Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

people do not, can not, and some will not understand THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MILD COVID

NO WINNERS. All "spike", infection or injection, did damage. Even "mild to moderate" covid caused "brain changes" i. e. brain shrinkage / damage via British before and after covid brain scans study. When will studies showing Mrna spike brain damage be allowed to be published in "Nature"? This evil covid time is one of a continuum of infection / injection damage.

From those few who were able to choose the never infected or injected sequestered monk "no antibodies" path possible with the avoidance of "shared air" supplemented with before masking homemade oral/nasal antiviral sprays - 3M N95 "real" mask use - post real mask use of such antiviral sprays and homemade antiviral nasal flushes / mouth washes / gargles and antiviral eye washes and prophylactic antiviral nebulization and immune system supplementation - to the few able to obtain real treatments for covid once infected to the millions of infected / injected who suffered needless injury and death - NO WINNERS

"SARS-CoV-2 is associated with changes in brain structure in UK Biobank"


"Importantly, these imaging and cognitive longitudinal effects were still observed after excluding the 15 patients who had been hospitalised"

"Brain changes after COVID revealed by imaging"


"It is surprising that Douaud and colleagues identified these brain changes, given that most people in the case group experienced mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19. Even when the authors excluded from their analysis the small number of people who required hospitalization, the results did not change. The researchers provide supporting evidence for the specificity of their findings by showing that similar changes did not occur in a group from the benchmark repeat-imaging study who contracted non-COVID-19-related pneumonia between scan sessions."

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Also this: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Accumulation in the Skull-MeningesBrain Axis: Potential Implications for Long-Term Neurological Complications in post-COVID-19


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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Thank You PeaceLily,

I Am waiting for such as the studies you linked to acknowledge and elucidate the full extent of and by which means agent Mrna "spike" also causes injury. Also waiting for the full answer to a question (referenced below) asked on the Vejon Health youtube channel in the "Are there Long Term Health Risks associated with the Spike Protein?" video - an answer showing who knew what when about the toxic nature of" spike" S1 subunit at the time of the terrible decision to chose to program agent Mrna compelled creation of "spike" for "vaccine" antigen.

Dr. Abdul Mannan Baig asked, concerning why "they" would engineer the agent Mrna to cause the cell to create the "2P mutation" ? in the created "vaccine" "spike" antigen. "frequent ACS Chemical Neuroscience contributor, Dr. Abdul Mannan Baig" may want to read the "official story" found at the ACS Chemical & Engineering News site, search "The tiny tweak behind COVID-19 vaccines" There may well be certain omissions dealing with what they knew about the especially toxic nature of the S1 spike sub-unit when it is separated from the S2 sub-unit, hence another reason to TRY to lock the S1 and S2 spike sub-units together. I have listened to doctors describe the S1 sub-unit of the cov2 "spike", as "the most toxic protein in the world" when it is NOT bound with the S2 "spike" sub-unit referring not only to the potency of unbound S1 as a toxin but its also heretofore never before seen multi-toxic nature causing such a large number and diversity of disease. Yes, they engineered agent Mrna to "create" mutated ("2P mutation") spike by "adding two prolines - the most rigid of the 20 amino acids - to a key joint of a vaccine’s spike protein" to try to keep the S1 and S2 "spike" sub-units bound together thus in the less poisonous state. In theory, in a state of the art lab? It can work?. In a "vaccine" plant set up at "warped speed" there is - mis-manufacturing, deep cold storage and shipment required - there is degradation, injected into millions - there is breakdown of the spike, separation of the sub-units. poison? yes

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Accumulation in the Skull-Meninges-Brain Axis: Potential Implications for Long-Term Neurological Complications in post-COVID-19

"These data suggest that the SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 protein alone is sufficient to trigger a broad proteomic change in the skull marrow, meninges, and brain compared to the HA protein. The dysregulated proteins are enriched in pathways related to coronavirus disease, NETs formation, and neutrophil degranulation, consistent with the changes observed in virus-infected human samples. Our data also suggest that spike S1 protein circulation in the blood would be an important trigger of COVID-19-related broader proteome change in the skull marrow, meninges, and brain cortex."

"The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein subunit S1 induces COVID-19-like acute lung injury"


"Ultrasensitive blood test detects viral protein, confirms mRNA vaccine activates robust immune response"


"The team found that 11-of-13 participants had low levels of SARS-CoV-2 protein (S1 subunit) as early as one day post-vaccination." my note: so soon "freed up", available to do damage, toxic S1 subunit

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Agree -preventing the fusion cleavage is a primary therapeutic goal - which pomegranate peel helps.

I need to make more pom peel plus tea (plus other things).

*other things currently are mango peel, thyme, dandelion root and leaf, Holy basil leaf. The dandelion and pom peel are diuretics and need to used in smaller amounts than the other ingredients - for a pot of tea, slow steep 20-30 minutes after bringing to a boil first.

My pom and mango peel are in about 1/4 to 1/2 inch pieces. I don't make it tiny - just steep it for a while.

Basic discussion of herbal tea prep is the very last or near the end of the scroll on COVID19 page of jenniferdepew.com https://jenniferdepew.com/covid19

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I Am waiting for the "most in the neighborhood" dandelion bloom to make its appearance in my Minnesota yard.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Thank You Jennifer Depew

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Thanks! I reposted it as a note/reStack. My first try with the new feature.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I edited my reply for "clarity".

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I see that I did not write with sufficient specificity. "This specific study", to my knowledge, said nothing about agent Mrna created spike causing the scan detectable brain shrinkage/ damage. I see now how what I wrote easily would be read to inform the impression that the study showed damage from injection created spike . My apologies. perhaps it is time to see if there is an edit feature and if it works

ps to my understanding there is a body of evidence showing agent Mrna "spike" in the brain doing damage just not in the attached references. James

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I wonder if a ketogenic diet would help by providing more ketones to replace the glucose that is lowered. Works with some other neurological conditions especially epilepsy.

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