Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

This is kind of off topic, but I couldn't think of anyone else who might be interested to send it to!

helpful news snippet of the day - beneficial phytochemicals in black tea are larger than those in green tea, and consequently they stay in the intestine and nourish the gut microbiome, rather than being absorbed to assist the body directly.

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Curcumin from turmeric may be similar - traditional health benefits may be from microbiome and gut improvements. Manipulation of the phytochemical to get it absorbed into the body have not proven to be as effective for health as the traditional uses seemed to imply. ...

Suggesting just eating turmeric would be cheaper and good for us.

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

this is really helpful, I have a bunch of essential oils that I love but have not been sure how to use them.

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Glad to be of help!

And yes, I have noticed that daily use of oils is good for me but it is easy to fall out of the habit, so easy to use is important, and easy to remix / refill is important.

Just rubbing some with a bit of extra oil or lotion, on my feet is an easy topical health hack.

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Just to mention, I've had a company for 15 years blending EO with veg glycerin in a stable manner, certified organic in Oregon, but since 2019 shifted to NZ. BioFlavours we call then, immediately mixable in any liquid, no alcohol. Great article...

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