Oct 15, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Careful with those bite guards!🚨

I was fitted for one about 15 -20yrs ago because of grinding, clenching teeth. When I asked hygienist why they didn't suggest it before the grind got more severe on one side she said back then they took more conservative approach to dentistry . Whatever!

Anyway first dentist gave me one for top teeth , yrs later he retired and a new dentist who likes to sell things said a lower one is better for breathing and for tongue position( apparently an oral surgeon said it's the opposite) who to believe!

Now I had all my full set of teeth including all back molars. When they made the mold the dumb hygienist couldn't get to the back molars even with extending the mold making apparatus .. so dentist said that's fine the mold won't allow the back teeth to touch anyway 🚩🚨🚩

And stupid me trusted the *experts*

Anyway I started noticing my teeth could not splice spaghetti or even nails if ever chipped.. but thought nothing of it.. until after second bottom mold that insurance here covers new one every 5 years ( 500$ to make) and the second guard also did not reach back molars btw

Well moved province and this new dentist noticed after few years nonetheless not even right away whilst my teeth were not biting properly that my back molars had " grown"

(The ones that weren't covered by the guard actually came down to touch the other back molars!) it's what they always will do if they all don't touch!

Who the hell knew this, not me!

But they all did in dentistry!🀌😏

So sent to a orthodontist and he said only solution is removing the 4 back molars so all teeth touch as right now chewing down mostly with last 4, though I do mince bigger food with all teeth so not really true, but the final grind is at back ..

Went to oral surgeon who removes wisdom teeth and I asked if could only remove two as option but seems still would not fix problem .

2000$ not covered by insurance only if I want it done at dentist which uses local anesthesia and you don't go under .

So in tears at what they done ( I prided self on having full set of teeth) and now have to remove for their errors and we can't sue here for that.. plus in another province.. no point ..

But with all this Covid and now fear of what's in dang anesthiasa I'm not budging.

Still wear night guard and it is relaxing to close fully but don't really think I grind now and I believe it may all have been from nose not getting enough air as I also use nose strip and love a/c or window open even in winter.

Don't snore nor apnea don't think but I believe maybe inflammation maybe related to diet may trigger inflamed nose passages that reacts instantly to hot rooms , homes and it's like skin inside nose swells up and less air gets in

Anwayyyy all this to say careful With the 25$ ones at pharm

The amoral surgeon said he's seen some dentists make only 2 teeth guards! Imagine then how many teeth would try to come down to touch the other set of teeth and throw bite off

So in hindsight and warning to u all, if u need special shoes fitted properly go to top expert not local shoe store , if u need a mouth piece don't trust a dentist, go to an orthodontist .. and kicking self why I didn't think of that as a young adult.. totally clueless

At very least get second or third opinion

No they ain't going to get my back molars anytime soon

I do try to bite my mid teeth with a cloth to ensure they get pressure too as that must help( so I assume)

So be careful Jen and others.. an orthodontist will have computerized 3d digital y rays and programming to align each tooth and see how fit is

Mere dentists wing it and why they are allowed to make orthodontic devices is beyond me!

Live and learn

Im keeping my wisdom

And my teeth for now.. waiting to see in year or two or three how Covid unfolds

And as we learn more of anesthesia's..

Damage is done I don't want more issues

Thankfully no jaw pain, tmj but dang who knew teeth can " grow"

nose and ears do too apparently

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Oct 16, 2023Β·edited Oct 16, 2023Author

My nose has changed shape s little 🫣

Moist air is important at night in winter or dry places to prevent congestion from getting too dried out breathing all night. Drinking a little water if you wake up helps too but moist air helps prevent dry skin, chapped lips, congested nose.

Addition - thanks for the warning. I tried the self fitting NightGuard last night and took it out. I wasn't grinding, felt okay last night and the silicon squeezes z little. If was too much pressure for me to sleep.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Haa mine too! I said great it'll grow more still as we age! :) oy vey! Even ears.. and yes I love humidity and always about have rooms about 40- 50%.. ( anymore and risk mold) but less than that and I stuff up and so does fam.. and I do awaken to bathroom and so drink and take melatonin too.. sleeping in several pillows helps too..

we go to parents house and it's so dry and hot at 23 degrees that we lower the thermostat when no one looking until they complain it's too cold:) but it really affects our nasal passages, same with car and long travels ! Some folks love the hotter the better, we just stuff up and then need to mouth breath few hours..

