
“Elisa cogently expresses the systematic and personalized mind, body, and soul programming while giving profound insight into how she’s been able to endure and to a large extent, overcome these nefarious acts perpetrated upon her through love and compassion. Additionally, Elisa articulates how invasive control technologies are now being foisted upon the general populace. By far, the most alarming yet hopeful book on the subject.”


Discusses the book and her experience. Then: wrote the book while undergoing deprogramming, and Now: a perspective after deprogramming of what was happening while she was writing the book.


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Thanks, much appreciated.

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Not surprising about the ritual Jessie was talking about that there was a Trudeau there, and I agree it was probably JT and not his younger brother. I reading about MKUltra happenings I recall reading that the main Canadian doctor associated with that terrible side of life on this earth, was best friends with Pierre and Margaret and when they would be out of the capital, JT would spend that time with that nefarious 'doctor.'

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Thank you, Jennifer, for writing this up. I'm with you.

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I appreciate that, thank you.

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Saw an interesting video of Ted Gunderson describe an investigation into children that claimed they were abducted from their school regularly, a snippet from the past https://youtu.be/LnK8ud1vjug

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Thanks, I think I have listened to that before but not lately. I added it to the post along with another correction. (I mixed up the scandalous US laptops - there are two.)

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Btw with respect to Satan and his desire to replace God, he believes in what is called the doctrine of emanations which originated within paganism and through to New Agism.

This doctrine posits that every time a new person is born God loses part of Himself as He creates a soul for that person from Himself.

Over time, God eventually will go out of existence and Satan will simply take His place. To believe this one has to deny God is eternal, omniscient, omnipresent and all-powerful.

Amazing how paganism believes and espouses this with the New Age movement carrying it forward.

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I did not know about that idea. The Oneness is endless and cannot run out, however aether energy can become stagnant and unhealthy. Radiation is bad for it, and then it stays bad for a while, bad for health. Aether see like the Living Water, empathetic energy force that could be the Oneness.

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Too awful to be able to believe it's true.

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Interesting timing... just saw this on another Substack.

Mind control & 5th Generation Warfare Free 11-day series starts Sat. June 29, 2024 9am PDT Mind control on 'the agenda' since MKUltra and Project Paperclip that brought Nazi scientists to USA after WW II to engage in 150 arcane experiments assisted by numerous gov, corporation, academic employees, most ‘evidence' eradicated except for 14,000 pages. I know professional women (and men): authors, lawyers, former gov employees, harassed with electronic, nonlethal wearpons+. Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References free online: Robert Bunker, Editor, literally A to Z primer!If want to buy series instead of listening real time: $99: https://brighteonuniversity.com/collections/mind-control-5th-generation-warfare courtesy comments Kathy G.

Each episode on replay for 24 hours (from 12 noon EST 9 am PDT until the following day, at 12 noon EST 9am PDT), at which point next episode in the series will be played.

Register here:


Day 1: June 29-30: Behind the Veil: Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare

Day 2: June 30-July 01: Secrets of 5th Generation Warfare

Day 3: July 01-02: The Psychology Behind Mind Control

Day 4: July 02-03: Political Manipulation of 5th Generation Warfare

Day 5: July 03-04: The History and Secrets of Mind Control

Day 6: July 04-05: The Science and Engineering of 5th Generation Warfare

Day 7: July 05-06: Targeting and Mind Control Experiments

Day 8: July 06-07: The Legal Battles Against Targeted Mind Control

Day 9: July 07-08: The Truth Behind Havana Syndrome

Day 10: July 08-09: Advanced Methods of Mind Control and Solutions

Day 11: July 09-10: Replay of episodes 1-10

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That does look interesting. I registered for the free streaming so far. Thanks Luzzie, for sharing!

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Thanks for posting this info. I find it difficult to NOT believe, frankly. I'll spend some time delving into this. I'd heard of the situation allegedly with Hillary cutting off the girl's face. I believe that was supposedly on Weiner's laptop?

Regarding Musk, I've long though of him as an insider who is playing a role that seeks to make him supporting the 1A, while actively destroying it. His new CEO is proof of that. I simply don't trust Musk at all. The role he plays certainly makes him seem above board and honest, but I've read he's a satanist as well.

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Oh, yes, I mixed up laptops. I will edit the article. He had it because his girlfriend was the assistant who was present and pretending to go along with the cannibalism.


I hadn't seen anything suggesting he is himself Satanist, but his model mother has used the hand poses a lot, and one eye pose.

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I was in MK throughout my childhood. Have been working on healing and have come to realize that what they did to us they are now doing to the general population: tv (etc.) really is

‘programming’. I believe the country needs to heal using what has helped us heal. There really is help and hope!

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That is what the pdf book by Kerth Barker is about but I was thinking it would help people to make it into a deprogramming guide/workbook with less narrative of the cult activities. Some of the strategies he mentioned were things I did have to work through for my own healing from massive Cancel culture heckling from many directions.

I'm glad you're better now.

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I've downloaded and am currently reading veronica's Swift's PDF book. Fascinating. It's funny that at times too many Christians think that we have a chance of rectifying the serious problems in the USA and the world if only we'll work hard to convert the masses. Reading books like this proves to me that Satan has been very busy since the fall and shows no signs of let up. Certainly God is allowing him to do what he does but the end result is clearly outlined in God's Word.

I've read numerous books and posts by people who are alleged to have come out of the Illuminati and what they experienced while in it.

It's difficult for me to believe that the days of Noah and Lot were actually worse than what the world is experiencing now.

Thanks again for the post.

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Very welcome, peace be with you and your loved ones.

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This type of abuse and the level it achieves melts my mind. I thought I had somewhat of a grasp of the Illuminati movement. I didn’t scratch the surface.

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Um, wow. A lot to unpack here. Fascinating, illuminating, confounding. Thanks for your excellent reporting.

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I did have to walk away from it last night for a bit. ewwww

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Elon Musk is a 12-year old boy?

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Was years ago, in 1984 roughly.

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