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*I am an affiliate marketer, I have great appreciation for Dr. Zelenko, I just don’t mention it much because food and individual supplements can help too.
Video interview of M (sp?) Daniel Otero regarding the spike toxicity and passive exposure risks. Excellent! I would provide more hopeful or helpful guidance than totally avoid the jabbed. That isn’t always possible. (https://t.me/deNutrientsChat/23153)
My thoughts about the interview with Daniel Otero:
100% correct give or take for having to explain extremely complex information at layperson levels. There are more ways than ACE2 to enter cells. I haven't called the spike "magnetic", but it is positively charged, so - that is polar electricity?, and I would provide more hope and guidance. Since it is positively charged, negative ionizers sterilize the air - clumps drop out of the air, sweep and mop more often (note to self - do that part too). I would certainly add, caution in crowds, do intranasal rinse or spray after being out. I did find KN95 masks helpful for short visits to very high risk medical settings. Wear it 100% of the time, the taking it off to eat there is super ridiculous "CoV era" nonsense. If it helps at all it has to stay on securely 100% of the time in the risky setting.
Pomegranate and citrus peel - I was right all along about hesperidin and citrus peel - EXTREMELY effective and of course the pomegranate peel is too. and other things. But this is really bad, a really bad toxin and the jabbed are making trillions of toxic spike. The "passively vaccinated" <term used in the animal research - it was their goal to be able to jab only part of a population and have the entire population affected by the mRNA carrying exosomes.
I would have added the word exosomes and mentioned the "passive vaccination" animal research was to promote infertility in an unwanted 'animal' population.
Regarding Agitated Denial - first I heard of the phrase but it is perfect and reminded me of a talk I had with my sister abut procrastination. She understood perfectly - when in the procrastination mode, you not only are not getting the procrastinated task done - you also aren't getting any normal stuff done either - because you are putting that off to "focus" on the priority task. She understood, could relate. That was what I have experienced at times with the pomegranate paper. Random odd things get done instead of the priority or normal chores.
Regarding not believing this person Daniel Otero CDS (?) - he did an extremely good job at explaining very complex information. I give him a standing ovation. 🥳🎉🎊
Additional point about the agitated denial re the spike/CoV or anything - you knock someone off their comfort zone and they may take their agitation out on you - may get mad at you. No one wants to be the messenger and deliver the bad news because the messenger gets killed. They brought bad news. Then later when realization sinks in there will still be denial because no one would want to admit to themselves that they will kill when under duress, or 'kill' metaphorically/socially. I've seen it. People get too uncomfortable and they just distance themselves from the whole thing.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance. Please seek a functional health care professional for individual guidance.
Thank you for the post. The vending machine pic was neat to see the glaring contrast. I've never been able to shock anyone into the light, only through gentle nudging and providing good questions to ask. I still wish I was more effective though.