"the stuff leads to reckless behavior - careless mistakes with no concern about it - apathy and loss of empathy were mentioned a lot; paranoia and irritability were frequent; odd thought connections - surreal word associations instead of logical interpretations, loss of understanding of proverbs like “A stitch in time saves nine” -

thanks Jennifer, this description of schizophrenic behavior is interesting to me because as a teenager I idolized a schizophrenic charismatic older girl who, not much later, took her own life.

It also helps answer the question I regularly put up on my favorite covid fearporn substacks - what is the point of getting rid of us excess useless eaters if they are killing every freaking living thing on the planet in the process? Your description of adrenochrome effects is as good an answer as low frequency lizard aliens, and is consistent with my teenage experience with such a person.

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The lack of empathy, IMHO, comes from the creatures drawn in to feed on the result of torture and bloodletting; it's called CHI in China or prana in India and all forms of suffering generates their 'food'.

The quid pro quo is endorphin release which naturally results in diminished suffering.

That's how cool God's model is, with literal vehicles we cannot see that are attracted to and reduce suffering as part of the process; the other exchange is favors for the witch doing the blood magic.

"Good luck" or bad luck for their enemies. I know this with 100% certainty.

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I think you have been burning the midnight oil at both ends...

You know what they say, -people in glass houses sink ships!

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Damn the torpedo's, full speed ahead!

That post triggered me - the 'take your loved one with schizophrenia out for pizza' - I had to walk away for a while and then didn't finish editing it.

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hmmm... from recent appearances I could almost wonder if the CA gov isn't experiencing some type of brain influence... similar to Kamala ... is it the default mode for the political elite?

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Seems like it.

Can't make it that far up the power ladder without toeing a line somewhere else is what it seems like.

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I linked your post on climate viewer chat on Telegram, in response to this:


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Fear, fear, fear...

That's all the propaganda is...

At one time someone told a woman... meh, eat this... "Don't fear a THING"...

These same followers today who wear white coats propose:

Inject this, drink that pop this pill, smoke this, don't eat that

YOU WILL DIE unless you listen to US, WE know better...

"We got degrees, and govmnet know best" !

All the while, the SOUL- less, direction-less, populous follow...

Mankind does NOT have the answer... never did.

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JD - Excellent sleuthing. "If you are feeling confident and not anxious, no worries, even apathetic - worries don’t even matter! Big deal! Who cares " Sounds like the Paxil for lunch bunch. SSRI's rewire permanently and that great experiment in terror is over 3 decades in the making. Indeed... https://youtu.be/XlyU1h0QL8U?

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