Ether flows and everything flows along with it. Where is it flowing? -> Chapter Four.
Book Summary: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science – September 18, 2019, by James DeMeo
*This post is the third in a series regarding the book: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, – September 18, 2019, by James DeMeo, (
Part 1: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space, a book summary (series), Part 1. / Regreening of Israel by Cloud Buster & Iranian clouds? (
Part 2: The speed of light is variable - news to know, from the 1800s. Chapter 2 & 3 / Bonus link: "skepsis" via Hopeful Grump/Substack. (
Related posts are on the blog at,
1st of five on the topic of aether energy and James DeMeo’s books: Physics took a wrong turn in 1887; and the meaning of Null. ( March 5, 2020
Make your own healing/soothing/warming Dielectric lap blanket: Dielectric Orgone Blankets ( March 7, 2020
Happy Birthday Albert Einstein; Gravity ( March 14, 2020
Ether theory applied - re-greening an African nation, Eritrea. ( March 21, 2020 This is regarding a team James DeMeo was part of working on drought reversal in Eritrea - they had to stop early because of war in the area.
Ether Theory? Our ticket to outer-space? ( Aug 15, 2020 This post is about Wilhelm Reich being observed by UFOs when working with his Cloud Buster in a US southwest desert area. His device could disrupt the flight of the UFOs. They seem to be gathering aether energy for propulsive force. The released documents from Area 51 era mentioned that the UFOs outer material was strong and seemed to self repair and was made of nanolayers of organic and metallic materials - that is what is needed to make a dielectric orgone blanket or an orgone collecting box to use to promote seed germination or a larger chamber to sit in.
Instructions for building aether/orgone collecting boxes or chambers and for the lap blankets are included in an earlier book along with construction plans for Cloud Busters - actually fairly simple and I tested the theory with metal pipes in a bucket of water in my bathtub. A cooling inward flow could be felt at the open ends of the pipes that stick up in the air. The flowing water in -the bucket under the bathtub tap- attracts the magnetic attracting metal and water loving aether from the surrounding air. Pointing a group of large metal pipes at a moisture rich area of the sky and slowly sweeping the angle across the sky in the direction you want to encourage air flow is the technique used. The device needs to be used sequentially moving across the region that you are hoping to regreen.
The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans Paperback – July 25, 2010, by James DeMeo (Author), Eva Reich (Foreword) (
Eva Reich is Wilhelm Reich’s daughter and she continued in the area of his individual healing work. Developing and using techniques to reduce body armoring and inhibition that negatively affects health. The dielectric blankets help draw more energy to a person or body-part and can reach an excess. Some people have too much pent-up energy and need to release it.
Chapter Four is opened with a repeat of this quote:
“I believe that I have really found the relationship between gravitation and electricity, assuming that the Miller experiments are based on a fundamental error. Otherwise, the whole relativity theory collapses like a house of cards.”
Albert Einstein, letter to Robert Millikan, June 1921
James DeMeo reviews the media and science buzz surrounding the now popular FitzGerald-Lorentz matter-contraction theory being used to explain why cosmic ether was not or could not be detected in an experiment that actually did detect it. Why was the opposite of reality being broadcast in wider and wider circles? Why did astrophysics retreat from reality-based measurements into mathematical theory based on simplifications - math is easier when you exclude variables. E = MC squared would just need to be adjusted for any variables affecting the speed of light (C) - C is not a constant. The actual speed of light would need to be used unless a rough estimate is okay. When measuring things at intergalactic distances, rough estimates may not be okay.
James DeMeo refers to a psychological term - “emotional denial” as having taken over the field of astrophysics in response to the long-term theory of a “static ether” having been proven false by the series of interferometer experiments leading up to Dayton Miller’s more accurate use of the machine and calculations. Between 1921-1926 Dayton Miller used his newer and more sensitive interferometer for over 200,000 individual readings from over 12,000 turns of the machine. The 1926 measurements were with the device located on Mount Wilson in an open windowed hut with a glass cover. (DeMeo, 2019, p 79-81)
Dayton Miller was ~ thirty years younger than Morley and had experience with optics and X-ray machines, acoustics, astronomy and mathematics. During the Morley-Miller work, he was the one focused on the machine and measurements and Morley did the calculations - which included the averaging error of the two daily readings that tended to cancel each other out. Miller’s later work doing his own calculations was more accurate and he also added the long series of measurements on the hour for 24 hours, several days in a row, repeated at different seasons.