But do use the night guard as needed , or try other models but ideally from dentist and better still orthodontist .. the oral surgeon hates them period as seen so much problems from them... like jaw moving into overbite and needing to break jaw to correct .. thankfully not my case but immagjne what a little innocent looking piece of silicone badly made can cause!

If you use, just have dentist check bite every time and they'll notice if bite gets off.

I was going every 6 months and bite was never checked, just looking for cavities n cleaning.. now I check kids even with their invisiglin n braces they had and made their orthodontist triple check all was ok before last payment given :) teeth naturally shift, but problems can arise with some illfitted nightguards . Most important is that they go right to very last teeth so all of them are covered by silicone.

Loving yr posts! You are so wise and know so much, mind blowing!

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Oh, thanks! and very welcome!

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Jennifer what do you think of this? Bedtime for me, I did not read... zzzz



A PhD's Secret Weapon: The Four Biomarkers Every Expert Should, But Doesn’t, Analyze

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Very interesting. I subscribed to be able to read it and it took a while. It has helpful info about B vitamin deficiency symptoms even if you don't order all the lab tests needed to consider the ratios he is discussing. I had followed Chris Masterjohn on Twitter and his service looks helpful.. Thanks for sharing the link!

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Thanks for looking! I listened to some of the podcasts, and he talks faster than i can hear. But I did pick up a useful thing about biotin, I think. Since i started taking it when I read that it was useful against candida. (I'm also using oregano and black seed oil, thanks to your post on that, very helpful). And he said he overdosed on biotin, resulting in hyperglycemia and some muscular discomfort.... although generally what i read is that it shouldn't be a problem if you take too much. So might be kind of subtle. so I stopped it as of today. And now I have to wonder about the horses, since it is common to give high doses as a hoof supplement.... Something else to look into!

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Jennifer, I'm taking advantage of your comment section to save some thoughts for myself. Please disregard if not interesting!!

CM: "Nevertheless, most biotin supplements on the market have doses that are actually too high.

In fact, I myself once gave myself several weeks of clumsiness, short-term memory loss, and short temper by taking 10 milligrams per day of biotin. "

"This suggests that 130 micrograms may be nearing the maximum that can be well absorbed, utilized, and retained, at least relative to the needs of the participants in this study."

I usually use a factor of 8 to get a rough dose for a horse. That would be 1,040 mcg, or 1 mg. The recommended dose for horses is 15 mg, with some supplements going as high as 100mg.

Chris's dose of 10mg, that gave him unpleasant symptoms, would translate to 80 mg for a horse. So it is not unthinkable that excess biotin could be adversely affecting our equine friends.

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CM has gene differences though -- it wouldn't be the same for everyone was my impression. On the other hand maybe I have taken too much in the past. Those symptoms could be a variety of things. I will keep it in mind though if I pick up another bottle of biotin gummies.

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I think it's a too large dose problem, because he seems to think his gene differences make him need more than most people... if I understood him correctly πŸ€” But not unlimited amounts!

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Jennifer what do you think of this? Bedtime for me, I did not read... zzzz



A PhD's Secret Weapon: The Four Biomarkers Every Expert Should, But Doesn’t, Analyze

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oh dear. that sounds truly horrible . I hope you don't have to throw your TV out the window! I just spent a couple of days at my friend's house, and had to bully and badger her into turning the TV off and going to bed! just one more episode, she said.

Anyway, best wishes for some better days.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

JD - your work is thorough, cogent, prescient and exemplary.

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Aww, wow.

I hope I do okay with the follow up part. I need to go back to bed for today though. Had enough up time.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Too much THC is a lot easier to ingest today than it was in 1989, when I quit my 20 years as a pothead.

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Dangerous levels for newbies, yes.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

This is saving my life for real... you might want to check it out


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Thanks πŸ‘

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