Hi Jennifer,

honestly i have to get outside and don't have time to read this now, Apologies!!

but the post from Green Med Info about quantum whatever sparked my "GRRRRRR" response. I have been annoyed by this quantum bs since about 20 or 30 years ago when my doctor suggested i read Quantum Health or whatever, and I told him, i tried, but I don't understand it. I don't think anybody does.

And me, a solid proponent of distance (telepathic) animal communication, and even telepathic animal bodywork, which i have witnessed in action!!

So here I will suggest looking into an alternative, the Electric Universe. Here's what VICE said about this idea (over 5 years ago) "At worst it's sheer crackpottery like homeopathy and astrology, making claims clearly contradicted by the evidence." Which of course lends it credibility in my eyes..


yesterday I tried to add comments to a sponsored narrative stack about KLIMATE, and all my comments were removed and i was banned within hours. This is a totally different issue, but just gives more credence to any idea that is censored, in my mind.

Keep up with the skepticism, Jennifer, you have good intuition and at this point I think it might be the most reliable path to knowledge.

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Yes go outside. I spend too much time on my computer = unhealthy, not walking the talk. I have been outside briefly a couple times today but not enough.

Under Space Plasmas "Although outer space is a vacuum, it is permeated with the plasma of the Solar “Wind”. This interacts with Sun’s magnetic field, producing the heliospheric current sheet]which carries about 3×109 amperes through our own Solar System. .."

Aether is the solar wind, aether is a flowing energy that is attracted to water and metals that can attract magnets. It has been measured on Earth, I talk about it in my James DeMeo book series of posts.

I think quarkian entanglement explains telepathy and ghost type phenomena. When we form a bond with someone than our energy is forever mingled in entangled quarks. Why can we go to a loved one who is injured seemingly at random but it happened?

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Not Phar Away - "yesterday I tried to add comments to a sponsored narrative stack about KLIMATE, and all my comments were removed and i was banned within hours."

A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum? Yesterday, the exact same thing happened to me here on a stack. What are the odds? Sadly it was somebody I previously respected.

Thing is, I wasn't alone as he was taking some serious flak from the peanut gallery for his atheist views (which I did not touch upon) and the nature of the post "angry 17yo, sophmoric, straw men". The author's responses were quite peeved, yet those comments were not censored.

FIVE HOURS LATER - he returned to my comment, edited his initial response, removed my comment and blocked me from commenting further on his substack.

To be censored and silenced, this supposed ethical person who poses as a skeptic, honored me as said comment must have struck a chord very close to home viz the truth.

Not unlike many others, if your commentary does not resonate in their echo chamber and really hits them where they live, tone deafness sets in and they turn out to be exactly what they claim to oppose viz in need of lively but respectful debate, censored, close minded and intellectually dishonest. Sad days indeed.

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I just read two posts by different Substackers about another Leftist writer with a similar blindspot problem which people get blocked over.

It does hurt to be shut out, but on the other hand, the universe is guiding you away from those your energy is not aligned with.

It took me a while to see it that way, as maybe a benefit happened. Too many people are more inflexible now though. That can be nutrition and health issues too.

Lack of cannabinoid function may increase cognitive inflexibility. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnbeh.2012.00073/full ;-)

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JD - "but on the other hand, the universe is guiding you away from those your energy is not aligned with" Bingo, the helping hand.

Not to be conflated with Smith's invisible market hand, which was severed long ago, as all markets are contrived, controlled, manipulated and rigged. The term "Free Market" is to Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, as Peak Oil, Climate Change and Pandemic are, all filed under N for nonexistent.

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Now that is poetic.

You watched the rhetoric video? ;-)

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Thanks for commenting, have to pack for housesitting, looking forward to continuing this conversation!!

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Loved that documentary! Well worth the watch.

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Roman, see my comment above. Wonder what your thoughts are. Sorry I cannot keep up with all of you excellent writers, but appreciate your work.

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Great information!

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JD - Great piece. If you like Adam Curtis here's a laundry list...


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