The rotation of the plus sign shaped device was picking up the ether wind twice during each 360’ rotation - half of a rotation needed to be used for calculations of ether wind. By modifying the data to better represent ether wind the maximum and minimum vectors of the ether could be identified. With multiple sets of measurements taken over the course of a day and repeated seasonally, the direction of ether drift or “azimuth” could be determined in relation to the distant stars instead of the Sun - in “sidereal time”. (DeMeo, 2019, p 82)
Words to define:
azimuth: “the direction of a celestial object from the observer, expressed as the angular distance from the north or south point of the horizon to the point at which a vertical circle passing through the object intersects the horizon.” Data from Oxford Languages.
sidereal time: “time reckoned from the motion of the earth (or a planet) relative to the distant stars (rather than with respect to the sun).” Data from Oxford Languages.
Granted, this is not “easy,” but James DeMeo really tries to make it understandable for us.
The standard solar day, or civil clock day is almost exactly 24 hours, following the location of the Sun in the sky. The nighttime view of the heavens at any particular civil-clock hour changes over the course of the year, so what you see at midnight tonight is not what you would see at midnight 6 months previously, or hence. The sidereal day, by comparison, is fixed to the cosmic background of stars and constellations. A sidereal day lasts 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds, being 3 minutes and 56 seconds shorter than the civil clock or solar day. Each sidereal year is one day shorter than the solar year. This accounts for the slow changing progression of the star constellations and Milky Way Galaxy as seen overhead at night for the different months. At the start of any given month, a specific star or constellation will rise about 2 hours earlier than on the first day of the prior month. The sidereal cosmic clock is therefore a method of marking time by cosmic-celestial coordinates, and not by the “time of day” position of the Sun. Cosmic signals, such as ether drift, are anticipated to come from the background of cosmic-celestial space, and so the ether-drift data has to be organized in such a sidereal manner to be meaningful.” (DeMeo, 2019, p 82)
Previous measurements using the interferometer had all been based on the long-term theory that ether was stagnant and collected around the Earth. Dayton Miller was the first to stop basing his measurements on that older theory that the interferometer had disproven. By collecting LOTS of data around the 24 hour cycle and at different seasons, he was able “to identify the axis of ether drift, but not the absolute direction of ether motion along that axis.” (DeMeo, 2019, p 82
Figure 19 shows the light paths crisscrossing in the plus + shape of the Morley-Miller interferometer. Figure 20 shows examples of the fringe interference light images. (p 83) Figure 21 is a picture of an observatory on Mount Wilson, and Figure 22 is a picture of the Miller Interferometer house on Mr. Wilson at ~ 6000 ft elevation. ( p 84-85) Miller was invited to build there by the observatory’s founder, astronomer George Hale and funding was provided by the Carnegie Institute. The house was built with an open airy structure to promote air flow and black paper was put over open windows and cracks to reduce direct sunshine on the device. Later a canvas tent was put over the whole mini house. Precise thermometers, a barograph and thermograph were hung within the interior to aid in temperature control. (p 84-85)

Pictures of the now larger device at Mount Wilson are on pages 86 (Figure 23 above) and 87. The arms of the plus sign are enclosed by rectangular glass boxes over them. Measurements were taken (35 turns) and then thin cork was added to all the steel components and another 273 turns were measured. Miller wrote in his 1933 papers that ““radiant heat is not the cause of the observed effect.” (Miller, 1933a, 1933b)” (DeMeo, 2019, p 86)
Miller returned to Case School where he was visited by Albert Einstein on May 25, 1921, and the men were able to converse in German and apparently got on well. An acquaintance of Miller, Swenson, wrote that Miller felt the visit was pleasant and that Einstein had not been ““at all insistent upon the theory of relativity.” (Swenson 1972, p. 195)” (DeMeo, 2019, p 87)
Miller seemed to be inspired by the visit and rebuilt his machine with less steel to further assess the thermal effects of it and another 422 turns of the revised machine in December 1921, led to results “entirely consistent with the observations of April, 1921.” (Miller, April 9-12, Dec. 4-11, 1921) (p 88)
The highly relevant quote, translated by Daniela Bruckner, James DeMeo’s wife - was written to a friend of Albert Einstein, Robert Milliken, in June 1921, after the visit to Dayton Miller in May, 1921.
“I believe that I have really found the relationship between gravitation and electricity, assuming that the Miller experiments are based on a fundamental error. Otherwise, the whole relativity theory collapses like a house of cards.”
(Albert Einstein, letter to Robert Millikan, June 1921, reported in Clark 1971, p. 328. Emphasis added.) (DeMeo, 2019, p 88)
Apparently, Albert Einstein was a pleasant person to talk to but may have kept his true feelings under wraps.
Table 2. Miller’s 1921 Results at Mount Wilson
April 1921 - 350 turns - Measured Ether Velocity ~10 km/sec
April 1921 (insulated) - 273 turns - ~ 10 km/sec
Dec. 1921 - 422 turns - ~ 10 km/sec
Totals & Averages - 1045 turns, Ether velocity ~ 10 km/sec
Note that the velocity needed to leave Earth’s atmosphere is ~ 11 km/sec.
