Autism Health Summit & Essential Oil cautions for autism, ADHD, and anxiety -
Salicylate sensitivity & histamine excess may be factors for people with autism, ADHD or anxiety. This is a section of my too long post about the essential oil industry. It became too long for email.
Health screening needs to be inclusive of the full range of issues that people may have. Jerrold Kartzinel, MD spoke at the Autism Health Summit about treating children with autism as whole people with varied health conditions that are treatable rather than viewing autism as ‘uncurable’ or just ‘neurodiverse wonderfulness’. I am certainly wonderful, but having gut issues is not wonderful at all. And he has found that improvement in comorbid conditions can lead to a reduction in autistic symptoms — and that isn’t a bad thing, is it? (His presentation included slides 371-430, Day 2 slides in my Dropbox)
Gut issues are a starting point for his treatment of patients with autism. He does encourage cutting out gluten and dairy as first steps for anyone working on autism issues. He says pediatricians used to always wear bowties — because they didn’t want a tie to get in the way when leaning over to look at a child’s diaper contents. How can you know how to help if you don’t know what the exact symptoms are? Stool differences can indicate different types of underlying problems which would be treated differently. There are natural remedies for constipation, and one mentioned was oregano oil, but how to get a child to take that? My answer - dilute it in a carrier oil and try it topically, in and around the belly button. That is a stronger oil for topical use and others might be gentler for a digestive issue like ginger oil.
Sleep problems are common for people on the autism spectrum, along with anxiety. Five best herbs for anxiety, if you can get a child to consume the flavor … valerian root, ashwagandha root, Siberian ginseng root, ginger root, Gingko leaf.
The websites of Jerrold Kartzinel, MD: His clinic:, a line of supplements:, a nonprofit with a goal of building a community for adults with autism who need some fullservice caregiving - where are parents of autistic kids going to get help for their adult kids once the parents are too old to provide care or pass away?
Jerrold Kartzinel, MD mentioned that he sees worse symptoms sometime with overuse of essential oils — which is very believable to me. Autism or gut issues might include histamine excess which citrus oils would add to. And salicylate sensitivity is not uncommon in people with gut issues or chemical sensitivities due to poor detox and a tendency to be over-acidic. Other essential oils might really help though.
“Knowledge is power.” - Schoolhouse Rock
Lavender essential oil can be soothing and help sleep and is not a citrus or salicylate rich mint - but if the product is a blend called “Sleep Well” that has Lavender mixed with Bergamot Sour orange oil and peppermint oil, then we may be overloading the body with histamine excess and salicylate, even if the blend is being diffused. Sleep might be good, seem to be helped, but the next day might be more congested and moody. But then would the connection be made between diffusing an essential oil blend at night (even if organic and healthy for average users) with a worsening of symptoms of paranoia, mania, or ADHD scattered-ness the next day?
Histamine excess gives me repetitive thoughts and speech. Histamine is a modulator within the brain, so excess leaves the brain without up and down regulation of mood - whatever is being thought gets escalated - sad → suicidal/depressed, happy → grandiose mania, and paranoia, hypersensitivity to taking things personally is common.
Salicylate excess can increase ADHD like symptoms, congestion, and can cause a racing heart rate that may be interpreted as anxiety or a panic attack. It can be hard not to think odd thoughts during salicylate excess even when you know that has been an ongoing problem for you. Canned artichoke hearts and peas of any type seem to be rich enough in salicylate to trip me up. Who knew that eating could be such a minefield?
A truly sensitive person can react to aromatics in the air, not just to topical or edible use. Quantity counts too, more is going to cause more inflammation than testing with a small amount first. Awareness of a risk means that we can be more cautious in our approach.
Essential oils are amazing for acute care health or mood issues - if the oil is not inflammatory for the individual.
The more I have dug into the topic of essential oils and the businesses that are selling essential oils, the more impressed I am with the health benefits of the oils. I would like to encourage all essential oil advocates to be cautious against saying negative things about competitor’s products. Because, when compared to mainstream medicines - ALL ESSENTIAL OILS are SUPERIOR PRODUCTS! (*essential oils that are made with reasonable standards of quality and which share what testing procedures that they use).
