Sep 25, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

For similar reasons, I stopped donating to OxFam.

Once you start researching a lot of these charities, it's alarming what you find. I still give to a few, but mostly local things I can verify as not involved in trafficking.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

So many I used to give to I found out were traffickers or slush funds for the globalists...Red Cross, Boys Town, any organization with the word “children” in it.

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As a "recovering Catholic" reader of another stack, I posted a comment.

Someone came out of the woodwork to lambaste me, came after me hard, blathering righteously about the "Latin Mass", and that I would not have "gone astray" had I ever participated in one...

I replied, kindly, that I am 65, and had (forcibly) "participated" in many of those rituals, as well as others which harmed me as a child, in both Canada and Italy.

"The Church" has been harboring these types of criminals, and absorbing them into other diocese, since forever.

In Italy, the Pope, who advocated for all good Catholics to line up for their Covid19 shots, is currently advocating for illegal migrants who are beating one another with sticks and stones in Lampedusa...

There's a video out there, shot on the cell phone of a migrant...

Looked a lot like this:


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Not a recovering Catholic, but a suggestion that made sense to me was priests should get married. Surely won't solve all the problems, but requiring priests to be celibate is like trying to keep a wolf in your apartment.

Good for you for looking at where your money goes. Since philanthropathy became a thing, it's hard to know!

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Support parents... anyone who is supporting a child and acting as a protector and provider. Love (the mama and papa bear kind) is what distinguishes a parent from a day care worker. NEVER will any foster care system be better than the student God ordained: FAMILY. Some families are bad... most are good, and even if they need to improve it is ultimately the only way, because true mama/papa bear love is something you cannot buy or replicate in a “program.”

Local food banks and shelters.

Operation Underground Railroad.

Eastern Orthodox allow priests to be married; if I were to convert with a choice of Catholic or Eastern Orthodox, it would be EO in a heartbeat.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

On the other hand, can 1.3 billion believers be wrong?

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That is the dilemma, you nailed it. We need to recognize and throw out bad apples - or the dirty bathwater, but save the baby.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Yes, very wrong. At least in the case of 1.3+ billion believing in--and taking--the jab, as one example.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I was thinking about the referenced pedophile priests, but I've always wondered by Catholics aren't more vociferously pro-life, assuming that they, as do I, believe that a distinct human life begins at conception, in the form of a human zygote.

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The world Islamic population is over 1.9-billion.

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Thank you. Faith does help.

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Yes, absolutely. Billions of believers can be wrong. For details of the root of the issue, read "The Great Controversy Between Christ And Satan", written in the 1800's by Ellen G. White

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The vast majority of believers that aren't practicing are wrong, by default.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

100%. Peace.

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Yes, what?

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"On the other hand, can 1.3 billion believers be wrong? " yes they can be ... Was that a serious question? sorry if i was being flippant.

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Of course it was a serious question, but flippant answers are better than no answers to a serious question.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Thanks Jen. For details of the root of the issue, read "The Great Controversy Between Christ And Satan", written in the 1800's by Ellen G. White. The pope and the Catholic church throughout history are covered in detail. The organization is basically organized crime. My solution, when it works and if it's possible, is to give directly to those in need. Peace.

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Thank you Steve. Peace to you too.

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Why do you focus on this particular relatively obscure denomination?

By this logic, shouldn't you be writing off the Catholic Church as a whole?

Or at least dioceses in Boston, Baltimore, Charleston, Tucson, Dallas, Phoenix, Fairbanks, Chicago, New York City, New Jersey, Louisville, Portland, Denver, Iowa, Milwaukee, Duluth, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Wilmington, Bridgeport, Honolulu, New Orleans, Spokane, Palm Beach, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, Orange County and Eureka, California - Nova Scotia, Quebec, and so on - Manchester, England as well as numerous dioceses across Great Britain, Ireland, Europe and Australia?

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I responded to outreach mailings with a donation and then wanted to research it before sending an ongoing donation. I may yet. Another reply about 1.3 billion not being wrong reminded me that we do need to support the good helpers, not penalize good effort because of bad apples. The concern is how many bad are there? How much in charge?

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Okay. Makes sense. Sorry for being nit-picky, or seeming anti Catholic.

Regarding bad apples - ongoing coverups from the top of many dioceses ? Seems to have been very much institutionally tolerated - if not facilitated. It's a terrible shame.

And not like other religions haven't had (don't have) abusers in positions of power - but so widespread?

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Yes, allegedly most all major religions are infiltrated at top levels and the TV Christian ministries too. Foster care system in the US. Schools, orphanages, daycares, it is sad to have not realized how vulnerable kids are to organized predators or even the lone ones who look for job in the vulnerable places.

There can also just be bad child care. I pulled my toddler out of one preschool that she didn't want to go back to and she was fine at another place. Different atmosphere or specific teachers, don't know.

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