Thank you for an aside.......I am on GETTR but am thinking about leaving....lots of weird stuff is happening there too, now... I see you are on GAB....which do you like better?
Even in the health community - there is much confusion around iodine I find re: dosage. Do you have any dosage recommendations for a 150lb woman? I try to get mine from seafood, as it's also loaded with DHA. Thanks for the piece- well done.
Jennifer. May I recommend Dr. David Brownstein's book - Iodine: Why You Need It. Why You Can't Live Without It. 5th Edition
He recommends much higher doses after studying people living near the ocean like Japan. I personally take 25mg a day. Part of my regimen for MS. Typically he would consider 12mg/day a minimum dose.
I have read his book and should do better about taking my supplements. I have been neglecting myself.
Thanks. I did see that he was recommending even more than the 12.5 mg Iodoral. I added that back into my routine but have been inconsistent with all my vitamins. Walking the talk is harder than talking the talk ;-)
There is a deficiency of iodine in the soil around the Great Lakes.
Good to know...any idea why?
Scraped away by glaciers
Thank you for an aside.......I am on GETTR but am thinking about leaving....lots of weird stuff is happening there too, now... I see you are on GAB....which do you like better?
I have been inactive lately on both gab and gettr. Gettr is weird.
Even in the health community - there is much confusion around iodine I find re: dosage. Do you have any dosage recommendations for a 150lb woman? I try to get mine from seafood, as it's also loaded with DHA. Thanks for the piece- well done.
250 mcg at least for childbearing age women
Jennifer. May I recommend Dr. David Brownstein's book - Iodine: Why You Need It. Why You Can't Live Without It. 5th Edition
He recommends much higher doses after studying people living near the ocean like Japan. I personally take 25mg a day. Part of my regimen for MS. Typically he would consider 12mg/day a minimum dose.
I have read his book and should do better about taking my supplements. I have been neglecting myself.
Thanks. I did see that he was recommending even more than the 12.5 mg Iodoral. I added that back into my routine but have been inconsistent with all my vitamins. Walking the talk is harder than talking the talk ;-)
Thank you Jennifer!