Nov 24, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Does Pomegaranete juice have any of these benefits?

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Juice that is pressed more, whole fruit, would be more potent and would taste obviously more bitter than the commercial POM brand. It is tart but not as bitter as some organic juices I've bought that seem more pressed/more peel juice.

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how to do that at home?

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Well if you have whole pomegranate at home, just use some of the peel. I was talking about different types of juice available to buy.

Here is a handout on pomegranate prep https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qyr81immk5excqf97byfa/Pomegranate-Benefits-and-Preparation-2.pdf?rlkey=a2vr9rfs2fwr4fmd5jng3qbtv&dl=0

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Yes, but not quite as potent.

Potent enough to be effective as a dental rinse/tooth brushing substitute.

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