JD - MBP = Monkey Business Pox. The operative word is business, Agent Scully.

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Haha, good one NN 👍

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"4. HIV antibody/antigen tests:"

Read Anthony Colpo please. Thorough Assessment.

1. https://anthonycolpo.substack.com/p/why-the-official-aids-story-is-a

2. https://anthonycolpo.substack.com/p/dear-virology-do-you-have-anything

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That was the Brave AI summary. But thanks for the links.

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I get that. it is misleading though, without thorough context.

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Okay. I added a couple additions to the later PCR section to clarify my own beliefs. I see I had added the lactation/baby link too which is PCR heavy.

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Writing takes too long. I put too much time into it for my own health.

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Just an FYI.... if you are not a sodomite, there is really no great concern about mPox. You know there are 10 mill new cases of syphilis every year but there are no pandemic cries (there is no vaccine so there can be no pandemic).

But is you are still worried read this: https://www.fredhutch.org/en/news/spotlight/2018/07/hb_hickson_virology.html

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It is VAIDs pox. I am not worried about it, thanks. I share info hoping to help calm fears.

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Here is a graphic horror show about monkey pox - thanks for providing some background on how it got to be like that.. did I get that right? Brain is not really up to understanding anything complicated at the moment.


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Thanks for the lysine reminder!

A side note - lysine is the limiting amino acid in horse diets, and is almost always supplemented.

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Function within the test is simply inferred.

Not “gained”.

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