i make a smoothie out of a lemon (seeds removed coz they turn into toenail clippings ha) some apple cider vinegar and some ginger root! It's surprisingly smooth, without the sourness of squeezed lemon.
I don't have long anything... i just like it and surely it's gotta be good for me😁
March 2020. Citrus peel, inner pith is what turned around my worsening "CoV". I wrote extensively about it Tweeted daily citrus peel reminders for over a year.
People like expensive products sold in tiny ineffective amounts! Such a win!
*I had bought some modified citrus pectins in capsules as a weight loss type of aid so I had already been familiar with how little a tiny expensive capsule can help health. It seemed worthless.
During "CoV" I was eating all of the inner pith from a whole orange every day, then eased down to a half an orange worth as my respiratory symptoms improved.
Why pay ~ $1 a pill for something too tiny to help much instead of buying oranges or other fresh citrus fruit?
$54.99 for 18 grams, take one scoop a day is the directions (6.125g)
that sounds like an expensive habit
Yes and the dose might be small. When I was sick with CoV, at a can't breathe almost needing an asthma inhaler point, I ate the inner pith of a Navel orange with the slices, half in the morning, half in the evening, occasionally the whole orange worth at once. this is my main early post on the topic - 2020 https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/bitter-taste-receptors-in-the-lungs-hesperidins-decongestant-properties?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
i make a smoothie out of a lemon (seeds removed coz they turn into toenail clippings ha) some apple cider vinegar and some ginger root! It's surprisingly smooth, without the sourness of squeezed lemon.
I don't have long anything... i just like it and surely it's gotta be good for me😁
It probably is helping keep you healthy!
Doc, thought you would find this interesting (you had written about MCP nearly 2 years ago !!)
I wrote a post -- https://denutrients.substack.com/p/modified-citrus-pectin-modified-how?r=os7nw
March 2020. Citrus peel, inner pith is what turned around my worsening "CoV". I wrote extensively about it Tweeted daily citrus peel reminders for over a year.
People like expensive products sold in tiny ineffective amounts! Such a win!
*I had bought some modified citrus pectins in capsules as a weight loss type of aid so I had already been familiar with how little a tiny expensive capsule can help health. It seemed worthless.
During "CoV" I was eating all of the inner pith from a whole orange every day, then eased down to a half an orange worth as my respiratory symptoms improved.
Why pay ~ $1 a pill for something too tiny to help much instead of buying oranges or other fresh citrus fruit?
The inner pith of any would work similarly.
I have a lot of posts about citrus peel.
Thank-you! I've been making my own 'Hydroxychloriquine' ala Dr. Christiana Notheup's recipe- boiling grapefruit and lemon zest! 🌱🍋🍊
I'm glad you've posted this Jen. Gal-3 is particularly nasty, its involved with almost every disease and disorder at some level.
Other inhibitors including Fenugreek, Quercetin, Resveratrol, Berberine, aspirin, Nigella sativa seed (black seed) & silymarin:
Thanks, useful list. Black seed oil has been one of my go-to's when feeling worse or for maintenance. Orally and topically can help.
Yep high VEGF and galectin 3 n bunch of other weird stuff on long haul panel. Will add this to regimen.
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