A cancer drug example of 'War on Health' as the current strategy of healthcare.
Depressing news grab bag. Time for some nature medicine.
New research has revealed that a long held belief within cancer drug research was wrong because it was based on lab work with higher doses of a drug group than ever actually got into a cancer cell in a patient. The drug group - “microtubule poisons” things that mess up microtubules during cell division causing the cell to not divide - and the research team found, to cause the two sets of chromosomes to divide into too many groups - uneven distribution instead of two matching sets having been created and separated as normal. Microtubules are like scaffolding within the cell or a big crane with a hook that can move parts to the needed place on a skyscraper. (Inside of the cell is small to us but big to the cell contents.)
The thing to consider about giving a person a “microtubule poison” is that it is a poison. It would disrupt any growing cell like skin or hair cells.
The excited take-home point from the article is that they need to redirect their drug development goals to target chromosomal movement during cell division.
“Weaver and her colleagues found that paclitaxel and other microtubule poisons cause abnormalities that lead cells to form three, four or sometimes five poles during mitosis even as they continue to make just one copy of chromosomes. These poles then attract the two complete sets of chromosomes in more than two directions, scrambling the genome.
“So, after mitosis you have daughter cells that are no longer genetically identical and have lost chromosomes," Weaver says. "We calculated that if a cell loses at least 20% of its DNA content, it is very likely going to die."
These findings reveal the likely reason why microtubule poisons are effective for many patients. Importantly, they also help explain why attempts to find new chemo drugs based solely on stopping mitosis have been so disappointing, Weaver says.
"We've been barking up the wrong tree," she says. "We need to refocus our efforts on screwing up mitosis — on making chromosomal segregation worse."“
Common Chemo Drugs May Not Work as We Thought. (technologynetworks.com)
These people/cancer drug researchers and providers, really think they are helping people - super confident even while the patient isn’t being helped.
My father’s cancer doctor didn’t want to spend even one minute listening about pomegranate peel. My dad lasted almost 16 months on Hospice with what was supposedly lethal cancer that was metastasizing. He got more pomegranate peel and took vitamins that I selected during most of that time. My mother with Alzheimer’s does not swallow capsules anymore and hasn’t gotten much pomegranate peel compared to his diet. She gets pomegranate juice most days but it isn’t as potent against cancer as the peel. Her mass (no official Dx) has grown rapidly over the last six months. Her abdomen is full of lumps now and she has lost 30 pounds (she was overweight but now is very weak). This is all very sad but she already didn’t have quality of life. The family doesn’t want aggressive treatment and she doesn’t like much commotion or office visits.
Conversation with someone with advanced Alzheimer’s: “What is that?” “It is banana. You like bananas.” “Oh” It took her a while but she ate the pieces of banana.
Whether the CDC wants to admit it or not - turbo-cancer in the multiple jabbed seems very real. My parents each got three jabs. My dad believed CNN not me.
Talking about truth helps though. My double jabbed sister with major health issues pulled through a recent CoV infection her college son brought home - she remembered the Basic Stack nutrients that I had given her when we got sick from visiting my father in a nursing home early 2022. (He had surgery after the cancer was found and then refused more chemo or radiation). She gave them to her family and took them herself and got better again. Dr. Zelenko’s very Basic Stack: vitamin D and C, zinc and quercetin. It really can help. I suggested she use the vitamin C multiple times a day while actively fighting the infection.
See my page Prenatal/Child on jenniferdepew.com for more information about my version of the Basic Stack for CoV early treatment or general prevention.
Radical idea for cancer treatment - consider working on restoring health to the cytoplasm and mitochondria and the body will take care of the cells with bad DNA.
Snarky idea - just give the cancer patients RoundUp/glyphosate, that will mess up microtubules and disrupt cell division.
Be careful who you ask for help from. They might stick you on a vent while your lungs are still working and then give you four paralytic sedatives to make your lungs stop fighting . . . and then typically you die if that goes on very long.
Hard to be happy in these depressing times.
Oh, by the way, our government is trying to kill us and have been doing a pretty good job for many decades.
Who to listen to for advice? Those with advice that is helpful ideally.
Interesting article about whose advice to listen to. Financial education is the focus of the SubStack but general wisdom is included.
News from ‘Woke’ Vancouver, Canada:
Canada’s woke nightmare: A warning to the West. Documentary, (Youtube). One of the film-makers suggests that normalizing Fentanyl use and providing needles for safe injection of illicit drugs has led to worsening of the homelessness and drug use problem in Canada. Another film-maker focused on interviewing Canadians about the trans agenda. Views shared suggest that it is viewed as a way to surgically alter gay children - telling them they are the opposite gender rather than simply have homosexual love interests. Good point - it is not acceptance to tell children that they are in the wrong body and ‘God made a mistake.’ No humans f__’d up the food supply and environment with endocrine disrupting chemicals. Don’t blame God or Mother Nature for that.
Also important - the W.H.O. power grab could leave us all being forced to be injected with whatever bioweapon they want to insist on.
OFFICIAL INFORMATION REQUEST AND OPEN LETTER TO PARLIAMENT REGARDING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS 2005, “If adopted, the WHO will have the right to impose lockdowns, mandate international health passports, mandate experimental vaccines and medicines and prevent certain medicines from being used.” - IAN BRIGHTHOPE, (Substack).
Also - Lahaina
Evidence of Directed Energy Weapons used in Lahaina and elsewhere. The local people have been allowed to go back to their homes now. Damage is odd in places - looking like a laser burnt something partially but didn’t ignite the whole building. The intense heat would have been significantly hotter than a normal wildfire to cause melted glass and aluminum and yet foliage nearby didn’t burn. DEW weapons can affect molecular structure of somethings, like metal, but not others, like flammable trees, depending on settings of some sort (I don’t know the specifics).
Lahaina Reopens and New Questions Arise, Greg Reese, (Substack).
“NORAD tracked CCP satellites directly above all three fires at the time of ignition. Many people are saying it’s Directed Energy Weapons, and we are not getting any answers from our criminal government.”
Is the CCP being framed or are they controlling Biden and the destruction of the US? Why would the CCP help elites get the land they want in Hawaii?
The Economist on Cancel Culture
The Economist magazine has a special issue on Canceling the Cancel Culture. They consider themselves a liberal magazine but that ‘Woke’ may have gone too far if people are suggesting bombing Israeli children is okay. One month free trial is available to read the edition.
How to Cancel Cancel Culture, Oct. 19, 2023,(Economist.com).
Why is it okay then to bomb children in Gaza?
Their regular issue news opens with the title: “Why Israel must fight on.” “Israel’s bombardment of Gaza is taking a terrible toll. But unless Hamas’s power is broken, peace will remain out of reach” (Economist.com)
Peace will remain out of reach while Israel continues to bomb children in Gaza too. Obliterating Gaza is not going to make new friends with anyone else in the area. Israel is the predator nation which steals homes from other people.
The Economist seems to not understand what ‘Cancel Culture’ really is. Gaza is being canceled. Bob Saget was canceled allegedly for losing popularity - alleged by himself shortly before his ‘accidental’ death. Anne Heche was canceled allegedly for making a documentary about child trafficking - alleged by anyone looking into the story with an open mind.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Your parents are blessed to have a daughter like you who has helped them so much!
So sad to hear. I know it’s hard.