JD - Thank you for this pineal acheivemnt in posting. No pineal, no melatonin. "Uncle’ Mike turned out to be a retired CIA agent" Ex standard answer to any question: if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

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Thanks NN, just trying to do my part in spreading Uncle Mike's tip-off.

I find the melanin containing Chaga intriguing. I have added it back to my hot beverage without the vanilla to see if that is less salicylate enough for me.

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Interesting share Jennifer.

Thank you!🙏💖

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I still need to dig some burdock root. Flaw in the plan, I am tired. I went and bought an iron supplement today and took one. 😁🤓💕

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Now you have a plan for the morrow. 😁 I’ve been taking essiac tea which has burdock.

Just started taking schisandra extract too.

I know a place chaga is growing, alas it is too high to get to. Got some chaga extract though. Mtn Rose had a sale last month. Joy. 💖

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I doubt if anything decalifies the body better than an effective level of MK-7 in the blood.

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Yes, I don't understand why it is only available in quite low doses as a supplement. Compared to amounts used in animal studies.

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Beware Quackery claiming to be able to dissolve Fluoride doped Hydroxyapatite crystals in your Pineal or other organs.


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Uhhh, so that presention you send people to, prominently displays the Eye of Ra, aka the eye of the sun god...aka the all seeing eye. You do know what that really means, right? Why is it, do you suppose, the satanic cabal is so focused on the pineal? As an example, you see it prominently displayed on the world's stage by the satanic Catholic Church (pinecone = pineal)...disguising their pagan satanic beliefs, pretending to be "Christians". I won't be following any content, or taking any product promoting pagan satanic all seeing eye references...

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I am not suggesting you follow it or buy the product. I am reviewing the subject material as it is pertinent to current times. Our body's innate potential is allegedly being squelched in the masses and only the few who take more care of their health will have that potential still. This information is used by many, not just the insider cult, and/or it is worth figuring out why they care about it.

This particular product is "infomercial" late night TV like - the general rule of common sense is to NEVER buy those products.

Just to clarify my position on "infomercial" as a Jenny Jargon word.

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