Figuring out which oils or blends might be helpful for you instead of adding to your inflammation can be the tricky part - especially if someone, or an entire industry, is not aware of the risks of histamine excess or salicylate sensitivity, or is not informing the market of those risks. We can’t really finger point just at the essential oil industry because the typical physician is also not going to be screening for or educating on the risks of salicylate sensitivity or histamine excess. A gut specialist might, or a functional health practitioner, but even when I brought up my long summer of salicylate difficulties, the hospital emergency physicians and my family doctor were pretty dismissive. My liver enzymes couldn’t be about a toxic overload of salicylates…it must be something treatable with expensive surgery….like cancer or an imaginary perforated bowel.
I have noticed over my lifetime, that people really do tend to see only the solutions that they tend to use. A carpenter fixes things with wood, a metalsmith fixes with metal, a seamstress will have a fabric fix, and a surgeon thinks in surgical terms. I do not see surgery as an early choice for mystery autoimmune conditions or other mystery issues. Let’s try to solve the mystery instead of adding a wound for the body to have to heal.
“Exploratory surgery, just to see if you need surgery” is SURGERY. A “simple" biopsy is invading the body, is potentially introducing infection into an organ, and is exposing the person to the truly health threatening nosocomial infection risks of being in a hospital. I got my early outbreak case of Covid while waiting in a busy hospital for my dad’s biopsy to get a better look at the suspected cancer - and the biopsy was inconclusive and still not the better look they needed. The CT scan was also unclear. Why do all those expensive, potentially risky procedures when they still are unlikely to give a clear “Yes” or “No” answer. Health is not always that definitive, yet Western medicine tries to make it that simple (which is a big fault of Western medicine).
Autism and ADHD - the conditions can be comorbid and have different impacts on social or other skills and on stress tolerance.
After writing a book draft on the topic of autism, and further study on the topic of ADHD, people can be born with susceptibility for both problems. While vaccines as an infant or toddler do seem to be a significant causal factor of autism, there are also many prenatal factors that can set up risk; nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy or for the child; prenatal use of certain medications (like Thalidomide), or for the child (vaccines and other drugs); low iodine and hypothyroidism treated only with Synthroid seems to be a prenatal risk factor for the child, and low vitamin D is also a risk prenatally or for the child.
Gut problems and an unhealthy microbiome are common in people with autism and that can increase negative mood and health symptoms. When the gut microbiome is unhealthy and chronic inflammation is present then histamine excess and salicylate sensitivity may be more likely to occur. Negative gut species can make histamine and it is fairly common in the food supply and will increase in older leftovers or canned goods.
Salicylate sensitivity could be more of a risk whenever the body and urine is more acidic than ideal. That makes excretion of salicylate not work right chemically so the overly acidic person is retaining salicylate from pain killing medications, foods, and any topical products containing mint oil or other salicylate rich essential oils or products. Anti-pain creams tend to contain pain-relieving mint oils or capsaicin from hot pepper. The nerve cells will stop signaling pain if they get maxed out with the intensity of topical hot pepper or cooling mint. Both ingredients stimulate TRP ion channels which are involved with nerve signaling and many other functions.
Pregnant women get a lot of very controlling advice and judgement, while sperm providers hear very, very little about what they should be doing to make optimally healthy sperm, for an optimally functional child. I have gotten more cautious in writing about pre-conception planning for promoting optimal health in a fetus and infant, because the neurodiverse community can include people who seem to want all people to be ‘neurodiverse’ because they are perfectly wonderful just as they are, and therefore all other babies would be perfectly wonderful just like that too. I would ask, why wouldn’t neurotypical babies be perfectly wonderful too? Why can’t we work to promote neurotypical babies? I think we can and should, while also supporting and not discriminating against neurodiverse people.
Normalizing obesity doesn’t make it healthy, and normalizing autism doesn’t make it perfectly wonderful for all people on the spectrum. Some are screaming non-stop or banging their head on the wall repetitively. That isn’t ideal for the child/adult or any other children or adults that have to be around the perfectly wonderful neurodiverse screaming/banging person. A perfectly wonderful adult male with autism ended up killing his mother by beating on her when upset. There had been warning signs, but the mother didn’t stop being his sole caregiver — until she was no longer able to. He did seem somewhat aware of what he had done and he missed her. He had to go into an adult home as there were no other caregivers for him.
Normalizing autism seems to me to have been done very deliberately to distract from the link to childhood vaccines. The people who have been harmed were the activist parents who have been trying to warn other parents. It took a decade or so but society was shifted to a very vigilante mindset - you crazy autism parent, vaccines are perfectly safe and have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with autism. Stop being so crazy and disruptive of society! You should be more loving and supportive of your perfectly wonderful neurodiverse child and be super appreciative of their neurodiverse wonderfulness! Or we will judge you as not being accepting enough of neurodiversity.
