Very interesting Jennifer.

Do Honey loving Bears go literally crazy due to Fructose?

I've asked before what happens to injected Sucrose from Covid19 Jabs > Fructose ?

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They probably don’t find honey trees that often. I don’t know though.

Sucrose would be half fructose, then add the stress of the inflammatory response and the polyol pathway might turn the glucose into fructose too.

I’m listening to another one. It says taking the allulose concentrate, it might help reduce uric acid. https://youtu.be/Zf2XrIteKMw?si=Lz_ZCpy2cnjfXJXr

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With the coming of the Holocene, the hibernation reflex becomes inefficient in that you could be active but are sleeping instead. In the cold, the hibernation reflex is efficient in that you cannot engage in activity when you should be conserving energy and calories.

I don't believe epigenetic expression works the way people think it does. Even if the instinct atrophies to where it seems to have vanished, it's still there awaiting epigenetic activation. Genes don't vanish from lack of use, they go dormant until they are needed again.

Hibernation is like that. It's still there ... and high fructose corn syrup activates it. The problem is we don't hibernate. Our bodies and brains go to sleep but we are still walking around ... looking for more corn syrup. It is no shock all the side effects that occur as a result.

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In nature, animals pared with their food, fruits come in the fall and that is before winter starts. I read long ago that fruit like apples makes you gain fat to help you make it through the winter. Even if we do not hibernate, we need a little extra fat to metabolize for heat and to insulate the body at the skin level.

How they got the notion that fruits were better than sugar for loosing weight I cannot comprehend. Look at nature, deer like apples and really like it when those apples ferment so watch out for drunk deer on the roads when you drive.

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Fascinating Jennifer, thank you! I have a much better understanding of fructose now! ✨

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JD - Excellent sleuthing. Not unrelated, if the big C wants glucose, feed it mannose.

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Interesting 🤔 idea NN. I need to look into that

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