Gorgeous plants!!!! I love snake plants and had no idea how they breathe! Thank you for sharing this. I've had a giant one in my etsy favorites for months, drooling over it every so often.

The excellent hepa UV filter I got for D in July ended up raising our electric bill $200 in one month and I don't even have it set to high. Plants, after they are purchased, are much cheaper. No hepa filters to replace either!

I ordered a few plants recently and at Kittens advice, my 40 foot long pothos, which I cut back in approx January so much it filled a black drum liner. I got tears in my eyes when Kitten told me the nodules it developed and how it stuck to the wall, growing up the wall, it was looking for water and I could have given it a pot and rooted it instead of chopping all those gorgeous vines off 😭. The pothos I cut back has grown 120 inches since January. Yesterday I got a pot and wire out, rooted it 72" from the end so I will have another ceiling to floor marble queen when she takes root! I have exactly the place for it too, to replace a fake pothos in my office. I was thinking of making a post on this today. Your post is so timely!!! We substackers can be almost in-sync with the direction of out thoughts and posts. It is uncanny at times.

I had ordered 2 maidenhair ferns and a little Majestic Palm last week. Excited to replace some of my fake stuff with real and save money on cleaner air without expensive filters.

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Ps. We do have solar but it is showing $200 additional usage compared to all previous years and the hepa uv fan us industrial, a major power draw. I'm still using it. I have no plants in the 2 rooms I carry it back and forth from. I'm hoping to maybe save for a larger Majestic palm to replace the fake one in our bedroom which may help and add a snake plant!!! It would look amazing in our all white room

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I can you mail a snake plant and then they are easy to propagate given time and good growing conditions. The babies, once started, get taller fairly soon. Mailing you some of the tall ones would be possible, and easier, to knock off some of the root ball and wrap it floral box style ready to be transplanted. Bare root type purchases of perennials is usually a lot less expensive than root ball/bucket shipping.

Otherwise, pick up a small one knowing that it will get bigger and you could propagate from any of the broken/bent/growing sideways leaves - just cut them off and stick them in dirt, or cut some sections from long pieces and stick the sections in dirt. The babies sprout later and the cut leaves grow roots along their edge first. This video shows a method using water and darkness, it doesn't say how long it took for the sprouts to appear. https://youtu.be/Swc-WrlTlvM?si=oyC2NrAypjApNZTJ

I took more photos of the baby Snake plants, and planned another post. They are pretty and fun. I like them. I also forgot to link a previous post.

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Thank you for your excellent post and kind offer. 🙏

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The price of plants are just crazy! And the inventory is dismal. Thank you for publishing the Substack I love gardening but have a few house plants. I need to have a few.

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I like both, but I need to get better at giving away some of my houseplants that are doing well.

I got so many now because there was clearance sale of holiday table top planters that had spider plants turned brown from lack of water. Each little planter had six plants that had been in four inch pots. I ended up 'rescuing' a whole bunch of the little planters and each of them had two spider plants, one Pothos, one Poinsettia, one Dieffenbachia/Dumbcane, and one ivy. Now I have tons of plants except I didn't save the Poinsettia. I bought ten of the little planters and gave one to the neighbor with just the brown spots trimmed off. Leaving me with 18 spider plants......

My mother had always had a big spider plant with lots of babies, so I am glad to have some spider plants back in the house . . . but I need to give away some,

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Lovely of you! I’m a big plant lover too! It’s so kind of you to share them! 💖💖💖

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Love the snake plant! I have a medicinal onion that my grandmother brought over from Italy in 1908. My dad separated it and gave each of his six children a plant.

I had some weird clumping, gathering, tiny, abnormal looking cells that they wanted to do a biopsy of my breast. I opted out and used the medicinal onion, wrapped it around it with some essential oils, and when they next checked, those little cells were gone.

Not sure how one is supposed to use the medicinal onion, but nonetheless, I keep it going. Can’t say it worked on those cells exclusively, but what the heck, they’re gone since 2012. Knock on Wood!

I can’t keep anything alive, but I do have that onion and I have an aloe plant that’s still kicking. My green thumbs don’t work for indoor plants, except for the onion and the aloe.

Love that you have a green thumb, your plants look healthy.

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