so they’re laundering the dirty money through Act Blue?

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Or foreign billionaire money. yes, I guess.

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Jul 26Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

These people are sick, of the devil, steal, kill and destroy, deceivers they all are!

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Author

Namaste and peace be with you.

This is bad, yes.

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Jul 27Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

JD - "US candidates are not allowed to take millions of dollars in donations from foreign billionaires."

They make it up as they go along, and post hoc bribery was just made legal by SCOTUS Agent Scully



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Jul 26Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Are these donations not receiptable and deductible at tax time?

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Jul 26Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Maybe this will be how Michelle Obama gets shoe-horned into the candidacy.

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Receipts yes, but I think political donations are generally not tax deductible.

The candidate doesn't have to pay taxes on it as 'earnings', is where a lot of fraud can happen. This is different type of fraud though - hiding the source of money. It is money laundering through a campaign.

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Jul 26Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

It involves breaking up large donations into small ones originated from donors who didn't know they'd donated. Kind of like dead people voting.

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Jul 26Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Do the people who donate not get a receipt at the end of the year? In Canada, political donations are tax deductible. I had just presumed the same was true south of the border. If that were the case these types of illegal campaign contributions would be discovered at tax time.

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Oh, I see. Nonprofit groups that can be a tax write-off, do send a letter.

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What differentiates treasonous 'campaign' donations from illegal ones?

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Taking money from foreigners I think would be treasonous as opposed to just illegally hiding too large of a donation from one individual or organization.

Brave AI - FEC.gov citations are given. Brave caught me with wording - Zero foreign donations are allowed to a US campaign. So, if ActBlue is hiding foreign donations in the names of small money US donors, then it is treasonous/ and/or quite illegal.


My question: What is the limit for a campaign to accept a contribution from a non-citizen or foreign nation in the USA?

Brave AI: According to the Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30121) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) guidelines, it is illegal for a foreign national to contribute to a federal campaign in the United States. This includes:

Direct contributions from foreign nationals to a candidate’s campaign.

Soliciting, accepting, or receiving contributions from foreign nationals.

Acting as a conduit or intermediary for foreign national contributions.

Foreign nationals, as defined by the FEC, include individuals who are not U.S. citizens and do not have a green card (lawful permanent residence).

No Limit, but No Acceptance

Since it is prohibited for campaigns to accept contributions from foreign nationals, there is no limit to be mentioned. Campaigns are not allowed to accept any contributions from foreign nationals, and doing so would be illegal.


While Social Welfare Organizations (SWOs) are exempt from disclosing their donors, as long as at least half of their activities are non-political, this does not change the prohibition on foreign national contributions. Foreign nationals cannot contribute to SWOs with the intention of influencing a federal election, and SWOs cannot use these funds to make political expenditures.

In summary, there is no limit for campaigns to accept contributions from non-citizens or foreign nations in the USA because it is illegal for campaigns to accept such contributions in the first place.

Click for Citations: https://search.brave.com/search?q=What+is+the+limit+for+a+campaign+to+accept+a+contribution+from+a+non-citizen+or+foreign+nation+in+the+USA&source=web&summary=1&summary_og=8e9400c1897e2074703a6e

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