You might want to read Dr. Robert Yoho article on DMSO, it's possible it might help with hair loss.

Here is a quote from the article..."DMSO reduces baldness, presumably through increasing local blood flow". I have no idea, but remembered this article when I read just now. so maybe check it out.

Thanks for the good articles that you produce. It makes me think about things. Dorothy

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Thanks Dorothy I appreciate your tip and feedback!

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It doesn't matter what else you take if you don't get enough quality protein.

I eat 4 jumbo eggs for breakfast every morning and a half pound (before cooking) red meat every day and my hair and nails grow so fast that they require daily trimming.

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I do need more protein. Vegan diet is bad and I have been unsure of tofu since reading all the special diets books....so haven't had it for a while.

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JD - High levels of chlorophyll can interfere with iron absorption. Iron deficiency is a known cause of hair loss. In addition, depending where the algae was sourced, it may contain toxins and even radioactive material. Chlorella can increase several faecal dicarboxylic acids (azelaic for one) and folate levels, both good for hair. However, in your case it may be interfering with your metabolism of these acids and folate levels, which would be a double checkmark in the hair loss column. What changed recently? IMHO - Stop the chlorella.


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Thanks NN, I did stop it as a beta carotene source. I need to make my Cheerful Juice, and be slower and be less stressed.

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I haven’t been able to read through your recent posts lately, so I might’ve missed where you’ve talked more about this, but… have you had your ferritin level checked? I have a friend whose levels are still considered normal by conventional standards, but levels often need to be much higher (>50, if I recall) in cases of thinning hair or hair loss. Just a thought. My other thought was castor oil topically, but I’m sure you’re well aware! And that probably doesn’t do much for root cause anyway, I suppose.

My best wishes to you…I enjoy your research and findings!

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Thanks. I added an iron supplement just in case but should get my labs checked again.

Castor oil was soothing but then seemed more inflamed afterwards so I am using the lavender oil more.

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There is male pattern baldness in our family that can make women more likely to lose their hair. I take astaxanthin 12 mg daily, and I personally can tell a difference. I also lose my hair if I take DHEA even in small quantities.

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I wondered if DHEA might have been part of my problem. I stopped taking a 25 mg supplement. Male pattern receding hairline may be part of it. & Low thyroid too

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Jun 21
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I wrote a lengthy note response to the D3 post. He has a paywall for comments.

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Jun 22
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I guess I would need to read his other topics.

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I am sorry to hear that. I seem to have some bald areas and some with stubble so some may be growing back. I am trying to coast for now and see how it goes

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* I had seen the vitamin A post, thanks. He is in part correct but is also incorrect in skbe areas of Retinoid metabolism and genetics.

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