Aug 23, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Thank you...always valuable info I put into action. I have been taking humic and fulvic acid and want to try the pomegranate peels but they are tough to find in the average grocery store.

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It is easier to find them around Oct/Nov and Christmas season in the US as that is peak season. They taper off by February and then April the southern hemisphere crop may be in season.

I dry some peel or freeze it when they are in season so I have some year around.

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I live in a rural area of central Texas and have had my property for 30 years now. Arthropods have been on a downhill slide here for probably the last 20 years of that. My property was teaming with life when I bought it. Now we don't even have house flies this year! And I have cow pastures on two sides of me. I am hearing about this decline from everyone I talk to about it. There are now memes appearing about it online which tells you many are now becoming aware of what is occurring. City dwellers are less likely to notice this decline, which is most people.

I am also being told by someone in SW Ohio, far from the derailment, that the vegetation where he is began to get sick and die 2 years ago. He and his neighbors have dying trees all over their properties. He tells me that not only insects but animals like squirrels are disappearing. The local veterinary hospitals and those in adjacent Indiana are clogged 24/7 with animals, especially cats apparently, suffering from acute lower respiratory issues.

He says that everything in the area where he lives stays covered in a dusty looking residue that sometimes appears to have filaments of some kind in it. He has recently been diagnosed with MS and is hearing of many cases of strange neurological disorders, even in the neighboring Amish communities that never took the vaxxes.

Something is definitely up and you are 100% correct to evoke Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. It is not hyperbole to do that at this point. I am trying to get my friend in Ohio to document what he is seeing but he is now so focused on trying to beat this MS diagnosis that he is concentrating on that and you can hardly blame him.

If you have any advice about MS and other neurological problems I'm all ears. Thanks Jen for all you do and your wonderful posts!

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Much appreciated.

MS would be hard to cope with. I cry so easily now - post menopausal - wiping away more tears.

Methylation cycle support and investigating life style or personal gene allele impacts on methylation might help. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5014764/ MS may involve epigenetic changes which could be changed back if methylation issues were improved. Starting with methyl cobalamin or hydroxy cobalamin would be a good start for nerve protection. General malnutrition seems a risk for myelin degeneration. I started a webpage on the topic but never got back to it but it has more ideas. G12 Demyelination https://effectivecare.info/g12-demyelination

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Your friend with MS might be interested in learning about Nicole Apelian, a PhD herbalist, biologist, anthropologist who was diagnosed with MS in 2000 & initially confined to a wheelchair. She changed her lifestyle, eating habits & started taking herbal supplements (she has her own formulary now) & stopped taking traditional medications & is now out of the wheelchair & fully ambulatory. IDK if Jennifer agrees with her methodology or not, but her story is definitely worth the read. Best of luck to your friend! God Bless! ❤️


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I am going to send him here to look at these links. Thanks for taking the time! He has been on a regimen of herbal supplements and taking colloidal silver for a long time now. The MS showed up after whatever is going on in the environment there started a couple years ago. He says neurological problems are becoming an epidemic in that area, even in the Amish communities. He is presently doing a course of Chlorine Dioxide which many alt physicians recommend. God bless you as well!

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Ohio is not great in part because it was an early adopter of fracking - 1965. Ground water seems to be contaminated which led to weird cancer outbreaks in kids that couldn't be traced to any 'one' toxin from environmental samples.

Look at a map of fracking sites and Ohio is a standout.

I looked into cancer in the area of northeast Ohio because my brother's hobby farm animals and pets seemed to be getting a lot more cancer than seemed normal to me. Like 25% of his animals.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

JD - another post which is not very good, but excellent.

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Ah, gee, thanks a lot for your supportive feedback!

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Toxic Legacy - How the Weedkiller Glyphosate is Destroying Our Health and the Environment. One Scientist’s Determined Quest to Reveal the Truth. Stephanie Seneff, PhD. is only $8 in hardback at Amazon.

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