Aether flow, as painted by Vincent Van Gogh. The only thing surprising to me about this news is that people were surprised. His aerial flow is just like water ripples on the river when you are canoeing or rowing and the paddle makes mini whirlpools in the water. Aether flows in the air like water. We can see it in space in spiral nebula.
“In 2019, two Australian graduate students mathematically analyzed the painting and concluded it shares the same turbulent features as molecular clouds (where literal stars are born), based on a 2004 Hubble image of turbulent eddies of dusty clouds moving around a supergiant star. They examined digital photographs of several van Gogh paintings and measured the brightness varied between any two pixels, calculating the probability that two pixels at a given distance would have the same luminance. They found evidence of something remarkably close to Kolmogorov scaling, not just in Starry Night, but also in two other paintings from the same period in van Gogh's life: Wheatfield with Crows and Road with Cypress and Star (both painted in 1890).” ( Sept. 17, 2024
Yinxiang Ma, Wanting Cheng, Shidi Huang, François G. Schmitt, Xin Lin, Yongxiang Huang; Hidden turbulence in van Gogh's The Starry Night. Physics of Fluids 1 September 2024; 36 (9): 095140.
That article mentions that Van Gogh had painted in a room that wasn’t well lit. He was painting from memory and/or imagination then.
News story ( via (

I have this painting as a large print. I have always liked it because canoe trips were fun and it reminds of whorls in the water. Waterbugs skate on the surface like the stars are scattered in Starry Night's sky. I shared a photo of my Starry Night print in a 2023 post about aether flow in the air and universe - part of my James DeMeo book series.

Color of the day, bittersweet orange.
What if Van Gogh had been well nourished? and kept his ear intact?

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Thank you for your insight. We have not understood what art really is!
Is Kepler possible without Copernicus? And is Copernicus possible without Michelangelo’s ascension? Both Leonardo and Michelangelo led the enlightenment, allowing Descartes to probe the mind, Martin Luther to free us from religious dogma, and Galileo to challenge the church with science. Ask yourself; is Quantum Mechanics even possible without Salvador Dali and Picasso?
We are creatures who dream and art stimulates the mind.