Yikes who knew!

How do we know for sure we have too much flouride, bromide , chloride in us , and from where ingested, toothpaste? Water?

Would like to try this iodine Rx but kinda scary supplementing... feel like a druggie on natural products already heheh but iodine pills is something I'm

Kinda more cautious of..

Would taking daily iodized table

Salt do the trick and how much?

we use only pink Himalayan sea salt ..heard we need iodized salt too but figured that gets covered with some commercial foods, cheese etc..

Will look into this and book mammo too. been few years but I do have Cystic breasts and even been biopsied decades ago but all good..

but didn't know mammo was 30% accurate for dense vs 98% accuracy for nondense breasts ..

U/s also helps better to see

than mammo for us

Thanks for this info!

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Very welcome!

Iodine risk is going to hyperthyroid, just take selenium. Most everyone needs it. Systemic problem that seems by design to me. Early stage of population control.

see this post also https://denutrients.substack.com/p/iodine-and-an-old-lie-still-being

and seaweed would be the iodine from nature supplement, like kelp capsules. Or eat more seaweed. Seafood, coconut which grows near the ocean - any crop growing nearer the ocean vs inland. rhubarb though uptakes more from the soil, so rhubarb.

Regarding Iodoral, The high dose iodine is used to flood the body with the preferred mineral and then fluoride and bromide is swapped, freed. It helped me a lot. One month with 2 tablets in the am and pm = 50 mg, then just one tablet a day. And selenium 200 mcg a day.

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Thanks so much Jennifer! Will try increased selenium( taking small amount of it in my NAC already)

love seaweed too but stopped when heard some , even in organic brands, had heavy metals and other carcinogens ..coscto USA got sued , here in Canada they are still selling same.. will look into all that more.. think Japanese kind is best..

will try yr other food suggestions too..

.. I had heard about that iodine scandal 1-2 decade or so ago by some naturopathic docs... just read yr link and wow, no idea it could be related to mild PCOS I had since young .. very interesting stuff I'm learning from your amazing thoroughly investigated and detailed articles..

I keep telling folk you are one smart dietician and sooo much more than that!

Hats off!

And thanks again ..

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Very welcome! - Here is my PCOS protocol, I just revised and added to it. More food sources of important nutrients are included. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1m4fs5ero8zrocelgjqex/PCOS-Protocol-262023-2.docx?dl=0&rlkey=rz6qf72py2xls9mir5cfa1m5r

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Thanks a million!.. will read n glean much I'm sure and pass it along !

Ya 'da best! Stuff our gyno or allo docs never told us and likely don't even know any of this stuff, cuz it wasn't in their medical textbooks ?!

All I was told decades ago during vag u/s for heavy, painful menses or for pregnancy, I forget, was you have PCOS , (not like big cysts needing removal) .. benign and no Rx .. next! And this was top McGill hospital gyno

Thanks again and I will leave you in peace!

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Quality supplement companies should test the seaweed batch for iodine content and contaminants. Everything is kind of contaminated now - is it providing some good stuff too, to help detox? 🤔

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Yes, I get all our supplements now only at health food stores and top brands.. many are third party tested.. worth the extra $.. in Canada it's stricter laws too and most good brands have an NPN number

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How can I register with your practitioner account to have access to these and other supplements?

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