Jennifer have you written about peripheral neuropathy? I'm already using red lights whenever possible, grounding, think I have my diet and supplements sorted out pretty well, taking Benfotiamine, I'm not diabetic ... usually it seems to be improving, but then something goes wrong and slam it's all worse again... I guess it could just be a byproduct of poor circulation. I used to take saccharomyces boulardii , I guess I will start that again since problems with yeast are reocurring 😝.

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I wrote about LongCovid fingers - numbness and pain associated with hypoxia might be imbalance in cannabinoids or lack. I got worse when traveled out of state and used CBD drops without THC too. More THC is needed instead and magnesium and methyl B12. Gentle exercise to keep blood flow and oxygen moving into the area is also important.

My effectivecare.info site has a page on Demyelination. CoQ10 is also helpful and general malnutrition is a risk factor. All the Bs are likely needed in balance.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

The MOCO enzymes are coenzymes for nitrates, sulphites, acetylaldehydes and other metabolic enzymes. Making sure to get adequate Molybdenum that is bioavailable helps with sulphites and nitrites. I take about 160% of the daily requirement split between AM and PM and it helps me to metabolize these things. I do have some genetic snps that limit the amount of this enzyme, but supplementing a little twice a day makes it so I don't get deficient. I also take a little copper with these to make sure I don't have problems.

I still cannot overload on sulfites and nitrates, but I have way less issues. Molybdenum is found in higher concentrations in certain foods, but some people like me cannot break it out of these foods well because I can't break apart certain veggies. Sometimes because of a distant ancestor you can't metabolize things the same way others do. In my case, on my paternal side, I have one point seven percent inuit genes. I cannot eat totally like an eskimo but I need some of the diet. In males, three percent of far northern european males have this genetics. Can't metabolize sucrose or mannose well, and need more fish than most people in my diet...which might be why I and my father and uncles on my dad's side loved eating fish. I seem to metabolize organic grassfed organic beef and venesin pretty well, but commercial meats not so well. Also, I make amylase in my mouth, but not much in my organs, so I have to drink a coke every so often to disolve bezoars because I like veggies. I am not really fond of the tast of coke, but to me it is medicine and medicine usually does not taste good.

So maybe boosting molybdenum in your diet or taking a multivitamin containing about one hundred percent or more of it might help some but not all people with issues. Ammonium molybate works best for me, but sodium molybdate works all right. I can't find a reasonable priced multimineral pill with the ammonium molybdate in it so I get the sodium or other forms of it most times. My genetics cause mild Wilson's disease symptoms. Since I have been taking the molybdenum...eighteen years now, I have had way less headaches from aldehydes, nitrates, and sulpher foods. Since it is a cofactor deficiency it means many food types are effected, aldehydes form from alcohol motabolism, so they effect how much sulphur foods you can eat too. too much sulphites can give you intolerances to nitrates too. So this issue can cause some diverse allergy symptoms.

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Thanks Rick! I will check my Trace Mineral supplement. Part of my problem was the Epsom salt baths - I was taking one daily for a few days in a row to try to get more magnesium. And, not taking a lot of my supplements consistently was a problem. I had been slacking for a while on things other than the high dose niacin and other Bs.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Sorry to see shrimp on this list. Will need to check the package, although it appears that sulfites aren't always listed in the ingredients. Old enough to remember when the warning started to appear on wine bottles. Thanks for this info.

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Amount matters. Eat a small amount of a new batch in case it was treated would be a rest trial. Then more minor symptoms might occur then if you ate a large portion

or combined with other sources counts too.

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Thanks. Will def try this.

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Sorry this happened to you. I did notice a long time ago red wine would give me some asthma symptoms. it's so annoying because it's not consistent, right? Thanks for chronicling all this stuff and doing the research.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023Author

Not consistent is an issue. I knew I was somewhat sensitive to sulfites in dried fruits and bought kinds without it.

Additive problems is part, a little can slide by, too many at once, nope.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

If you dry a fruit, it turns nitrates to nitrites and sulphates to sulfites. It seems to take away an oxygen ion which helps to preserve the food. Celery is high in nitrates, when they use celery powder on meats to preserve them they dry the celery which creates nitrites. Also, remember, when we eat nitrate foods, enzymes in our digestive system convert it to nitrites or sometime nitrides if needed...same with sulfur foods. just use the sulf front. Our body if working properly creates medicines when needed.

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Jennifer have you written about peripheral neuropathy? I'm already using red lights whenever possible, grounding, think I have my diet and supplements sorted out pretty well, taking Benfotiamine, I'm not diabetic ... usually it seems to be improving, but then something goes wrong and slam it's all worse again... I guess it could just be a byproduct of poor circulation. I used to take saccharomyces boulardii , I guess I will start that again since problems with yeast are reocurring 😝.

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Jennifer have you written about peripheral neuropathy? I'm already using red lights whenever possible, grounding, think I have my diet and supplements sorted out pretty well, taking Benfotiamine, I'm not diabetic ... usually it seems to be improving, but then something goes wrong and slam it's all worse again... I guess it could just be a byproduct of poor circulation. I used to take saccharomyces boulardii , I guess I will start that again since problems with yeast are reocurring 😝.

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