Really good preparedness advice. Looking forward to reading the rest.

Please read my comment on Heidi's excellent post here


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ok here it is.

Awesome history. You noticed disasters actually occurred before people were affecting weather with cloud seeding, etc. 1900, 1925. Kind of like on 100 year schedules. like 100 year floods, like 108 years ago a massive flood devastated Asheville, NC.

Here is a sober look at Milton, from a series that teaches you how to use free apps to track weather and flights to do your own research, form the comfort of your own couch. This video looks at Milton specifically, and breaks down how to look at the weather reconnaissance flights that NOAA sends into hurricanes to collect data. And also shows you how to decipher the data. You do not have to depend on either MSM or alternative clickbait news, or Alexa or Siri - you can do your own research.

(seriously people? you think asking Alexa is doing your own research? Try asking Alexa for a source when it gives you some nugget of propaganda...) you can do your own research.


In the last 15 minutes or so of this episode, broader questions of misleading weather reports are discussed. Did you think Helene was a Cat 4 hurricane, or did you realize that the actual date showed it was a tropical storm? That is covered here


Yes it was devastating, but as we learned from the same thing happening in 1916, that was primarily due to the local topography.

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Is it bad karma or do they believe they need to keep the negative and positive in equal balance to avoid judgment giving warning in the dark sneaky fashion that they do to get around free will? This is what I think I see taking place here only more complicated. I think it being done with a serious perversion of language as well. When they are speaking to people they are either not considering us as people or not considering themselves as people. So a very tricky language and belief system.

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Yes, appearance of doing good is also important to them, white and black, sweet majestic Queen, and evil robed abuser.

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Thanks—another informative stack. I so look forward to seeing notifications if your posts in my inbox.

That vid above feels important. Yah?

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Not sure how to distinguish worst case scenario from prediction... they seem to be the same thing. Intuition trumps information any day? please look at my other comments if you want to do your own research, and not get sucked into the eye of the fear porn.

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Time will tell.

I called my brother and he doesn't live on the coast but is headed there for a business trip. He us still going but may pay more attention now.

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Yes, that seems important and it makes sense.

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