Jun 11, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Thank you for a very important post. This explains so much. I've been trying to figure why the common practice now is to fast track children/youth into mutilation and causing more long term harm to themselves. Your article explains so very clearly what is now (purposefully) ignored, which I do not understand why. If the goal was to actually help/heal our children thorough treatment would be the first thing to be put into place rather than the forced rushing of puberty blockers, body mutilation, etc. whic is occurring in too many many places now. Also, I really do not grasp why the trans issue has become so political and is being used as a club to avoid effectively treating these children/youth and help them navigate through their possible childhood trauma(s.). I keep trying to think who benefits from avoiding successful treatment of these children/youth.

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There are a few possibilities.

1. The dictator takeover routine does tend to include breakdown of families, more exploitation and suppression of women. Kids to be schooled by the dictator state for increased control.

2. There really does seem to be a depopulation being promoted. Every young person who self-sterilizes is probably a win.

3. Increased societal division is part of dictator takeover. Create division so no unified group can grow large enough to fight back effectively. Black white race baiting has been happening and the trans youth seem to be next in line for being prompted into increased violence against others. Civil War type breakdown of society seems a goal.

4. The insider cult truly seems to find androgynous males with a penis and feminine breasts, as sexy, Baphomet, their god. And fashion and other pop imagery is playing up Satan/Baphomet/Moloch as being a friend of trans because he/she is trans. (And eats babies, but we all are quirky, riight?)

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

All of the above, but I tend to be rather cynical. My kids used to think I was nuts in the 90's, now they tell me I was right, which is sad. These ghouls wouldn't do any of this if it wasn't effective. I feel bad for those victimized by the depop agenda and driven to self harm. It's all very ugly.

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So do I.

Just tonight I saw another reason, or additional - in the Talmud and Kabala Adam was considered androgynous and there are prophecies that the new world order will take control and Adam, androgyny be the norm. Roughly. I would need to think about where I saw it.

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Yes. That is their belief, hence so much duplicity on wee little people. When you start looking deeply this all comes from ancient times. It's quite a challenge to believe that what we take as superstition is very real to those who think they are the boss of us. Truly there is nothing new under the sun.

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Hi there: One of my newsletters is focused on Parental Alienation. I have been an alienated parent and haven't seen my daughter in over seven years. Her mother began alienating me from Alexis when she was three years old, and it continues to the very day. I started supporting other alienated parents, and since the lockdowns, alienated parents are reporting an explosion of transgender kids and gender-related issues, unlike at any additional time in history. Trauma does indeed harm our kids, and parental alienation created by one parent can impact our kid's mental health, including their identity. Social media exacerbate another essential part of trauma which often transcends grounds and creates more victimized mindsets. One last point when I was ten years old, my father committed suicide. I have no memory of this next point, but I was told I didn't speak a single word to anyone for nearly six months. Now that I'm almost 57, I still don't recall the fact I didn't speak for over six months. I can confidently state the suicide of my father created early childhood trauma events and have taken many years to overcome.

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So sorry for your trauma and loss. Thanks for sharing.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Important topic.

I know two women who quite freely admitted they felt more comfortable being obese because of childhood trauma.

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It is a problem, yes.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

my troubled older child had DBT, we were able to get in because of her negative involvement with the police and school officials.

it really helped with both the suicidal ideation and uncontrolled outbursts. we went for 6 months and it worked for about a year.

she mostly refused to apply the skills and techniques even while in the courses, and got worse about that as time went on. but even barely practicing, the self awareness helped.

I say she, she wants to be considered he, thanks to the socializing at the school and internet access. since that came up I try to avoid gender ID words so "they" don't get "their" way-too-sensitive feelings hurt over the outside world not complying with internal desires in yet another way.

main point is DBT worked even when the child was mostly noncompliant with the process (the only incentive was getting clear of the juvenile officer.)

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Thanks for sharing. I need to stick with the practice part too. All I did was read the workbook though without doing the exercises. ;-) impatient

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