Those vigilante do-gooders may have gotten harmed by the CoV jabs and boosters, or they may have gotten lucky and are still vigilante vaccine enthusiasts.
More on ADHD and its link to autism . . . it’s likely the sperm - the drunk, alcoholic sperm.
It takes 74 days for a male or trans-female to make a sperm. That means it takes 74 days of not drinking alcohol to grow an optimally not genetically mutated sperm. Some men never drink alcohol. Others drink alcohol every day. How much alcohol use does it take to mutate the genes of the sperm? Weekly alcohol use seems to be enough to cause ADHD in the children based on survey based human research. Animal research has shown a strong link between alcohol use by the male and ADHD like behavior in the offspring. The females were not given alcohol.
This means that all the women who are given so much controlling advice and judgement about their diet and lifestyle during pregnancy, may do all of it precisely, and still end up with a child with genetic differences from normal function. Males are not stringently educated to stop alcohol use if they want to have optimally healthy children. All the messaging is thrust at women - repeatedly, and shaming or judging may be used.
So, men & trans-women, I am passing the prenatal judge-y buck to you - optimal health of our next generation requires you to not drink alcohol much or at all for 74 days, prior to having unprotected sex. Please use a condom if you drink alcohol regularly. The DNA in your sperm is being mutated by excess active Retinoic Acid (vitamin A) which is a birth teratogen. Too much active vitamin A prenatally will cause physical deformities and genetic differences in the baby if the pregnant person is drinking alcohol, AND it will cause genetic differences if the sperm donor had used alcohol regularly during the 74 days prior to conception of a fetus.
Normalizing ‘neurodiversity’ that is a result of a society that promotes binge drinking of alcohol, is normalizing birth teratogens as if they are a good thing for babies.
Birth teratogens are not a good thing for babies.
Autism or ADHD - Why not Both?
Autism and ADHD can be comorbid diagnoses for someone and add up to a person that isn’t quite typical of either autism or ADHD. A video on that topic sounded a lot like me. See this post for the video:
If Retinoic Acid related DNA mutations affected the sperm that led to new person, then that new person might have quite a variety of gene alleles causing dysfunction in their metabolic pathways. That variety might add up to autism risk and ADHD symptoms.
So what does autism and ADHD have to do with Salicylate Sensitivity or Histamine Excess? or Essential oils?
The Essential Oil industry has become very competitive and businesses in competition with each other tend to make similar products so the consumer can get the popular thing from their brand, instead of the other brand. The flaw for the consumer, is then difficulty in finding products that will work for them which don’t contain popular ingredients.
Citrus oils and histamine excess
Citrus oils are potent, healing as strong antimicrobials and anti-inflammatory agents, decongestant, and can help blood sugar or Metabolic Syndrome problems and help with weight control. They are fragrant and invigorating, and are good as cleansers and degreasing agents. Citrus oils are used in many household products. They are fairly inexpensive to produce compared to some of the other essential oils and are in lots, if not most products and blends sold by doTerra and Young Living - two MLM essential oil companies. Citrus oils have a shorter shelf life than other essential oils so any blends with citrus may not last as long as blends without it.
Citrus contains putrescene which is not itself, histamine, but it is broken down by the same enzyme that would be used to break down histamine molecules. Histamine might accumulate more if there was a lot of putrescene present from a meal or supplement or breathing air with citrus oil from a diffuser, cleaning products, or in a topical product. The eaten citrus would have more impact, but an overly sensitized person can react to essential oils from the air or absorbed topically.
People with autism may be more at risk for histamine problems from gut issues. Having seasonal allergy symptoms also suggests histamine is in excess. It causes the itchy dry eyes, hives and reddening of the skin and it can cause mood changes.
Hyperexcitability as histamine in proper amounts is a modulator for our brain activity, it helps keep us on an even keel. But if we have too much, the brakes are off and whatever mood is present will just keep going - “To the moon, baby!” Grandiose recklessness with positive feelings that it will all work, can occur. Or negative thinkers might be thinking extremely anxious and/or paranoid thoughts - suicide can occur. Angry outbursts can happen, breaking things may occur. Homicide might occur. Histamine excess can be very dangerous and is often missed as a cause of mental symptoms.
