Thanks for this article!! I was diagnosed with breast cancer October 2021, had the tumor & 4 lymph nodes removed, then underwent 6 weeks radiation the following spring (from which I'm still not totally healed). (Radiation is a brutal experience compounded by the sloughing of skin. If I had it to do over again, knowing what I know now, I would likely decline it.) My onco type was low at 10, so chemotherapy was not recommended. Currently taking tamoxifen. (I was approved for the Pfizer estrogen blocker equivalent but afraid to take any new Pfizer or Big Pharma concoctions, so opted for the older tamoxifen.) I have remained cancer free on all subsequent 6 month diagnostic mammograms, thankfully (and "knock on wood"). I am already getting daily intake of several of the 25 foods listed in the linked article shown to inhibit breast cancer stem cells, but plan on maximizing the list. I have a nurse friend who was forced to take the Covid bioweapon jab for work & developed aggressive breast cancer with lung mets shortly afterwards. I will pass your article onto her and everyone else I know. Lifesaving information. I believe plants & their complex phytonutrients are the way to go for treatment & longevity as well. Even as a retired nurse who used to wholeheartedly believe in pharmaceuticals, the CDC, the FDA, etc, I've now done a 180 & changed my tune, convinced that God's plant pharmacy is far superior to the chemical brews Big Pharma continues to put out for their own profit. Again, thank you for the outstanding nutritional information that can save lives. God Bless!!

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Very welcome!

Resveratrol is similar in mechanism of action to tamoxifen I believe. they are used together sometimes. https://www.google.com/search?q=resveratrol+tamoxifen+interaction&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS977US977&oq=resveratrol+tamo&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgBEAAYFhgeMgYIABBFGDkyCAgBEAAYFhgeMgoIAhAAGIYDGIoFMgoIAxAAGIYDGIoFMgoIBBAAGIYDGIoFMgoIBRAAGIYDGIoFMgoIBhAAGIYDGIoF0gEJMTEwMTNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1

I have another post in the works on cancer care that will be next up.

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Thanks for posting this study. I never realized tamoxifen resistance occurred, let alone that resveratrol is the remedy since it provides a synergistic effect with tamoxifen allowing breast cancer cells to once again become sensitive to the tamoxifen & prevent this endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Plan to increase my intake of berries, red or purple grapes & peanuts to use them as an adjunct to my tamoxifen therapy. That's in addition to the pomegranate extract I will start & the turmeric with piperazine I will restart. I am now wondering what the best way to get adequate iodine in the diet would be? (? iodized salt, sea moss, kelp?) Once again, thank you for the information.

On a side note, thought I'd mention I've been taking lactoferrin since last November bc of its ability to function as a smart enzyme & modulate iron levels in both normal & abnormal cells. Since starting it, I've seen subtle improvements in RBC's, HGB, HCT & some of diff readings; a benign adrenal adenoma has decreased in size, as have 2-3 benign thyroid nodules I have, with 2 of the nodules apparently disappearing altogether. I think lactoferrin is a very exciting enzyme from nature.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023Author

Seaweed or other sea vegetables are better iodine sources than iodized salt. The iodine content varies so supplement companies should test each batch for the iodine average and probably do. *Rhubarb is good for iodine and for female health, everyone's health.

Hoping for the best for you!

I use other iron chelators, the pomegranate peel is one too. I don't do dairy products so it is nice to have choices.

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Fantastic. I wish my fomer friends now all dying of cancer and continuing down the oncology and vax path would somehow now this the penetrate their fiktetae of fear and indoctrination...

Sadly, no. So its up to me to incorporate this I to my own health and longevity regimen. Thanks and Bless you.

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"liked" by one, at high risk for severe covid category older male, who elected to chose to and was able to, avoid "shared air", wear 3M N95 real "masks" in shared air from day one of the pandemic and by mid 2020 was using homemade antiviral oral / nasal sprays consisting of .5% povidone-iodine solution 10% in homemade "normal" sterile saline prior to "masking" then antiviral 1% regular Johnson's baby shampoo in homemade sterile saline for antiviral mouthwash/gargle, antiviral eyewash, and antiviral nasal flush with a 8 ounce NeilMed nasal flush bottle after being in "shared air".

One who finally decided to bring internet service into his home, who then found the Real Doctors who were treating all stages of covid with good results, one who actually read the research showing 100% failure of all the numbers of attempts to develop a corona virus vaccine from the 2003 onward, sars-cov time, which, in animal studies ,actually showed, more severe sars-cov disease upon exposure to sars-cov after "vaccination". One who actually read up on the 100% failure rate of all attempts to bring a actually "safe and effective" Mrna based product to market.

One who elected to practice real prevention, obtain a stock of covid treatment drugs and nutraceuticals, and not take any "vaccine".

One labeled a "conspiracy theorist" who never got covid.

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>>It likely would be unclear whether ‘poultry’ or ‘chicken’ causes cancer more than other foods

This reminded me of something Mercola's been on about. If "we are what we eat," then the meats we eat are whatever the animals are fed (plants too of course). He advises avoiding CAFO poultry and pork, due to their diets - mostly GMO corn etc, which has way too much omega-6. IF chicken is bad for us (or even potentially carcinogenic), he thinks it's probably because of the linoleic acid.

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Do you think pomegranate extract supplements are sufficient in this regard?

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