entertainment. The short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson showed the negative side of groups - the public can also be entertained by Roman gladiators throwing Christians to the lions.
If your group thinks it is entertaining to watch people be eaten by lions, will you join in and clap and cheer? Will you help capture people to throw to the lions? Or will you just look the other way while others cheer and clap?
Tribalism is a strong instinct, but sometimes the tribe is wrong.
Integrity is recognizing when your core values don’t agree with whatever conflicting belief is being pushed. Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort felt when our mind has two conflicting statements - which one is correct? which one should be discarded even though it seems like “everyone else” believes that conflicting thought?
If your group wants to kill children and anyone that doesn’t agree with them - is that really a group that you want to be a member of? Watching some of the abortion protests - yes, some people really seem to want to have the “right” to kill their own infant. What will be normalized next (already seems on the way) - parents should have the “right” to pimp out their child or to personally use their children or other’s sexually as alleged President Biden seems to be promoting?
Yes, children are precious and life affirming and loveable - but not sexually. Their innocence should be protected until they are old enough to figure things out with their first love peer. Abortions need to be reduced by providing better pre-conception counseling for males and females. No drunk person should have unprotected sex - male drunkenness is harming the DNA of children. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is worse when the pregnant woman drinks but the male’s drinking in the 3 months prior to conception would have affected his sperm’s DNA and potentially created a mentally and physically damaged baby who doesn’t have the extreme physical deformities seen with a mother’s use of alcohol prenatally.
Blaming others for problems means that you have no control over solving the problem. Men seem to want to control women’s bodies and baby making - yet they need to recognize they also are making a baby - are they making a damaged baby?
ADHD seems very linked to male alcohol use pre-conception. This is a really big deal and yet getting society to accept that women are not the only ones to blame for something will be difficult. It seems to be instinctual to trust males to lead and to blame women when anything goes wrong.
Note that Fauci, Baric, Daszak, Collins - lots of men in this story playing at being gods by fooling around with genetics. Only #fools disrespect Mother Nature.
Women may care more about life, and value children more on average than men. Reducing the power of women in society is reducing the protection of children. That is a fact, and whether I could find a reference or not to support my claim, is a different question.
“But you like doing it [chores involving childcare] better than me!” - says the husband to the overworked wife who was asking for more help. Do Women Like Child Care More Than Men? - The New York Times (nytimes.com) Woman may see the need more than men, physiologically, may be more sensitive to emotional and physical needs - they may be BETTER at childcare than men. But does that mean that they have to do it? If it needs to be done and no one else is doing it, then sadly yes - neglect is easy, providing good care is work. Men may be neglectful and have no idea that they are being neglectful - or abusive. Women may also be abusive, but less often then men, and more likely when it is a couple abusing together. Child abuse or neglect is horrific - so why is all of society suddenly demanding that children be abused as policy? Masks don’t protect against an aerosol and are a health risk for a person’s own self-contamination from their own microbial species.
Humans are symbionts - if we kill our mitochondria and our gut microbiome, then we are killing ourselves.
Table 5 shows that as a society, our treatment of mentally ill people is killing their mitochondria. Disturbingly transparent Table. - by Jennifer Depew, R.D. (substack.com). I don’t approve of a society or tribe that demands that I self-harm or that I harm others. I don’t approve of a society that hypersexualizes females and children and glorifies self-mutilation. If your body parts work, please be grateful. If your children’s body parts work, please be grateful. If your child is mentally troubled, please encourage them to eat a well-balanced diet, drink plenty of water, get a good night’s sleep (and teens and toddlers need ten hours, unlike everyone else), and BE PATIENT - childhood isn’t easy for anyone and the teen years are worse. Our brain development (white matter) isn’t even finalized until ~ age 26-27. So, keep being patient with yourself and your young adults.
I like people, I like helping, but I have never been popular and was always the odd kid with facial eczema or a nose-bleed, and my parent’s dressed me differently than average. I had to learn to appreciate myself and my family for our own values as society never seemed “normal” to me - really weird values about shoes and other odd stuff like toxic fingernail polish.
If you take away nothing else from this post /or my writing in general/ please, PLEASE, do not put toxic nail polish on little, tiny babies and children. They put it in their mouths and why do babies need to be sexualized with “adult {slut} paint” - my term. Nail polish on babies and toddlers GROSSES ME OUT! Flashback to history - any woman who wore makeup was considered risqué, and not a “nice woman”. Whatever happened in modern life was not a giant step forward for women’s equality. Please do not hypersexualize infants and children with toxic cosmetics (cosmetics are mostly not healthy for us as adults, let alone as a developing child - endocrine disrupting chemicals in cosmetics and elsewhere in the food supply and environment may be adding to gender dysphoria even).
It is time for some rock throwing in my opinion. How many millions have to be murdered for profit or maimed for profit before you too, decide that being part of a tribe that demands murder is not a good tribe to be a member of? *Metaphorical rick’s to break glass houses of untruth.
In China if you break the only one child rule, the second pregnancy may be terminated late and the dead fetus left with the woman in a bucket by her hospital bed in order to shame/punish her for having been pregnant.
Slippery slopes are sliding rapidly downward in California - which allegedly has been a center for the insider’s child trafficking and abuse gang for many decades. Roughly, the US lost WWII by infiltration, and those in power since the 1950’s have been Nazi’s who may have been given a new name and background.* The US are the bad guys (among others) - it is past time to recognize that we are fighting Nazi’s still, and they are US too.
*Addition - it is a little more layered than that - the Nazi’s were also infiltrated and lost in part because of that and we were infiltrated prior to WWII, starting in the 1880s possibly, 1920s, yes. Calling the infilitrators Nazi’s isn’t quite right - but kind of, the Paper Clip program did give new names and backgrounds to people who were Nazi’s at the time of WWII. Some older group of bankers seems involved in controlling both sides of wars - one hand appears to be fighting the other, while both are connected to the wallet in the back pocket.
If Baric, Daszak, Fauci, Collins, and crew are descendants of Nazi’s, who are carrying out a genocide, is that a tribe that you want to be a member of?
It is okay to say, Oh, I was wrong to go along with that belief. I can change my belief.
It is okay to say, Oh, I was fooled by a huge and well-funded many decades old con-game.
It is okay to say, Oh, I don’t agree that murdering citizens or eating babies is okay.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. It is not intended to provide individual guidance. Please seek a health care provider for individualized health care guidance.