Drug withdrawal or bad reactions to drugs may involve a change leading to histamine excess in the brain. Akathisia is the term being used by some communities to refer to the extreme changes following psychiatric and other drug use and/or after withdrawal from the drug. Suicide is common. I consider myself a survivor - the thoughts are overwhelming and hard to resist. Suicide is occurring in younger populations now, grade school children even.
I would guess that histamine excess is part of what is going on. It is hard to resist the thoughts of worthlessness, and “the world would be better without me, it would be a favor to end my life.” In reading suicide survivor stories those unreasonable thoughts are not uncommon among the survivors. Alcoholics and anorexics can have overactive cannabinoid receptors in the prefrontal cortex and that has been associated with suicide in the two groups.
Dysregulation of cannabinoid receptor metabolism may also be a risk factor. The psychiatric drug that led to my symptoms getting suddenly, extremely worse, was olanzapine which prevents breakdown of cannabinoids and therefore might be causing over-activity of cannabinoid receptors. I also have a gene difference in my ability to make cannabinoids, so I am chronically deficient unless using medical marijuana. That puts me at double risk maybe for the severe histamine hyperexcitability within the brain because cannabinoid receptors are involved in controlling the gap between nerve cells - will a nerve signal keep going or be stopped?
The solution to cannabinoid deficiency is to take more cannabinoids. Chocolate is high in oxalates and calories. I gained 100 pounds one year that I went without medical marijuana.
The solution to histamine excess is more complex, but legal in all states, and it can seem miraculous, once the details are worked out. The solution is to remove histamine containing or promoting foods from the diet and change some lifestyle factors that also trigger increased histamine from degranulation of allergy mast cells. The details are the myriad number of changes that you have to learn about your own food sensitivities.
Standard food lists are a start but it would be a mistake to follow them rigidly. Your body or your child’s body may not be as sensitized to some and may be more sensitized than typical to things that aren’t on the lists. Start with the lists and learn your body signals. It is hard to tell what things are problems when there are many problem foods/lifestyle habits and inflammation is severe.
An elimination diet cuts out all suspicious foods and will list less allergy prone foods to eat instead. That usually means you need to do more cooking or spending more money on odd specialty foods - more cooking is better. When you learn how to make the odd foods for yourself, then they aren’t a specialty, hard-to-find-at-stores thing anymore. They are just part of your new routine, your new life as a less inflamed person. And you may need to order some of the odd whole ingredients online.
Enzyme capsules are also available for purchase and can make the diet restrictions more lenient, but then you are spending money buying a supplement product every month and having to take it before eating. There are two enzymes, one breaks down histamine in the gut and body and another is needed to breakdown histamine in the brain. Gene differences in either or both would make a person more likely to have histamine excess problems. I have dysfunctional gene alleles in both, so I get body and mental effects when I eat too much histamine foods, or citrus.
The mental effects can be really, very, extremely, quite bad. I eat a low histamine diet and haven’t tried the enzyme supplements myself. I would be hesitant to add in problem foods to see if the enzyme helped. One of these days, trying a histamine enzyme product is on my lengthy To-Do list somewhere.
Salicylate sensitivity
Salicylate sensitivity can cause ADHD like symptoms, which suggests that people with ADHD may also be experiencing salicylate sensitivity but they may not realize. If sensitive to salicylates, it is EXTREMELY HARD to reduce all salicylates in the diet and stop use of pain-killer medications and stop use of any essential oil blends, products, or topical pain creams that have mint oils or birch oil or wintergreen. Other essential oils are also rich in salicylates but the mints are quite rich in it. Salicylates are pain relieving and anti-inflammatory if not in excess. A salicylate rich diet with lots of fresh leafy greens and herbs and spices can be protective against cancer - if it isn’t leading to salicylate excess and toxicity symptoms.
How to know if you are salicylate sensitive?
Early symptoms of salicylate sensitivity can be digestive upset and a lot of gas and bloating, as an indicator that too much salicylate was in the meal. This would likely be diagnosed, or self-diagnosed as indigestion and a magnesium depleting PPI medication might be prescribed instead of salicylate excess and education about sources to avoid.
A racing heart rate and disordered thinking can also be a fairly immediate reaction. Anxiety or a panic attack might be diagnosed and treated with psychiatric medications instead of being diagnosed as salicylate excess and assuring the patient that they aren’t panicking, or anxious, just those feelings will tend to inform the brain that there is something fearful happening. In this case the fearful thing is salicylate, an over-acidic body/urine pH and lack of the amino acid glycine.
