Apr 22Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

This is sooo informative! Thank you, thank you!

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Apr 23Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

". It would take six months of extremely strict avoidance of the antigen - gluten in this example - for that flair up of antibodies to get broken down so they stop signaling white blood cells to attack thyroid tissue or its look-alike gluten. "


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Apr 23Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Interesting and I have recently last year taken out most City Water which has fluoride. Purchase water that has minerals and fluoride taken out. Eat more fish and will introduce iodized salt into my diet again.

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Apr 22Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

How much selenium would be recommended per day?

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May 2Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Hi Jennifer. Karafree sent me to Heidi where I found your Stack link from a comment you left.

The Goldilocks thing is more of a chinese puzzle box. You have to have the right combination in the right order to make it work:


---- high amounts of iodine without selenium induces AIT (Auto Immune Thyroiditis) and goiter

----- if you are already hypothyroid, taking selenium supplements while iodine deficient will make you MORE HYPOTHYROID

Hashimotos was claimed by Richard Versendaal to be a virus acquired from dust mites. Selenium is antiviral. Anti-oxidants are an over-beaten red-headed step child of the AlterNUT world to keep people's attention off of CAUSATION. With the use of just selenium and a DEHUMIDIFIER to get the relative humidity below 40% I have seen people's TPO drop from scary ranges to manageable. The virus comes from dust mites. Dust mites can't breed unless the humidity is 40% or above. Versendaal said to NEVER shampoo or steam clean carpets again.

Your post was long so I sped-red it, but I will revisit it for the subtle details that are really good.

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Apr 23Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I agree! Glyphosate needs to be banned. Unfortunately, they’ll just replace it with something worse! Anyhoot…definitely know it was my SAD filled with Crisco, Wesson Oil, HFCS, bromide bread that caused my health issues in conjunction with living in moldy homes. I have CIRS!

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Apr 23Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Another wonderful article which will help me and many others!

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Apr 23Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Hi, the following is cut'n'pasted from the Learning German New Medicine website on the thyroid and specifically Hashimotos.

It won't be everyone's cup of tea because it's so different from the idea of illness we have in society right now, but learning GNM very slowly over an 8 yr period has started to pay off by applying its ideas. Hamer combines or perhaps 'maps' psychology's effects on to biology.

(Surgery only ever seems to be suggested by this guy when the patient has failed to understand that often the initial problem is psychological and failure to find the root cause in the mind or psyche (soul) has made the problem physically chronic.)

p.s. I still love iodine and I hope you're well Jennifer. :)

"People who are driven to “get things done”, who have professions and activities that involve competition (business managers, sales agents, vendors, athletes and sports competitors), who are under deadline pressure (journalists, manufacturers) or constant pressure to “keep up” (working two jobs, single mothers) are more susceptible to experience the conflict. Children and adolescents suffer thyroid-conflicts when they are pushed by a parent, teacher, or coach (“You are too slow!”).

CONFLICT-ACTIVE PHASE: Starting with the DHS, during the conflict-active phase thyroid gland cells proliferate proportionally to the intensity of the conflict. The biological purpose of the cell increase is to improve the secretion of thyroxine so that the individual becomes faster to catch the desired morsel (right half of the thyroid) or to get rid of an undesired morsel (left half of the thyroid). This causes an overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism. Because of the enhanced thyroxine production, persons with an overactive thyroid are often overexcited, nervous, irritable, and have trouble sleeping. High blood pressure is typically isolated to systolic hypertension (compare with hypertension related to the right myocardium and the kidney parenchyma). The nodule that appears during the conflict-active phase is generally referred to as a “hot nodule” (compare with “cold nodule” related to the thyroid ducts).

With persistent conflict activity, the growth (secretory type) created by the continuing cell augmentation forms a hard struma, or goiter (compare with euthyroid struma related to the thyroid ducts). The enlargement of the thyroid could cause breathing difficulties due to the pressure on the trachea. A large swelling with profuse cell proliferation might be diagnosed as a thyroid cancer.

This CT scan highlights the area in the brainstem from where the left thyroid gland is controlled (view the GNM diagram). The sharp ring configuration of the Hamer Focus indicates conflict activity, hence, an overactive thyroid.

HEALING PHASE: Following the conflict resolution (CL), fungi or mycobacteria such as TB bacteria remove the cells that are no longer needed. Healing symptoms are pain due to the swelling, difficulties breathing and swallowing, and night sweats. If the healing process is accompanied by an inflammation, this causes thyroiditis.

With the completion of the healing phase the thyroxine level returns to normal. However, with a hanging healing, that is, when healing is continually interrupted by conflict relapses, the prolonged decomposing process results in a loss of thyroid gland tissue causing a chronic underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, also termed Hashimoto’s disease. It is a wide-spread belief that hypothyroidism is caused by iodine deficiency. This theory, however, cannot explain why the right or left thyroid lobe is affected or both. Symptoms of an underactive thyroid are fatigue and low energy, since the insufficient production of thyroxine slows down the body’s metabolism (see also healing phase of thyroid ducts). In this case, supplementing thyroxine is advisable.

NOTE: Hypothyroidism is always preceded by hyperthyroidism!

If the required microbes are not available upon the resolution of the conflict, because they were destroyed through an overuse of antibiotics, the additional cells in the thyroid gland cannot be broken down. Consequently, the growth or goiter stays maintaining the overproduction of thyroxine with lasting hyperthyroidism, even though the conflict has been resolved (see also parathyroid glands, pancreas gland, adrenal gland, prostate gland). To normalize the thyroxine production, surgery might have to be considered.


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