The chapter includes more details about how the interferometer was operated and various modifications that Miller made to check for any unidentified variables effecting the device or the measurements. The original steel base was determined to be more accurate than the concrete base modification and the steel base was restored. After the 1921 measurements at Mount Wilson, Miller brought the machine back to Case School for further modifications. (p 89) Photographic capture of the fringe display was attempted but photographic film wasn’t sensitive enough for the dim light. Measurements of the fringe differences was taken by an observer looking through a viewing lens. Miller continued to be cautious about thermal effects and continued using cork insulation and prior to measurements being taken the device was turned for about an hour to equalize all four arms to any thermal variation in the room.
Advocates for Einstein, such as Robert Shankland, wrote negatively about the work and focused on “thermal artifacts” while ignoring anything Miller had done to correct and control temperature stability. (p 92)
In 1924, Miller moved the now modified and quality-controlled interferometer back to Mount Wilson and started more measurements in September. He was confident that any confounding effects from the apparatus had been corrected and if ether was stagnant a truly ‘null’ effect would be observed. (Miller, 1933a, p. 221) The results from 136 turns were all positive measurements, no “null” or zero results, removing any doubt in Miller’s mind that the drag effect was real. (Miller, 1933a, p. 221) (p 93 and 96, two quotes) Page 94, images of the Mount Wilson interferometer house before and after the tent was added.
Page 95 has Figure 29 showing the overlap of the two halves of the 360’ interferometer measurements which display a clear pattern of overlapping maximum and minimum measurements (not exact but clear). The consistency proves that the ether-drift measurements were systematically induced rather than a random effect of a machine error.

Picking up the pace (of this summary) Miller did more measurements with a goal of collecting the 24-hour series at all four seasons. He did not manage to do that but did have two seasons with two years of data - four sets of data. Within Chapter four is included an image of one of his data pages - handwritten columns with four temperature readings twice a day at the upper left and right corners of the page. In one of Miller’s earlier papers he listed all the previous research teams and methods for finding the direction of Earth and the solar system. They were all somewhat in agreement, we are traveling somewhat northeast towards Vega.
The direction of the ether flow could not be assessed with the interferometer as to whether positive, above the graph, meant a northerly azimuth or whether negative, below the graph did (maybe, this is complex).
During this time Miller published more of the work and was invited to give lectures, and held a fairly important position within the science community. He had several inventions with lasting use and a long history of meticulous science work developing the delicate machinery needed for precise measurements with varied types of energy. “He even received a $1000 prize from the Kansas City branch of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).” (DeMeo, 2019, p 98)
The headlines from various newspapers are from page 99. Albert Einstein wrote in a letter to Edwin Slosson, 8 July 1925, Hebrew University Archive, Jerusalem, his opinion of Miller’s work - that a positive result would overturn his theories of special and general relativity, making them invalid in their current form. “Only the equivalence of inertia and gravitation would remain,…” - Albert Einstein. (Full quote on page 99.) He made a similar statement publicly in a letter to Science magazine on 17 July 1925 and again dismissed Miller’s results in German press as “hardly credible because they claim the speed of light was strongly dependent upon altitude above sea level.” (Einstein, “My Theory and Miller’s Experiments”, Vossische Zeitung 19 Jan. 1926)
Miller responded in a statement in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, 27 Jan. 1926 that Prof. Einstein “knows nothing about my results.” (full quote, page 100) James DeMeo points out that in these bickering exchanges, that Professor or Doctor should have been used when mentioning Dayton Miller and his work, rather than Albert Einstein referring to him as Mr. Miller - that would professionally have been a slight at the time, and has ruffled feathers in our current era too (*Dr. Biden).
I am near email length - there is more discussion and mathematical proof of the direction found by Miller and it is continued in Chapter Five. James DeMeo disagrees with Miller’s abrupt change to suggesting southerly as the main direction, rather than continuing to state that his work was largely in agreement with the many other researchers finding a direction tending towards Vega.
“Vega is brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra.” - Wikipedia.
There is more to Chapter Four but it blends with Chapter Five so I will pause here regarding the direction and flow of ether.
Regarding the academic “pile-up” on Dayton Miller, Michelson and Morley, it seems a lot like contrived modern day or old time Goebbels technique of repeating a lie so often that it becomes embedded as if true - it is in all the textbooks, therefore it must be true!
Believing a lie is understandable, until you learn the truth, then continuing to defend the lie is foolhardy. It may be comfortable, but those textbooks would be better off rewritten.
Addition - related TikTok video shared in my Telegram chat: ( Thanks El.
The book: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, – September 18, 2019, by James DeMeo, (
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