The person could be educated about ways to reduce an over-acidic metabolism (and repair methylation cycles probably as dysfunction is likely part of the over-acidity).
And educated about food sources or supplement use of glycine (DMG is what I need due to a gene difference - the cannabinoid impairment also impairs my methylation cycle function at the TMG → DMG step.
And for acute care needs, the person could be given a roller bottle with Ylang Ylang essential oil to calm the racing heart rate within about 20 minutes. *Or other calming essential oils.
Essential oils are absorbed topically or through the lungs or when consumed. They are fastest acting when inhaled deeply into the nose as that hits the brain’s mood areas right away. Topically can also be fast acting and typically would be applied at the pain location, or on the back of the neck for mental benefits, on the spine for all over benefits. Taking essential oils internally can be a little slower acting as it travels through the digestive process and is more for the long term benefits than fast relief. Or it may help quickly too as some would be absorbed topically in the mouth and esophagus - it doesn’t have to wait to reach the intestines.
Symptoms can include congestion leading to asthma when there is chronic salicylate excess. This would likely be diagnosed as asthma or a respiratory condition and an inhaler or decongestants might be prescribed instead of salicylate avoidance.
Edema and leg swelling may occur as a short term - had a lot of salicylate today, reaction, or may remain present daily with chronic excess. The diagnosis would probably be “venous insufficiency” instead of “salicylate excess - limit your intake immediately”.
Not diagnosing salicylate sensitivity properly is a disservice to the patient. Salicylate excess chronically may lead to liver damage and impaired methylation cycle function which then can lead to cancer or Parkinson’s Disease or other gene related conditions.
For more information about symptoms of salicylate excess and diagnostic guidance for health professionals, see The Internet Book of Critical Care’s article on Salicylate Intoxication, by Josh Farkas, Oct. 1, 2021. (

I also have a page on Salicylate Sensitivity & diet: (Substack)
And a webpage about Histamine excess and MCAS: ( Flickering lights - strobe lights, action movies, music concerts with light shows, driving at night with busy oncoming traffic headlights in the next lane - any type of flickering light can degranulate mast cells and worsen histamine symptoms. Wearing dark sunglasses can help reduce the degranulation and increase in histamine. It can prevent migraines to avoid flickering lights or wear the dark sunglasses.
Misdiagnosis is not a fun party.
Knowledge is power. Misinformation is disempowering because it likely prevents the person from seeking other information, new ideas, other solutions to consider - that might be more accurate and helpful.
The magic of proper diagnosis of a food related issue is that once the problem foods are avoided or limited, then the symptoms just go away. Asthma? I got no asthma now, I’m not an asthma patient. But I have been in the past. If I had accepted that label and inhaler as just part of who I am, than I might still be using one. Instead I did a variety of things to reduce my inflammation and avoid things that congested me and I was able to stop using an inhaler. (*Many years ago, I used it for a couple years maybe before improving in health and habits.)
Was there a point? Essential oil products and blends contain a lot of citrus and salicylate oils.
The direct marketing representatives and MLM essential oil companies provide a lot of helpful information about how to use the oils safely for personal care and household needs. However they are not informing their marketing members or shopping members that anything with citrus might make a person feel worse if they have Mast Cell Overactivity Syndrome (MCAS) or seasonal allergy or histamine issues. Or that any of the products containing mints or birch may cause salicylate sensitive people to feel a lot worse.
The direct marketing routine is to give samples of favorite oils and when a potential buyer feels the rapid difference the oils provide, they are likely to want to buy the product or try other oils too. The math though, is highly stacked against a person with histamine or salicylate issues - the majority of products contain either citrus or mint oils and many contain both. If the person was handed lavender essential oil, then they probably did okay, otherwise, chances would be good that they wouldn’t have a good experience and wouldn’t want to buy or try any other oils. The negative reaction of histamine or salicylate excess can be quite, very, really not good, rather than just being mildly unpleasant.
I think that restoring health is more possible than mainstream medicine lets on. And I think essential oils and other functional food products seem like magic - just consume more of them and they figure out what the body needs for us. But, trial and error may be needed to see which ones work best for your body’s needs rather than giving you histamine symptoms or a racing heart rate and nausea.
The essential oil communities and both MLM businesses (doTerra and Young Living) have a large number of products with citrus oils and pain relieving products are heavy in salicylates. Both companies have a bit of a loose approach to individual risk: “Just try the oils, see which ones you like. Used safely, they aren’t dangerous.” They may not be dangerous when diluted or diffused in moderation, but to some individuals, many may cause negative symptoms to occur. Just diffusing blends with citrus oils is enough to set off histamine reaction for my mother and I tried some internally or topically and got a histamine reaction.
