Gender memes, what do they mean?
Words matter. Propaganda is worth thinking about what the goals might be.
Politicians are intruding on reality and on word meaning. When words mean two very different things then communication becomes unclear. Society and school children are being trained to not believe their own eyes or instincts and to use words in non-reality confirming ways.
*meme via and other Substack Notes.
And in scripted ways - “Repeat this, in this way, and you will be accepted, loved and safe.”
We all want to be accepted by the social group because instinctually it means safety.
Follow the money - medicalizibg reality is a big profut business. Harm is happening and too often the harm cannot be undone.

Endocrine disrupting chemicals are leading to prenatally affected infants whose preschool play style would match the opposite sex more than their DNA sex. This is about instinctual gender patterns of behavior - active hunter male, rough housing with the other males and seeking a male leader - working within a team well - all strong positive masculine traits which helped to build the infrastructure of our nation and which trues to maintain it within an underfunded situation.
Or, nurturing female drawn to playing house and rocking the baby doll, tends to have quieter play and more narrative building in imaginative scenarios with dolls are animal figures. The masculine child might turn blocks into vroom vroom cars while the feminine child builds a fenced pasture and stable for animal toys to live.
Roughly, across a spectrum of being more or less gender typical If we were embracing acceptance of differences, then none of this would matter much. Children could just play in the groups they want, in the way they want … and in younger children who aren't manipulated by adults, they typically do just play together accepting differences as just being how Johnny or Jenny tend to play. Not a big deal to young children, becomes a big deal if adults seem to care more one way or the other. Children want to please adults, generally. Who wants to be a potato when you can just choose to get a pizza? But then what if thevpizza surgery idms just a big disaster and now you aren't a potato or a pizza?
The big deal is in the current false reality of suggesting that surgery or clothes and makeup can transform a DNA female into a male or a DNA make person into a female. There are impossibilities in life and that is one and it is being pushed on school kids and impressionable teens as feasible and a good thing, a fix for emotional pain.

But it isn’t a fix for emotional pain because you bring yourself along wherever you go.
And it usually leads to worse health problems and brand new mental symptoms as the testosterone or estrogen use brings along moody hormonal problems of the opposite sex. 🤔 Then the troubled teen is experiencing a new set of angst or anger.
Why is this being pushed? What are the potential “benefits” to the powers pulling strings at the top of the politician marionettes?
Ways in which gender dysphoria policies may be supporting goals of the controllers:
Suppress talk of endocrine disrupting chemicals and the devastating effects they're having on wildlife and soil and water too. This protects big agricultural chemicals and other chemicals in plastics, fire retardant and other industrial uses.
Promote, and force through, more androgynous looking people - either because Baphomet is bisexed (breasts and a penis) or because gray aliens are androgynous looking and there is a goal for us to become more accepting of either type.
Promote and force through, more acceptance of promiscuity and sales of sexuality of minors and older people of both sexes. This breaks up traditional family structure which us a dtandard tool.of dictator takeovers and it increases acceptance of pedophilia and opportunity for it.
Promote self sterilizing drugs and surgeries for our youth, who otherwise might be our next generation of parents. Depopulation goals by those in power seem evident, and globally coordinated, and reducing fertility is one strategy for culling.
Suppress talk of iodine deficiency and Congenital Hypothyroidism - a culling method in place since the end of WWII. Low iodine can cause apathy, depression and no sex drive, and reduce IQ. Adding fluoride to drinking water occurred in Hitler’s concentration camps . . . and it was introduced in the US at the end if the war . . . as if the US became the concentration camp. Low iodine also increases risk of autism and Alzheimer’s dementia. A large percentage of youth identifying as trans happen to be autistic too. Treatment with iodine and selenium should be provided and yet it isn't.
Trans and Terf battles serve as a Shiny bauble distraction and promotes division → keep everyone arguing and focused on clothes and Adam's apples instead of noticing that our food supply is being sabotaged and legally restricted and financially fined out of existence. Racial divisions have also been promoted and some “trans” may be white youth who are trying to distance themselves from thevwhite shaming.
Whitecprivilege does exist but it has to do with money too. There is no poor white person privilege, or a lot less for poor whites. There is rich person privilege and Bill Cosby had it for quite a while until suddenly he didn't. White male predators have not been disappeared from society as much as Bill Cosby was. It is even kind of admired in Trump and excused in Biden as being innocent.
__________ other reasons I can't think of right now or don't know. *List continues.

Indigenous American youth dressed with cultural zeal, *from a school I donate to occasionally. I enjoyed seeing how happy the kids look. We are all special and unique.
The Trans and gender dysphoria movement seems to be being used to increase gender stereotypes and to make patriarchy even more in control. Except with a new power hierarchy - males, Trans women, Trans males, Trans youth & boys, and then non Trans females.
Usurpation of pregnancy and lactation also seems to be a theme, and promoting surrogacy - being able to rent a womb for your test tube baby to grow.
I have looked into surrogacy - it is a bigger risk for the woman and the baby. Surrogate mothers sometimes get left with a baby that has a severe birth defect too - and social stigma possibly from having a child as an unmarried person. Safer surrogacy would be finding a female relative to carry your genetically related test tube baby. Autoimmune risk is greater for the female and the baby when the baby's DNA is significantly different from the pregnant person's DNA. Surrogacy on India for a test tube baby with Caucasian DNA would be significantly different from the woman in India. *This is happening, there us a surrogacy market.
Lust is being promoted as normal and to be acted on, while love seems to be a joked about theme. Sure we all want live, but it never works out and husbands are do bad, and wives are so bad, … and the sex is so bad … no one should bother trying wedded life anymore.
Pedophilia and prostitution seems to be being promoted. The BISH guide for teens discussed the idea of having more or less power in a sexual relationship and therefore it is reasonable to negotiate for what you want out of a sexual encounter. That sounds like it is promoting youth selling themselves to older people with favors or money to offer instead of love. It might seem great until older age or loss of looks leads to being dumped and then what career is possible? Many doors would be closed.
Culling tactic? Promiscuity is actually unhealthy or more of an autoimmune risk for women, so social taboos are a survival tactic of the group. But glyphosate and modern diet is a bigger risk. Vitamin D adequacy and a healthy gut microbiome help protect against autoimmune risks. Glyphosate interferes with vitamin D metabolism and harms the gut microbial species. It may promote chronic fungal infections too.
Meanwhile . . . What do those crop circles mean? Aliens are among us, the US government admitted in 2022 lying about it DECLAS documents about Roswell were released and yet it still isn't on public facing pages of government websites.
They have lied about aliens, what don't they want us to know?
I have a post in the works, on the extraterrestrial questions, and it got long. I may break it into sections.
Peace be with you and your loved ones.
Addition, still listening: ‘Gender Expert: Men Are Emotionally Dependent On Women, We're Treating Them Like Malfunctioning Women’, Dairy of a CEO (Youtube)
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Long posts or series? Whatever works best for you Jennifer. Appreciate your efforts. Thanks.
JD - Excellent series, keep it up.