My very first question for someone interested in trying essential oils (and my recommendation for essential oil advocates to ask) would be “Are you sensitive to citrus?” and my second question would be “Are you sensitive to salicylate/mint?”
If the person is sensitive to citrus, be aware that most/many essential oil blends contain some citrus product - read labels carefully. Citrus oils are cheerful, invigorating, and inexpensive. Serenity Blend by doTerra does not have citrus. There are lots of other single oils with which you can make your citrus free blends. If something causes the body to be more inflamed, then it is not helping health. It is hurting health. The product might be very helpful for other people, but not for people who are citrus sensitive.
If sensitive to salicylate, then mints, pain relieving essential oils and many leafy herbal essential oils, and thyme and other spices, are rich in salicylates. Cautiously try them in smaller amounts to see what happens. Avoid too much at once as it is a problem of accumulation - too slow excretion. Using tinier amounts spaced out over the day may be tolerable if the kidneys can keep up with excreting the salicylate content. Taking glycine helps me and avoiding being too acidic also helps with excretion - and reducing sensitivity and symptom flair-up.
So if essential oils are potentially risky, why bother trying them?
Essential oils can help us make more helpful proteins, anti-inflammatory, and to stop making unhelpful, inflammatory ones.
In summary - compared to mainstream medical “medicine”, ALL essential oils made with decent quality are far superior for health. And it would be a good thing for essential oil advocates to avoid giving anyone the impression that other company’s essential oils are not good products. Compared to medications with toxic ingredients - ALL essential oils are super awesome.
Essential oils seem magical even in the way they can modulate protein expression in ways that improve health and reduce inflammation. They can affect or regulate our microRNA. It is the microRNA that controls which messenger RNA will be made into a new protein and which will be destroyed instead of being transcribed (transcription - when a gene is used as a template or recipe to make a protein).
Phytonutrients in essential oils, whole foods, or in water or alcohol extracts, soup or tea, can all help the body with the microRNA regulatory ability. Whatever our gene differences may be, phytonutrients may be readjusting the protein production that is occurring in a way that sidesteps our gene differences and helps us reduce inflammation. Plant phytonutrients often are anti-inflammatory because the plant doesn’t want to roast in hot sunshine or dry up in drought or drown, metaphorically, in flooding rain.
Essential oils are worth trying because they can be a health or mood reset in just 20 minutes with no adverse risks - when the oil is not one that the person is individually sensitized to. Fennel essential oil can help stop a histamine reaction within 20 minutes approximately and Ylang Ylange essential oil can slow the tachycardia of a salicylate reaction within 20 minutes (or so). Those are emergency relief strategies that could help an individual or a parent or a caregiver - if they know about them.
“Knowledge is power.” - Schoolhouse Rock
Or - Francis Bacon, from his Meditationes Sacrae (1597).
Knowledge is Power - and Why You Should Share It, by Kate Vitasek, article by a collaborative relationships specialist about negotiating in the business world, Forbes, May 17, 2022.
When we lift each other up, than we are all more powerful, individually and collectively.
Household toxin-load tangent
It can help health to stop using the synthetic chemical cleaning products that are typically used. They add toxins to our environment and air and that means they are adding to our chronic inflammation load - adding to the burden of waste that the body has to clean up internally each day. Situational irony - cleaning our house with modern products can leave our body less clean inside.
Signing off, slightly peeved at the standard of misdiagnosis in the medical industry. We can hardly point any fingers at the essential oil industry when the real culprit is the medical professionals who are not accurately diagnosing or educating their patients.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
>>Who knew that eating could be such a minefield?
I have only ever broken out in hives once, and it was shortly after dinner one evening - it only lasted for 30 minutes or so, after which I was fine. So what part of the meal did it? There were no unusual or infrequent ingredients...although the avocado was rather overripe. Sure enough, there's a common cross reaction between avocado and birch pollen allergy (similar protein structure), and it was high birch season at the time.
So now I must avoid avocado in the spring. Talk about "live and learn!"
JD - Not good but excellent missive.
"Those vigilante do-gooders may have gotten harmed by the CoV jabs and boosters, or they may have gotten lucky and are still vigilante vaccine enthusiasts."
Some like playing this...
Eventually their luck runs out and the odds catch up with them.